wow, lol, I just read every post here, and have not a freaking clue what the heck is being discussed,
let alone asked. i just had to reply out of morbid curiosity. yes you may giggle and call me naive.
what nonsense is this? mr docHouse WHAT are you asking? use plain english. what is the whole point of this post? seriously, more riddles here than in the bible itself. troll? or not, what is your question? and omg what are these answers? secret codes, lol.
let me say this. I am here now, after having no one in the org with any claimed intelligence in jw doctrine, answer my questions for the past 20 years, learning by myself, how people may reason on some things, as to understand, and get a hearing ear possibly. i accept what makes sense to me personally. and this post sure makes no sense.
i can honestly say, I have never accused or pointed a finger at anyone, I have no rafter in my eye, never have. who is my accuser? I have none.
im not df, i have been 'ignored' out of the jw org . Im sure no matter what good i did, it will never be remembered the moment someone who is a jw learns that I know more about what is wrong than right in the org.
no one, not even the Lord. not even God , accuses me of a thing. I am innocent to any 'sin'.
I sleep at night.
[So people what the heck?]