hmm, what have I been up to
filing for divorce
baby shower
puppy and cat sitting for a week and,
bridal shower
family picnic
still waiting for divorce certificate
i really enjoy hearing about other people's lives.
feeling a little lonely this evening so please tell me if you have plans for the summer months.
i may go to some outdoor theatre with my daughter who's home from uni; with a picnic and a bottle of wine.
hmm, what have I been up to
filing for divorce
baby shower
puppy and cat sitting for a week and,
bridal shower
family picnic
still waiting for divorce certificate
once a month about 15 to 20 elderly jw publishers would meet at the kingdom hall and one elder was assigned to set up the system so they could view jw broadcasting.
these publishers were long time pioneers, former elders, and long time publishers who know nothing about computers or the internet.
they are the last batch of those expecting the generation that saw 1914 or understood it--- to not die off.
wow, wow, and wow. omg, Im glad I want there Id have lost it, and someone would have had to drag me out of the building. self righteous fools those ones are who uttered those words.
It really makes me sick to hear how these people think that in order to have Gods favor, they need to view tv evangelism, hear talks, go door to door and make food.
these elderly people are so blind, you would think at that age they would see they do not need to follow men.
they have a bible, that's all they need.
was it designed?.
rabies' purposeful mode of transmissionrabies is caused by a number of lyssaviruses that attack the cells of the nervous system disrupting their normal function.
symptoms include painful spasms in the muscles of the throat and larynx of patients, accompanied by a strong aversion to drinking liquids - hydrophobia.
I have the perfect answer to that, given to me by my lifetime pioneer aunt, years ago, and believed by my mother and who knows who else, lol
Satan, has creative powers.............
what scripture pray tell, would support that? none, but she 'reasoned' that it must be so, because satan is an all powerful angel with creative powers and God wouldn't create harmful creatures.
I guess it works for her.
incredibly, fred franz once announced at a district convention: "yesterday a sister approached me and said, brother franz, why do we have to keep our children up so late just so they can attend the meetings?
i responded sister ***, would you rather have a tired child or a dead child?".
*cue rapturous applause*.
oh man, do I remember the days when my little brother was little, he was hyper active, and was on and off the chair through the whole meeting. then he would fall asleep, and my mom would be thrilled,lol she would take him down the the ladies room and beat the daylights out of him for not sitting still, as if he could! not after feeding us captain crunch for breakfast, lol, he was so wired! she was clueless about nutrition, we ate processed food all the time.I was always tired, irritable and bored to death at every meeting.
that kids sleeping on the floor is a common sight, you I remember the convention isles, blankets pillows, books, pencils, bags of snacks, sippy cups, lol, it was like a picnic
I remember when a couple I knew would leave the meeting halfway through because the kids had homework, and other people would criticize that.
well gee they might miss that SAME demonstration, about how to place a watchtower and awake
omg, how awful, lol or , omg they missed the announcements,
you would think that the watchtower would have taken children into consideration when making meeting times.
fat chance.
ok..before you start no i don't watch them but my family have a never ending need to watch "how i met your mother" and endless repeats of "friends" .
canned laughter, one liners with pause so those of lesser brain can catch the 'humour'.
i have to put up with the sound track.. thank god for the abc classic fm-radio.
lol, brain dead? how about nearly anything from the 70's [even 80's],
welcome back kotter [spelling it right?] Lavern and Shirley? happy days? the Jefferson's? mork and mindy? ALF??? LOL my most hated, full house, my sister was only able to watch that when she was little, and they had reruns on air forever.....
paragraph 14.
"the majority if unmarried youths who lose their virginity say that they regret what they did.".
where do they get this stuff?.
i'm just curious if any body knows or can give an example of a kingdom hall that needed renovating/repairing after the kh bank accounts were stripped.
just recently i've been thinking about trying to talk about ttatt to my father.
i'm just trying to find an opportunity.
i know he will never leave it - or i would be surprised if he did.
Im not too keen on trying to wake my mom up, i need all the help with her that will hopefully come her way,lol
shes so unreasonable and cannot make heads or tails of anything said, that i have not let her drag me into what basically turns to me defending my right to use my brain, and nothing more. it just goes around in circles.
now if you and your father have an awesom close relationship and you have known him t oopenly question things in the past, and hes a man who has read things outside the org, like ANY real news magazines or documentaries. you might be able to slip in a comment every now and then
but ask yourself this, as I did.
what is your desired result? will it improve his situation or yours, or the families? or is it simply for the purpose of him knowing what you now know? is he financially secure, and can survive in the old way till he passes? if so you might not really benefit.
my mom knowing what I know would not change her one bit, shes still opinionated, think shes right about everything, does what she wants how she wants, and can live in a world with no other books accept the ones the watchtower wrote and thinks it equals a college education! lol. and she would suddenly not have anything to look forward to Sunday morning and Thursday night. she would loose what little social life she has now,[my sister already suffers from 'too much mom'] and shes in her early 70's her health is starting to suffer, and within ten years, she will be needing help, and me, I plan to be too busy making up the last freaking 40 years of my lost life to be driving her to the kin dum hall .
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
well there are lots of reason for sure, denial, delusion, wishful thinking, ego maniac, infantile understanding of ancient writings, satanophobia, xenophobia, out of touch with reality, limited choices scrapping the bottom of the barrel,and many more.. listen to this ted talk and see if you can pick out something that helps explain why these guys are such ass holes:.
organizations are often run according to the superchicken model, where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others.
and yet, this isnt what drives the most high-achieving teams.
nice ted talk, im going to post that one my Facebook page and see if any one actually watches it. lol
as it applies to all of humanity as a whole.
I always wondered, were those in attendance at the convention where these guys gave these blubbering opinions, allowed to bring newly interested one? or stream the talk onto someones private tv or computer?
can you imagine what these people thought upon hearing all that?
a sure way to alienate everyone id say