I don't know what happened but I will try again.
The first incident I remember was when I was about 9 years old. An old farmer threatened us with a shotgun to "run us off" his place. He told us to RUN...RUN... My dad (faith in Jehovah) calmly walked away. I think I pissed my pants though.
The second thing I remember was a man trying to throw us off his place by grabbing my Dad.My Dad,although small in stature was able to hold his own and could not be moved.The man tired out and we left peacefully.
The third thing was my sis inlaw.A woman turned a garden hose on her as she came up the walk.The elders got involved.They told the woman to PLEASE...PLEASE not do it again or they might have to do SOMETHING about it.WHAT??? PRAY FOR LIGHTNING TO STRIKE???
OH #4 No Biggie....My Wife and daughter were threatened that if they ever came back they would get their legs broken...Thanks a lot...Where were you you F@ing ELDERS.Go to the police...Oh no we don't want to bring god's name into disrepute.CROC OF S#IT.
POZ (of the pissed off class)