JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
A Watchtower double standard: Rejection and the silent treatment.
by ScenicViewer ina recent watchtower study article shows how bad it is to be rejected over religious beliefs when olga revealed that her husband was not speaking to her because she is a jehovah's witness.. 9 in south america, olga proved loyal to god by showing respect for her husband even under trying circumstances.
for years, he expressed annoyance at her for being one of jehovah’s witnesses.
he abused her emotionally, insulted her, refused to speak to her, and threatened to take the children and leave her.
wow,thats screwed up thinking. i mean in the article, lol, -
Oh happy people
by zeb inwhat is it with meetings?.
so often she comes home throws her bag down and stomps around the house.
there are times it thoroughly gets me down.. + supportive comment welcome.
thing is, when we sat at meeting seeing who is there and in our minds we like to think everyone else is doing ok, or better,
and guess what, everyone goes home and feels the same way, lol
I know this.
one day about a year before I left,I was in the ladies rest room, and there was a 'sister' in there who was sitting in one of the chairs they have for feeding babies, I asked her how she was, she looked tired, she said , 'i have no idea how much more I can take of this, Im so tired, I have the kids to get in their service hours, [both teens] help my son with his talk, and were pioneering this month, and we have home projects going on , and now we have to .....'
well,you get the message, she was burned out . I wish I could somehow tell her what I know now. her family was so nice, and they were just jumping through hoops. they were what we would say is the model JW family.
always at meetings, doing it all, hubby a mini servant, son giving excellent talks, daughter and mom pioneering, and mom home schooling. oh and on assembly parts, [you know, the ones we like to hate, lol.]
we imagine how it is 'supposed' to be in the JW world, which is impossible, and then we later find out that everyone has worse problems than we thought.
I stopped caring what people thought of me fifteen years ago... I did and said what I felt was right.
[gee maybe thats why no one harassed me about not going in service or missing a few meetings,lol]
Oh happy people
by zeb inwhat is it with meetings?.
so often she comes home throws her bag down and stomps around the house.
there are times it thoroughly gets me down.. + supportive comment welcome.
oppostate, that used to be me, I apologize for her.
for me it was because I hated going alone, sitting alone, being in the car alone, having to put on a fake smile,feeling inferior because weren't the 'model family . [ not that i cared deep inside]
then, having to 'answer' to the few random passer bys that ask, 'oh where is hubby , not feeling well?'
then I had to lie and make up excuses,
[ which after a while became complaints because it was usually overtime that kept him away.]
put up with my mothers foolish comments about it all.
[ the gossip queen of the service group who pretty much ruined our reputations ]
all the while wishing I didn't have to keep up the act of being so spiritual, while wanting to know why people didnt practice what they preached because it seemed like I was the only one who gave a crap about people.
then slowly dying as a person inside watching my kids have no friends, being judged, and my marriage being split in two directions .
shes miserable, because she feels guilty for thinking what she does. its eating her alive inside, and shes afraid to become 'inactive'. and not fit the mold. fed the lie that god will not like her, if shes not in attendance or has one self centered thought.
shes mad, that her life isnt like those fake made up experiences she hears at conventions, or reads about in the year book.
shes not happy, other wise shed come home and say, so n so invited us to dinner, or to a cook out, or so n so got that great job, bla bla bla, and shed ignore you.
isnt the big bible logic that you can 'win' your mate without a word based on your actions? her actions show that you aren't missing a thing, lol why go if your going to be made to feel like crap.
idk, if you make a choice, you either loose family member's, or loose your identity.
but gee, she yearns to be woke up. poor dear.
Prince died from overdose?
by TweetieBird ini just saw where the emergency landing that prince made several days ago in moline was due to an opiate overdose.
this came from tmz and sounded pretty credible.
if true, just curious if he would still be given a jw funeral, if that is what he wanted..
Im not understanding the comments about hip surgery needing large amounts of blood, I know many people who have had hip surgery many jws, with no issues at all, and quite a quick recovery. its done so often now , they have it down to a regular old routine.
if he had flu like symptoms the week before, there is a chance he had a mild heart problem, and he simply had a heart attack, or even a stroke, or he had some virus that took him down.
food for thought,
I ask this, how a world would work without the green fugus among us...
ideas? lets just say, that instead of people needing to steal, food, a tv or a coat, or are in need of a place to live, they just get it? the US seems to be the most wasteful country on earth. We all know what goes in the trash, especially from retailers, good food, working electronics, furniture, clothing, all usable. Ive seen it. and its a sin.
it shows there is plenty to go around.
anyone who works hard , paid or not [ moms at home] shouldn't be hungry or homeless or uneducated.
its a right of life.
maybe his slogan should be 'get rid of the green...' lol
Abolitionist Harriet Tubman will replace President Andrew Jackson on the US$20 bill
by oppostate in"it’s official: secretary of the treasury jack lew has announced that abolitionist harriet tubman will replace president andrew jackson on the $20 bill.
and, while jackson will still reportedly remain on the reverse side of the bill, the move is nonetheless a momentous one.. .
"naturally there are many people who will complain about this decision, but since tubman’s legacy leading slaves to freedom through the underground railroad is beyond reproach, these critics will most likely turn to defending jackson.
and in about a year when everyone is used to it,and all the hoopla is over,
no one will remember who is on what bill anyway. they made a big deal out of nothing,
its the right thing to do to honor people who make a difference in the world, it should be like postage stamps,
they should often put different people on bills, and slowly take older bills out of circulation. say every 5 years. banks can start collecting and returning a certain series.
it might make it more difficult for counterfeiting to keep up, lol
Circuit Overseer say. . .
by Ringo inlast night i had to suffer through the bs spouted by the new co. some garbage about the bible transforming us as people.
he went on and on about how we can look good to people at the hall who see the outside, but the bible will tell us what we are inside.. then he proceeded to use a few select verses to say sex is bad and so is the desire for it.
a healthy bank account or savings is wrong, shouldn't have that either.
ok, do they ever sit and ponder the results of what would happen if every jw was a pioneer? lol.
apparently not. [ an immediate contradiction again, right off the platform]
they would very very quickly fall apart, as they would have NO money coming in, because we all know pioneers are usually unemployed ,part timers , stay at home moms, recent grads, welfare recipients and old folks living on social security. plus with no real literature to speak of, what are they supposed to do door to door? they dont know a bible or what to do with it.
then you said..
'Then he proceeded to use a few select verses to say sex is bad and so is the desire for it. A healthy bank account or savings is wrong, shouldn't have that either. And no more hunting because that means you might own a firearm.'
so he made sex for what reason then? and he made us want to eat, so we hunt, and we cant save money, so when were broke, whos got our backs? god? I dont think so, they you'll be condemned for being foolish, and not preparing for the future,
can we see no matter what, your screwed in that religion?
i really pisses me off when my mom claims a 'principal' applies to being told how to think and what to do.
principals are for us to apply in our own ways based on our individual conscience. anything we do is for the good of our existence, and that of our families.
Id like to shove that word principal up a principal place on their anatomy.
Interesting statement regarding "this generation"
by InChristAlone ini keep up with, and i noticed an interesting question to "brother rando".
his statement surprised me, and i am wondering if i missed some new light along the way.. question:.
"hello bro rando.
Im assuming, that more and more people are getting tired of all this constant new light bull crap. where is this person getting his info an authority, to assume.
interesting again, to read this statement
'We come to realize..'
who is the 'we' here?
again, that means all the while, the holy spirit/ God / Jesus , continued to let them not
'realize' ....
interpreted by me, as god, willfully allowing a wrong teaching...
so, whos at fault? imperfect man? or god?
if man is at fault we have the right to choose, without being condemned, after all were imperfect.
if god is at fault, than we have the right to not follow a wrong god, and be condemned. lol
either way its win win
and this statement....
'Sometimes strategies are implemented for certain types of outcomes and reactions.'oh really?
Yea, The strategy of twisting ancient scripture and creating a certain type of outcome. lol
also, in Matthew, 24, Jesus says. vs ..25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
who was he speaking to?
his apostles only.he meant THAT generation. he told them ahead of time. They were told to expect it.
not a big mystery when we accept that everything was written after the fact from oral traditional stories.
Jesus also makes a curious statement, in vs
39. and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. -
Door to Door
by Drifting Away ini hear my wife say to me " we are the only religion that does the will of god , and that is to preach door to door, and speak about gods kingdom" and in one sense she is correct, i know there are others that preach door to door, but then someone told me door to door, does not literally mean door to door in modern times.
i was confused, has anyone ever heard of this before?
my mom claims that all the time, so that's what makes it so 'special' lol
[my understanding from my research and my own 'logical',[lol] deductions,]
the bible, Jesus nor Paul, has never made a 'command' for anyone other than Jesus 12, to go from house to house.
Jesus told his 12 apostles, no one else to go... . their job was...
6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7
the scriptures are at Matthew 10 , he sends out the 12...
he told them to stay in one place and not being 'lodging' in several places.
'stay there until you leave' [unless they stayed someplace where they learned the householders were hostile to their faith].
11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave.
that sentence, 'stay there until you leave', leaves a whole lot of room for imagination....
so he says,
7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’Not the end of the world is coming, and not be a jw or you will die.
so they were to expect the kingdom THEN not now, and what was that kingdom?
[the kingdom of the house of Israel Im assuming, [and those who followed the law] were said to be in paradise. [because in the last chapter of revelation a purely symbolic book, 'outside' of a kingdom,, means the world was going no place.] the paradise and kingdom to me, are one in the same.
all worship back then was at the temple, there was no public door to door campaigns.
plus in 2 Corinthians vs 3,4. , they were warned not to be preaching a different message that what was given them, which for them was Jesus.
JWS preach a different message.
those are two different belief systems in the bible, in no way does the bible have 'harmony'.
there are so many ways to interpret ancient texts, and i have never seen any scripture to convince me that there was any far future prophesy or a three fold application.
I can take five different cookie recipes, from the past 100 years, take a random ingredient from each one ,
as long as I have the 'main' ones,
[eggs flour sugar butter baking soda]
and still get a cookie, it might not be a great tasting cookie, but it can still be called a cookie. lol
AGREE? or DISAGREE? Popular Music
by Terry in
"from 1955 till present, popular music has declined to the point where it is now consistently "stupid" and homogenous.
there is too much variety to say that is the case. depends on where you live I think. no matter what decade it is, our kids music is 'the worse' lol. well, I cant say that about my kids or even my granddaughters music,
I like a lot of it. but not too much of the radio stuff, Im picky.
growing up, in the 70s my mom called everything that my one and only worldly friend from school listened to 'satanic'. lol
that's pink Floyd, Beatles, rolling stones Boston, or whatever was going on then.
I was a victim of my dads personal record collection..... 50s and early .60s music... nat king cole, frank sinatra, statler brothers, folk music, peter paul mary sort of stuff. and whatever they played in bugs bunny cartoons, yes lol, was my only exposure to 'classical' music. outside the kingdum hall music all i heard was oldies.
Not until I was MARRIED , at 19,
did I hear what everyone else was hearing on the radio. by then it was the 80s,
so for me the 80s and 90s is my music era. and alternative was my favorites.
I was clueless to heavy metal other than Metallica,
which i listened to when they came on the radio,
[in ]
the problem is, a lot of people dont have the luxury of sirius radio or pandora.
If only Id have had that when I was 16.
so were forced to listen to local radio, which is repetitive.
I was much more lenient with my kids than my mom was with me.