..I did'nt......Gadget made me swop as he wanted to dress up like a girl..........now he's made me look fat and bald.....
JoinedPosts by reboot
Why did you choose your avatar?
by FMZ ini have seen many threads about avatars, here is another one:.
i have had this avatar for some time on another board.
i was going to put a picture of myself in there, but decided against it, as i realized this picture has some symbolism to me.
Hugs To Talesin
by one_ugly_time in((( talesin ))) ---.
sending hugs your way.... for today, and every other day that you may need them... .
one ugly time
((((( talesin ))))))hope you're ok and everything went well.How are you feeling?
I was thinking about you all day today ....
Send a great big G'day to an aussie visitor who needs sympathy right now
by ozziepost inright now there's a friend who needs a friend in sydney.. you've all 'been there' and can help him thru' it.. what do you say to someone who knows in his head that the borg just isn't right, yet was brought up "in the troof" and so knows nothing else.. then the borg's inhumane judicial procedures can cause unspeakable mental anguish and emotional disturbance.
yet at this time there's simply no-one to turn to - a recipe for disaster.. so....would you give some words of reassurance to our new friend?
tell him what it's like to be free of the borg.
(((((((((aussie visitor))))))))there's the hug...here's the sympathy....poor you......you must be feeling shell shocked right now...I hope you get the chance to read a lot and allow yourself time to let the things you're learning about the organisation settle. Give yourself time to think about the things you've read before you act on them and look after yourself through all this.I really think you go through stages similar to a bereavement while all this is happening and time does help.Perhaps try not to make any big decisions in your life until you feel 'even' and you've come out the otherside.Sometimes when you're reading all of this and feeling overwhelmed it's a good idea to step back occasionally.
hope you're ok .
smashed emotions
by Celtic inhow do you put a broken egg back together?.
does anyone get my drift?.
I know i'm blunt sometimes-but glad it made you laugh
Sorry to hear you were feeling bad Celty; I know after a difficult beginning in life that it's very hard, if not impossible to feel 'complete, or whole or whatever it is we think everyone else feels.
I'm on the waiting list for a councellor as the last few months have had me feeling like I need some help.I'm hopefull that a fresh, outside eye will make my past and my future clearer to me.
Sometimes its good to gather together photographs of when you were younger and look at them carefully-trying to remember what you felt like inside when they were taken. It sounds a bit new agey... but works for me... you can start to 'talk' to that little sad, scared, confused child and look after them...telling them they're special and worth something and loveable...sometimes this starts to make you feel better about yourself, helping you to realise that you needed to hear this from your parents-but they failed you.
I think the reason you feel like you do sometimes could be because you're like me and don't feel you're worth loving.. After all, if our emotional development effectively stopped when we were small-then we still are, essentially, that small,sad, confused child and think we're unlovable because we did'nt experience that unconditional love we should have been surrounded with.Then we react like a child in situations too, reasoning in a destructive, self depreciating way.
The difference I find between friends that had happy, loving childhoods and those that did'nt is that the friends from happy childhoods don't blame themselves when things go wrong- or feel self pity; they have more balanced coping skills and are more positive about the future.Sometimes we can go in circles thinking the problem is us...when we might just need to get some clarity and have someone tell us why we react as we do.
I hope you're feeling better now and you're having a good day.
smashed emotions
by Celtic inhow do you put a broken egg back together?.
does anyone get my drift?.
you're gonna have to be more specific Celtic..........what's happened?? Did someone dump you?
My Story... please don't freak out on me...
by Big Shooter inmy story .
well, i am new here, and i have a very long story.
i don?t even know where to begin.
(((Big Shooter, and your wife and son))) wow, you've stood up to them when you felt the way they treated you was unjust,
you've stood up to your father,
you've got your marriage back on track
and you're determined to bring up your son without all the pressures you had to face-i'd say you were pretty amazing!!
I hope the stress you're feeling will get less and less as time passes and you'll realise that you've just made the best decision for your family.
I'm really happy that you're thinking for yourself and looking after the people who matter the most in your world-that's the way it should be.....welcome
This is hot!
by Surreptitious inelsewhere died and was taken to his place of eternal .
torment by the devil.
as he passed sulfurous pits .
Satan greets him: "Welcome Mr. Elsewhere, we've been waiting for you. This will be your home for all eternity. You've been selfish, greedy and a big liar all your life. Now, since you've got me in a good mood, I'll be generous and give you a choice of three places in which you'll be locked up forever.
Satan takes Elsewhere to a huge lake of fire in which millions of poor souls are tormented and tortured. He then takes him to a massive coliseum where thousands of people are chased about and devoured by starving lions. Finally, he takes him to a tiny room in which there is a bottle of the finest wine sitting on a table. To Elsewhere's delight, he sees a PC in the corner. Without hesitation, he says "I'll take this option."
"Fine," says Satan, allowing him to enter the room. Satan locks the room.
As he turns around, he bumps into Lucifer. "That was Elsewhere!" cried Lucifer. "Why did you give him the best place of all!"
"That's what everyone thinks" snickered Satan.
"The bottle has a hole in it!"
"What about the PC?"
"It's got Windows 95!" laughed Satan.
"And it's missing three keys,"
"Which three?"
"Control, Alt and Delete." -
This is hot!
by Surreptitious inelsewhere died and was taken to his place of eternal .
torment by the devil.
as he passed sulfurous pits .
Elsewhere is sent to another part of Hell. Satan meets him and shows him the doors to three rooms and says he must choose one of the rooms to spend eternity in.
So Satan opens the first door. In the room there are people standing in cow manure up to their necks. Elsewhere says "No, please show me the next room".
Satan shows him the next room and this has people with cow manure up to their noses. And so he says no again.
Finally, Satan shows him the third and final room. This time there are people in there with cow manure up to their knees drinking cups of tea and eating cakes.
So Elsewhere says, "I'll choose this room". Satan says O.K. He's standing in there eating his cake and drinking his tea thinking, "Well, it could be worse", when the door opens. Satan pops his head around, and says "O.K. tea-break is over. Back on your heads!" -
what do i say?
by pudd ini got a phone call last night from an old j.w.
she was very close at one time and is one of a very few who did not turn on me when i left.
(((pudd))) the only thing you can do is to be there for them-I answered a similar thread yesterday and described the times my parents died and my friend was there for me both times-just there; I guess the best way I can describe it was that she took on the role of my mother, anticipating my needs and looking after me in a really quiet, simple way
.If this is over the phone because you're far away from her. you could call regularily, say, once a week-at the same time-so she can anticipate your call and look forward to having someone around she can let it all out too.As for the comfort issue re-resurrection etc-that's a toughie if she's still has that belief and you don't.Perhaps steer clear of it and just concentrate on suporting her so she can support your other friend.
I'm so sorry Pudd. My friend is dying of cancer too.She has three children, but is so positive and an inspiration to everyone she puts me to shame. Your friend's are lucky to have you worring so much about them...don't worry about what to say-it'll come naturally..you're very easy to talk to and a really insightful, kind person.(((pudd)))
How Do I Help?
by desib77 ini have a friend who had her mother pass away this week.
the horrible thing is that her father passed away a couple weeks prior to her mother and her aunt also passed away last month.
i feel horrible for her.
When my Mum and Dad died, a friend, though not one of my closest, just turned up-everyday.... for three weeks!
She'd just pop in in the evening and say hi and make me a cup of tea or open the condolence cards for me that I could'nt open..put flowers in water that i'd left still wrapped.......it was'nt until I looked back that I realised how much that helped me-justhaving someone care that much.I'd say don't ask-because I did'nt know what I wanted...if you know her well enough-just be there.
((((You sound like my friend)))))