Maybe........if Valis donates his rather impressive banana.......
Elsewhere.lmao @ you.....
i understand that enough topsoil is lost from an area sufficent 2 feed europe population in a year.. at the rate soil degradation is happening,do u think the human will b able 2 feed itself in the future?
Maybe........if Valis donates his rather impressive banana.......
Elsewhere.lmao @ you.....
i understand that enough topsoil is lost from an area sufficent 2 feed europe population in a year.. at the rate soil degradation is happening,do u think the human will b able 2 feed itself in the future?
Erosian from de-forestisation is a major cause of damage to top soil and the resulting flooding damages crops too.
If we fed ourselves a vegetarian diet we'd save a lot of natural rescources as we need so
much more arable land to support animals than arable crops.Organic farming is an ffective,
sustainable method of crop cultivation.Top soil is precious and should be conserved and fed,
I hate seeing thousands of acres of mass produced crops saturated in chemicals-If its not organic it dos'nt pass my lips.
If farming methods were re-thought we'd be ok.We can easily feed the world- but the greed of the western world that wants
to eat out of season food is creating an imbalance that has terrible repercussions for the rest of the population.
I think greed is the problem-and we in the west eat far too much .
i received this e-mail from my sister (known here as 'nikita') on february 12th:
hi guys, just to fyi we had a fire that started in our dryer on tuesday night-fortunately, i was home (with ann's baby) and caught it at the early stages and was able to call the fire dept (another fortunate thing was our firemen just happened to be having a meeting and responded before the whistle sounded from the 911 center.
) but, even so, by the time they got here it was only minutes away from blowing as at the top of our basement stairs the temp.
(((((((Nikita), and family and cats and dogs....)))))))) at least you're all safe.
I hope it dos'nt take too long for the insurance to sort everything out-you should be able to book yourself in to a nice hotel ( maybe a 5 * with jacuzzi and pool and room service...) or rented house, if being with the in-laws is a problem; with the insurers permission- check your policy...they should pay for boarding for the cats too.((((Hope you're not too shocked.))))
i knew many people in the congregation that were dealt with terribly.
but most times, people were afraid to talk to the elders or were afraid they might get shunned by the more prominent ones in the congregation.
so they closed their eyes to their own friends being treated poorly and carried on as if nothing really was happening.
Everytime.I would'nt be able to call myself a friend if I did'nt.
i was off work.
i bought my "friend" a pair of expensive jeans.
a "starter" red shirt.
((((((tatiana))))))) im' so so sorry....I hope you can find this thread again and remember how you're feeling now and how mad and upset you are for when the appologies begin and you start to feel low. I really hope you can stay focussed.I hope you can find somewhere to live soon and get your life back.well done with the exam- you're amazing and you can do this ...((((( thinking of you )))))))
there seem to have been a lot of threads lately on the subject of parental abuse and quite a few of us are still finding this really hard to cope with.
i've been reading them and not getting uset as i would have done a while ago and was wondering why.i think i've finally worked it out and was just wondering if what i did could help you in the way it helped me.
i had a physically and emotionally abusive home life until i left home at eighteen.i spend years alternatively trying to come to terms with it and blocking it all out.
(((Dede)))) you're right, everything we've suffered has made us who we are, I mean, look at all of us here...most of us have been through alot and come out fighting, we're a pretty formidable bunch, ar'nt we? I've read all your posts through the years and all you've been through has come out as love for others.I sometimes I feel like i'm going under- but I think you're right that a difficult upbringing does make you very determined and, when you compare things that happen now to the worst times in your life, you know in reality you won't crumble easily.Thanks for the hugs,i'll collect them in person one dayi've always been very tactile to people I consider safe-there's an advert for fests the atmosphere at fests; I get hug therapy !
(((sirona))) to have to go through so much that you wanted to hurt him when you were angry and older is probably a natural reaction considering all he must have done to make you that cross.I used to fight back sometimes from a young age-but as I got older it changed.... watching him loose it with me and remaining impassive meant more injuries-but a strong sense of warped satisfaction for me. So, the way I deal with anger is to switch off from people who hurt me..It dos'nt mean I won't let them back in , in fact i'll forgive most people practically anything; alot of people I know who've been through these kind of experiences are really forgiving.Perhaps we were told we were unlovable and feel useless and we want to prove we're worth something I think people go one of two ways when they go through tough times-I just really want to look after people, my anger's just not welcome,it makes me feel bad, and after everything thats happened I just want to be happy.
there seem to have been a lot of threads lately on the subject of parental abuse and quite a few of us are still finding this really hard to cope with.
i've been reading them and not getting uset as i would have done a while ago and was wondering why.i think i've finally worked it out and was just wondering if what i did could help you in the way it helped me.
i had a physically and emotionally abusive home life until i left home at eighteen.i spend years alternatively trying to come to terms with it and blocking it all out.
(((Gespro))) thanks for the links; i'm going to look at them now,I still look for books to read,it sometimes takes time to find an author you're comfortble with i'm glad you have and i'm really pleased your wife took the time to help you.Hope you're doing well.
(((Galaxy 7, you sound so sad ))) but positive about the future, which is a great start.Perhaps a look at Gespros links would set you on your way...
(((SunshineToo))) It's ok! im fine,I'm sorry if i've brought anyone down, just thought that sometimes we feel frightened of challenging our parents etc about their behaviour because of who they are;but in reality we hold the power.thankyou.
there seem to have been a lot of threads lately on the subject of parental abuse and quite a few of us are still finding this really hard to cope with.
i've been reading them and not getting uset as i would have done a while ago and was wondering why.i think i've finally worked it out and was just wondering if what i did could help you in the way it helped me.
i had a physically and emotionally abusive home life until i left home at eighteen.i spend years alternatively trying to come to terms with it and blocking it all out.
((((((((((steve)))))))))))))) do you know how much your voice calms me?i need a recording for when I meditate... lol
there seem to have been a lot of threads lately on the subject of parental abuse and quite a few of us are still finding this really hard to cope with.
i've been reading them and not getting uset as i would have done a while ago and was wondering why.i think i've finally worked it out and was just wondering if what i did could help you in the way it helped me.
i had a physically and emotionally abusive home life until i left home at eighteen.i spend years alternatively trying to come to terms with it and blocking it all out.
(((((shotgun)))Well, I kind of connected with him shotgun; I did'nt forgive him ,but I acknowledged that I understood that he did'nt know how to deal with his temper and frustration except in a violent way.
I know; you look at them sleeping and you'd defend them with your life...I think i spoke to him as I wanted to know if I was unlovable or whether he had a reason for not showing me any love.
At least I know now I was lovable but he was just incapable of showing it.He died shortly afterwards and I find it difficult to visit my mother's grave now as he's there too- but I do feel if we can just talk about all this we can put the emphisis back on them , making them responsible for putting right hte relationship with their children instead of playing the child themselves and running away from what they've done.(((((((How you doing?))))))
there seem to have been a lot of threads lately on the subject of parental abuse and quite a few of us are still finding this really hard to cope with.
i've been reading them and not getting uset as i would have done a while ago and was wondering why.i think i've finally worked it out and was just wondering if what i did could help you in the way it helped me.
i had a physically and emotionally abusive home life until i left home at eighteen.i spend years alternatively trying to come to terms with it and blocking it all out.
((((((Valis,Calamity jane;that's one of my favourite films...:).... Special K. Simon))))
((((((nos))))))) I think it's perfectly acceptable for you to be unable to forgive if your mother if she won't admit to hurting you.I think parents like her do really know what they've done- putting the guilt back on you and saying it's in your imagination is awful for you, she's just in denial-but it'll bite at her concience if she has one-and if not-you've done it , you've told her -she knows-I expect she's ashamed but unable to admit it to herself.It took my father 37 years to appologise to me-it may still happen...
(((((Sphere)))) her actions must be heartbreaking for you.But sometimes I think that we're scared to initiate conversations, and forget that the abuser is probably really scared that we'll bring it up.Which I guess, gives us the power.....if you ever feel you want to bring it up that can help.And once it's out it feels so calming-and it's like throwing the burdon back at them- they have to deal with it-you've passed it on.I hope if you want to you'll be able to one day.:)
((((talesin))))) happy birthday!!!!!!!!! wow, you've really worked hard.Thats an incredible commitment for peace in your family-Im so happy it's working out for you all.
(((((lady lee))))) I find it amazing that abusive parents who continue to wound can have such amazing children.We all have so much capacity to forgive and want to help them see what they did, even though it caused such pain for us all.Your father sounds like he's scared to let his guard down and your mother sounds sad :( i'm going through an abuse court case with a family member at the moment and her whole family's chosen to reject her rather than face up to the abuse and support her...) It really upsets me to think a parent would rather alienate their child than help them.I'd die for mine.At least yours know that you remember and that means they have to confront it in their mind even though they won't admit it publically. Perhaps the best way we can show them we can move on is to tell them when they're ready to admit to their mistakes we'll consider calling them a parent.