I do it most years. Being in the UK, virtually every other country nearby drives on the right. We drive on the left. The first time is a bit bum tweaky I guess. Motorways, autobahns and interstates are dead easy - you just follow the traffic; go with the flow. The problems that can arise are mainly on side roads or roundabouts. But, once you've gained some confidence and actually overtaken another vehicle, wow, that's progress Sometimes, coming back home after weeks abroad can be a bit disconcerting. European cars are mostly clutch and gears, not automatics, so I find I'm usually banging my hand on the door lining instead of reaching for the gear lever for the first hour or two. Of course if you're driving your own car abroad it can be a lot easier, except for the driving position not being correct. How do you find it? Have you tried it? Would you even do it?