HEY! what COLLEGE did they go to to learn how to play so good???
most religious music makes me wanna gag
i think i've seen it all now.
nothing surprises me.
HEY! what COLLEGE did they go to to learn how to play so good???
most religious music makes me wanna gag
since so many athiests in this thread, and since i'm going to college, i was curious if what i would learn in biology would change my thoughts and show that life clearly and easily spontaneously happened.
just looking up the origins of dna or rna there is nothing conclusive.
for example, scientists today are able to manipulate life.
we will not find the answers we will not live long enough someday someone will. but it should be enjoyable and open always for discussion and should never have any religious opposition, for many a 'faith' has been found to be untrue.
those who do not follow religion prefer not to be labeled as atheists,I feel that word is sort of a prejudiced slur, maybe not all feel that way, but its viewed as a negative word, and those who do not believe in a God are not being negative, they just haven't been presented with enough evidence as science and history has presented and have seen the damage religions have done t mankind.
maybe our creator Isnt a God, did you ever ponder that?
im not sure where to post this but i think its telling.
not long but read it closely i get a bit confused on the latter half.
the question is did god establish his covenant with the gentile nations or the jews.. [though i have read from a jewish web source, that the jews have nothing to do with israel and the greek scriptures or half the hebrew scriptures ].
im not sure where to post this but i think its telling
not long but read it closely i get a bit confused on the latter half
the question is did God establish his covenant with the gentile nations or the Jews.. [though i have read from a jewish web source, that the jews have nothing to do with Israel and the greek scriptures or half the Hebrew scriptures ]
the way i understand it it that no one other than Israel has a covenant with God and it is still in effect basically
it is the gentiles who choose to join Israel and their covenant who are then taken into consideration. not those who stay apart from that nation. also there is no symbolism apparently, its to be taken literal. other than the obvious literary symbolism.
the searcher brought this scripture up on another thread:.
(1 timothy 5:8) "certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.
" [disowned jehovah].
Ive always hear it applied as spiritual, personally I apply it to the physical,
however how is it read in the new international bible, see below.
8 Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
and what is the context, i read parallel of this at bible gateway, the whole chapter speaks of widows elders and slaves....
[having slaves, was Never spoken of against in the bible. as is the obvious attitude of unworthiness for the rights and feelings of women is this still observed today? apparently in many cultures]
it also points out in vs
19 Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses.
the two and three witness rule is spoken of as only applying to the elders,[ so THATS why they can get away with child abuse.]
king james version says at vs 11-12
11 But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry;
12 Having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith.. [gee was their 'first faith' their husbands law?'so
women are damned if they wish to remarry. lol, stupid ass men back then really ruined it for themselves huh?
[what the hell does wax wanton mean, lol!] silly old book.
Id say, clearly this is a book written for the chosen ones of Israel and did not apply to the gentile nations.
why are so many jehovah's witnesses unaware of their own beliefs.
i would imagine the repetitive meetings, studies and door to door knocking would firmly root them in their beliefs.. yet, i've observed they either back out of challenging questions at times, or share a link to jay w org.. .
no one has time.
the org likes to keep you so busy you dont even 'know' your own congregation.
the magazines give you all the 'answers' no one cares if they make sense.
see,.... wt quote
But in Jehovah’s organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to that very thing, to help you who do not have so much time for this, these preparing the good material in The Watchtower and other publications of the Society.”
— Watchtower, The Watchtower, June 1, 1967, page 338
when we finally do have time, and use a real bible, we study ourselves right to the real 'truth'
my study on the watchtower magazine for march 15, 2015 is available at:.
this watchtower presents jesus stories at matthew 25: the ten virgins; the talents; and the final judgment (sheep and goats).
i read that first study lesson. and the second,
i got a headache, and a few chuckles. simple? until they say in par 10, its puzzling. lol
i believe according to allllll the context in every case,
Jesus was applying everything to his 12 [11] apostles , period. after Jesus spoke to them in acts 1
they disappeared from the scene accept for peter, once, i believe.
why because they were separate sect from what paul was starting.
just my take.
so i have gotten into arguements with my wife in the past about this cult.
now a days after reading steve hassan books...i just try and avoid anything jdub with her.
try to keep her in authentic mode..(not sure she really has one).
my mom gets me with that all the time! omg.
I doubt seriously, that those 'works' spoken of in scripture, are not the same that jws refer to obviously. so,
i try to explain it to her this way
what we do personally , to give a good example to everyone we know or meet that will give them a favorable view of us, in the end, results in a favorable view of the god who produces persons with such good works .
it has no boundary to a named faith, its not about religious works, which usually are done for the reason of getting noticed, which were spoken of in the scriptures as not having meaning. let your right hand not know what your left is doing ect ect.
all people of all walks of life do 'good' works, otherwise none of us would be here.
title pretty self explanatory.. all thats at the top of the page is my screen name message alert sign out then the search.. when i go to my screen name for settings there is nothing there to change password just change the avatar.. we also should have the easy option of deleting our account [ and every post we made, totally if we need to].. advice?.
that's' the headline of an article in the sydney morning herald.
my jw family are sharing it with glee on facebook right now.
here's the link; .
title pretty self explanatory.. all thats at the top of the page is my screen name message alert sign out then the search.. when i go to my screen name for settings there is nothing there to change password just change the avatar.. we also should have the easy option of deleting our account [ and every post we made, totally if we need to].. advice?.
title pretty self explanatory.
all thats at the top of the page is my screen name message alert sign out then the search.
when i go to my screen name for settings there is nothing there to change password just change the avatar.
we also should have the easy option of deleting our account [ and every post we made, totally if we need to].