Metatron, you might enjoy reading one of the gurus of "Trends" Gerald Celante, I think you already read his material because your insights are deep, your smart brother!
"I'm not making a prediction because we need more evidence. I am a trend follower by nature (as by habit with stock market speculation).
I do think we need to be skeptical about the automatic assumption that, just because they have always been obsessed with control, they always will be. The practical necessity of this cultish dominance has been compromised.
Can you tell us your insights how you think their group has been compromised and what are the factors changing "group dynamics" in their ranks? I posted their experiment on Nancy Yuing, remember her story via the JW Grape Vine versus Ray Franz Jr's account of how she was given chances to get out of jail and she refused because she thought she was being loyal to Jehovah. The British Branch Office in Hong Kong could have told Nancy Yuing to "Stop, Get out of the Country with your husband and children!" instead the Branch was intrigued by Nancy going to jail, she went back and forth, back and forth until the Communist Chinese said "Enough is enough!", placed her in jail for twenty years? None of the Branch Family was preaching, no Special Pioneers or Western Cult leaders stepped in to Communist China's Field Service, they crave control like Psychopaths do without regard for their followers lives!
Metatron, if the Preaching is producing little tangible proceeds, why don't they place their focus on something beyond the door-to-door work? If Stats are true and 70-80% of Witnesses are, were found in the Door-to-door Work, why not put all their energies there? It's because it keeps them "busy" and spinning their wheels, do you remember the good feelings when you found people to talk to? Those feelings we felt when we preached were trippy because now I am getting them when I help with our Community. I never wanted that strange feeling because I feel it's our job to help anyon who needs help, it's hard because I have lots of JW Biasm I am trying to eradicate out of my head and it's so hard. How do we remain stable in life without fixating on situations and get away from all the negative thinking decades of constant bombardment inflicted on us?
Sahs, why do they continue to focus on works that do not produce? I think you slammed the nail in, really good ideas you have!
"he door-to-door preaching work is really a tool to reinforce the idea for individual JWs that they are “on the right track” for salvation because, after all, they can say to themselves, “Well, it’s far more than just me doing it – there’s almost eight million of us all doing it together worldwide!” Sahs