Amen and amen, dear little one...
May JAH bless... to time indefinite!
Your servant, sister and fellow slave of Christ,
just a little niggle i have:.
in genesis 1:6-10 it talk of how the 'waters' were divided into upper and lower with an expanse in between.
this expanse became known as 'heaven', the waters underneath the heaven became the foundation of earth.
Amen and amen, dear little one...
May JAH bless... to time indefinite!
Your servant, sister and fellow slave of Christ,
just a little niggle i have:.
in genesis 1:6-10 it talk of how the 'waters' were divided into upper and lower with an expanse in between.
this expanse became known as 'heaven', the waters underneath the heaven became the foundation of earth.
Maybe he's still waiting to use it...
Revelation 22:1 (gotta read it, though...)
A slave of Christ,
with regard to another thread ("a report you may be interested in") and the thought that the society may be looking to eliminate the obligation for members of the governing body to be of the anointed class (wow, now there's a fred franz-style, here are some quotes that touch on this issue.
i've put key phrases in capital letters:.
july 1, 1995 wt: "dwellers together in a restored 'land'".
Dearest Comment... may you have peace!
Actually... the 'governing body' has NEVER consisted of 'anointed' ones. NEVER. So, in truth, they wouldn't really be changing anything.
What occurred was that C.T. Russell took some 'truth' that he got from his wife, Maria, who WAS 'anointed' (that's why they eventually got rid of her... she tried to tell them they were heading in a wrong direction, going against the spirit, so they used the 'woman' thing to 'remove' her...), and started his publishing company. When she disagreed with what they were printing, he and the other men 'removed' her, using the 'woman' thing.
Because they no longer had a 'source' of light... Maria... and other 'anointed' that SHE associated with, they just went on and did their own 'thing'... creating what you know today as the 'organization'. Once Maria was gone, and by connection to her, other 'anointed', they had to start making things up... and 'speculating'.
That's why, if you research it, they really don't have ANYTHING 'new' since that time. They simply take what they had, change it, alter it, re-color it, then go back to it (except the Pyramid thing - who's gonna buy THAT one anymore?). They've actually been doing that since the very late 1800's, early 1900's.
Every so often, though, a true 'anointed' would get sucked in by the false light of that organization being called 'the truth', and by the lure of other 'anointed' who were supposedly there... and whatever 'truth' such one had would be taken and taught as if it came from the organization.
That's how they've managed over all of these years: stealing 'light' and selling it as their own... or recycling it to fit their needs.
Again, I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,
just a little niggle i have:.
in genesis 1:6-10 it talk of how the 'waters' were divided into upper and lower with an expanse in between.
this expanse became known as 'heaven', the waters underneath the heaven became the foundation of earth.
Not bad, Josh...
But if the water 'above' the expanse turned into ice and then melted... which flooded the earth... and then the winds caused the water to be taken away from the earth in perhaps the form of waterspouts... where is the water 'in outer space'?
Just askin'...
A slave of Christ, who knows, by the holy spirit that is in me by means of my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, that you can get into THE most powerful rocketship earthling man has to offer... and STILL never make it to the 'glassy sea'... for it does not 'exist' in the physical universe and NO rocketship can get you... flesh with its blood... INTO the spiritual one (John 3:5; 14:6)
Uh, just my Lord's $0.02...
i have had my jw cousin and his wife and three children staying at my house since sunday.
i thought i'd just share a few experiences with you all.. my husband and i are marveling at the numerous compromises they have made since coming here to washington state from wisconsin.
they are here to visit his disfellowshipped mother who has cancer.
Dearest Princess... may you have peace!
You sound like THE most loving hostess. A favor? Stay that way! Don't let 'those people' change you. If you open your door anyway, then open it anyway. You do what they can't... show love. And in doing so, it is your head upon which you heap 'blessings' and theirs upon which you heap 'fiery coals'.
So... "don't go changin', to try and please them...
you never would have done before... you took the
good times... so, take the bad times...
I love you just the way you arrrreeeee..."
(Ewwww... that WAS 'corny', wasn't it?)
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
what is the spiritual paradise and when did it come into exitence?.
what did george gangas say about it?
Dearest D Wiltshire... may you have peace!
You asked:
What is the spiritual paradise...
It is the city of New Jerusalem, the 'garden' of which is Eden.
... and when did it come into exitence?
The city? Before the 'founding' of the world. The garden? Shortly afterward.
What did George Gangas say about it?
I haven't the foggiest. Why? Did he say something?
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
hey everyone ,.
i'm high as a kite.
it went awesome !!!!
PRAISE JAH! Let every living thing... let every living BREATHING thing... let it praise JAH! Praise JAH, you people!
(Sorry, folks, but I felt like... what was it DannyBear once said... cavorting!)
You GO, jurs! May JAH bless! May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you to time INDEFINITE... you AND your entire household! To time indefinite!
I am your sister and servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the 'House' of my Father, Israel... and fellow slave of Christ... by means of the promised holy spirit,
i have always felt that requiring sisters to wear headcoverings was assinine.
jehovah won't strike you down for not wearing a headcovering".
word gets back to the co on his next visit that i don't let sisters wear headcoverings at the bookstudy when they read and he reams me out for it.
Dearest 'Christian'... may you have peace!
A couple things, if I may:
1. Phoebe was not a 'overseer', but a 'minsterial servant'.
Such ones ASSISTED 'overseers' in their duties. What were the duties of the 'overseers'? The same as for everyone else... but in the lead... to 'look after widows and orphans in their tribulation'. This came into existence when all those who received holy spirit decided to combine all of their belongings and distribute them evenly so that those who were poor had also. At some point, however, certain widows felt they were being overlooked. So, the apostles, who wanted to continue on the circuit of preaching, appointed seven men by means of holy spirit to 'oversee' the distribution. These, in turn, appointed men to assist them in carrying out the distribution.
As time went on, and more contributions were made, additional men were appointed to this task. And in some instances, for example with Paul, women were used to assist them.
The 'ministry' is not a 'spiritual' thing; it is a VERY 'physical' thing. The word 'minister' is not the same as 'preach' or 'herald', but denotes caring for the PHYSICAL needs of someone. My Lord 'ministered' to his disciples, in that he washed their feet. That took a PHYSICAL action... and actual effort.
2. Women were not prohibited from speaking in all congregations, but only those congregations under Roman rule. Why? Because by ROMAN law, women were not allowed to speak... in public. Although they met predominantly in homes, had it got out that women were speaking to and teaching men publicly, all could have been endangered. (Do you recall the disciples surprise that my Lord spoke to the woman at the well? It was not because she was Samaritant, which is why they SHOULD have been surprised; it was because she was a woman... and they were out in plain site. Public.) Like Judea, Corinth... was under Roman rule.
That is why Paul referred to 'the law'. He was not speaking of the Law Covenant, for the Law Covenant contained no such provision, otherwise, Deborah would have been a transgressor of such law by means of her inspired counsel to Barak.
If during that time, a woman put a 'sign' of authority on her head, Paul and company worried less about their fear of the Romans and more about not stopping to listen to my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, who was now evidently speaking by such woman... as evidenced by the 'sign'. You see, when two or more were 'gathered' in his name, my Lord, too, was there. Thus, holy spirit could move... ANYONE... to speak, including women. Who were the men, then, once they saw this 'sign', to say, "Hush! You can get us all killed!" They knew who in reality was speaking and that any danger was warded off by such spirit. (No, that did not stop the slaughter at the hands of the Romans, though, who used any excuse, including women speaking in public, to kill 'christians'. Sad to say, however, it was usually a Jew who turned them over - 'brother' delivering up 'brother.)
But not all congregations were under Roman rule. Peter and others, in fact, ended up in Babylon and other places. But Paul was the predominant personality, because Paul... was an apostle 'to the nations'... and a Roman citizen. The congregations he(?) addressed, were those 'of the nations', which also included Jews/Israelites, or 'holy ones'... for after the death of my Lord in the flesh, the little flock had been 'scattered among the nations'. However, the Apostles were apostles pretty much to the Jews (and Israel) only, and preached pretty much in Judea and Samaria.
Paul, with only the apostles Barnabas from among the 12, went to 'the distant parts of the earth'. And for the most part, the paths of the two groups did not meet. Only when Paul was first 'commissioned', then about 14 years later. He had his assignment and territory, and they had theirs.
In addition, I absolutely understand your faith in your position, as evidenced by your statement that:
"The thoughts I have here presented contain understandings I have come to after many hours of personal Bible reading, prayer, study and conversations with other Christians. I now firmly believe that the man God used to write much of the New Testament did not, as is often alleged, promote sexism."
I would ask you, though, to go back and review all of the books attributed to Paul... and see if you TRULY believe that he wrote them all. In doing so, you may find that MANY of them will give you a different 'truth'.
I bid you peace!
Your servant, sister and fellow(?) slave of Christ,
we(tm)re standing for the truth that negroes can change.
a recent gathering of christians invoking god(tm)s old testament standards, a nationwide ex-negro ministry, drew more than 850 people to london, england, to proclaim that hope for change is possible for those still struggling with acting like a negro.
thousands of former colored people can celebrate a new life because someone cared enough to share with them the truth of god's healing love.
Dear 'Sun... peace to you, dear one!
Yes, I agree with both you and JanH. I see no relevancy, either: bias... is bias. I was just trying to explain where it appeared Lisa was 'coming from'. I also didn't take is as 'inflammatory' either, myself. But obviously someone else did. And Kent knew someone would.
That was my point.
Peace to you, sweetie!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
just a little niggle i have:.
in genesis 1:6-10 it talk of how the 'waters' were divided into upper and lower with an expanse in between.
this expanse became known as 'heaven', the waters underneath the heaven became the foundation of earth.
Dearest 'dreamer'... may you have peace!
The 'water' never 'went' anywhere.
Exodus 30:17-21
Revelation 4:6
Revelation 22:1
Just as it is contained in the physical realm as H20, it is also contained in the spiritual one... as holy spirit... the 'water of life', 'life's water'... and 'the bath that cleanses'. That is why the priests had to bathe in the copper basin, to symbolize being CLEANSED, in the manner that we must be 'bathed' in holy spirit to be 'cleansed'.
What took place on the second day, however, was not labeled 'good', as the water was not 'created', as were "Light", the "Earth", the "heavens", "the luminaries", "vegetation", etc. Only that which was created was deemed 'good'. The water, HOLY SPIRIT, however, along with JAH and 'Darkness'... already existed. None of the three were 'created'.
Thus, 'God saw everything that He had MADE... and look! it was good'.
Genesis 1:31
I hope this helps, and bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,