May you all have peace!
Thank you for you very kind words... they are truly appreciated. Please know, however, that what I share with you is not my own... it is 'given' me by my Lord. I hope that's not too 'far out' for you to deal with, but it is the truth, and I will always speak the truth to you, for that is who speaks to me (John 14:6; Proverbs 8:4-11). I have been granted leave to answer your questions, and in truth, they are not very difficult.
Dearest Claudia, may I say that no, I do not 'belong' to a church, for in truth, dear one, I AM the 'church'... along with all those of the Body of Christ. Let me explain:
A 'church', is, in actuality, a 'temple'. That's why folks 'go to' church, to a building or other structure to worship God. In truth, however, we don't 'go to' God... rather He, by means of Christ and WITH Christ... comes to us. Together they come and make their 'abode' in US... thus dwelling IN us... by means of holy spirit... and thus making US the 'church'... or temple... of God. We are in fact called... 'living stones'... and even 'pillars'... in that temple. WE... are the 'house' that God is 'building' so as to 'inhabit by spirit'.
John 14:23
Romans 8:9
1 Corinthians 3:16
Ephesians 2:19-21
1 Peter 2:5, 8
Revelation 3:12
Christ is the foundation 'cornerstone' of that 'building', the One that 'anchors' it all; the Apostles are the foundation... and their FAITH... is the 'rock-mass' on which WE are 'built'. We... are the structure itself. Our faith... that my Lord IS the Son of God so as to listen to HIM, such as that consistently exhibited by Peter and the other apostles... adds TO the rock-mass, so as to make it immovable. Thus, our temples... or 'vessels' (that which holds something within it, in this case, the spirit of God through Christ) are kept solid, standing, even in the greatest windstorm.
Matthew 16:18
Matthew 17:3
1 Corinthians 10:4
And since I AM the 'church', Claudia, there only need be one other 'stone' to form a 'building', so that my Lord's words, 'where two or more are gather... in my name... there I am also', is truth.
However, as part of that 'church' or 'temple' or Body of Christ, I do belong to a 'congregation'. It the Congregation... of the Firstborn... which has been scattered throughout the earth and to the four winds. There are others of this congregation that I know and love... and have a sharing with. I have explained that in a post elsewhere, and will link it here later, if I can.
Dearest Cecil, first please let me say that I am a 'she'. And if that 'stumbles' you dear one, may I ask you to remember the words of the prophet Joel, as reiterated by Paul(?) at Acts 2:17, 18 regarding what would occur BEFORE the 'portents in heaven and signs on earth', before you allow yourself to form an adverse opinion as to whether I have the 'authority' to share what I have been given with you, a man? Thank you. I make this statement because of your assumption that I am a 'he himself'. I am sorry, I am not, but you will have to take that issue, if indeed it IS an issue, up with my Father. I am merely a slave of Christ... and I obey him, not Paul.
Psalm 4:4
Now, to address your questions, if I may:
If the 144.000 are fleshly Israelites, and the great crowd is a second group, with hope for heavenly life as well - who is going to live on earth?
All of them. If you recall, Eden was on the earth, yes? And what of New Jerusalem? Does it not 'come down OUT of heaven'? Indeed, is it not 'over the breadth OF THE EARTH' that Satan leads Gog and Magog to advance, and it is not the 'camp of the HOLY ONES and BELOVED CITY' that such ones 'encircle'? Unless such ones are ALSO in heaven... and they are not... the 'city'... would have to be on earth. And it is. That is why the Psalmist RIGHTLY said, "The meek will INHERIT THE EARTH... and they will reside forever... UPON it."
The 'problem' is that the Revelation is not in 'chronological' order, dear Cecil; never was. John saw the in 'parts'... that which he had been shown many years before, that which he was being shown at the time, and that which he was to BE shown. And he wrote it down as he remembered it, as it was revealed to him at that time, and as it was later revealed to him. That is why he says, "And I saw... and I saw... and I saw..." rather than, "And after THAT, THIS happened."
As further 'proof' of this, the Revelation speaks about the great day of God Almighty in Chapters 16 and 19, and the Lamb's war (which is different, I promise you), in Chapter 17. Babylon falls in Chapter 18; however, does Babylon fall AFTER 'Armageddon'? No, for Armageddon takes place in Chapter 20, AFTER THE 1,000 YEARS HAVE ENDED, then Satan is let loose and 'gathers' Gog and Magog outside the city... on the 'plain of Meggido'.
Revelation 21:2, 3
Revelation 20:7-9
Revelation 1:11, 19
2 Corinthians 12:2
What is going to happen with the rest of mankind, who has no heavenly hope (no hope at all?!)?
You have been misled, Cecil. You have been told that there is a heavenly hope... and an earthly hope. In TRUTH, however, there is only ONE hope... to dwell in the city 'having REAL foundations'... eternally. ONE hope, ONE faith, ONE baptism, ONE Lord... ONE 'flock'... with ONE 'shepherd'.
Ephesians 4:4
John 10:16
Matthew 23:13
Are they going to be those to live on mother earth after all
"Earth"... is not our 'mother', those who are of the Body of Christ. Earth... or the physical realm... is a slave, and all those who are HER 'children'... those who walk by flesh... are slaves OF that flesh and that realm. Our Mother, however, is Jerusalem Above, my Father's FREE wife, the SPIRIT realm and IT'S 'covenant'. She is FREE... and so are her children, because the SPIRIT... is SET free by my Lord. It is the physical flesh that remains in slavery.
The Earth has 'given birth' to MANY children... that our enslaved to the physical flesh, in that their flesh leads THEM... into sin. However, Jerusalem Above had given birth only to the HEAD of her 'child', my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. It is the 'body'... my brothers and I... that still await 'birth'. Some of us have been 'fertilized' by the spirit of my Father, so that we have been CONCEIVED... and 'regenerated' in spirit... but such 'birth' takes place at the putting off of the physical flesh and putting ON of the 'white robe' of the spirit body... the CLEAN garment... one without sin and death in it.
Galatians 4:24-26
John 8:32, 36
What you have been misled to understand and believe is that those resurrected to heaven... STAY in heaven. That is not the truth. In TRUTH, what occurs is such ones are resurrected and TAKEN to heaven... for a marriage ceremony in my Father's house. THAT... takes place in heaven, in the city of New Jerusalem. Afterward, however, that city comes down to the vicinity of the earth and thus the things 'in the heavens' and the things 'on the earth' are brought back together again... as it was in the beginning, with Eden. Inside that city, righteousness will dwell. OUTSIDE that city, however, is another story.
Revelation 22:15
The first to gain 'entry' to that city are those of the Bride of Christ, the kings and priests of the 144,000 and great crowd. Once they have been joined to Christ officially, however, and become ONE SPIRIT... others are invited to 'enter into' that joy, by participating in the marriage 'feast'. This is when New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven to the earth, and those who did 'good' to my Lord and my brothers, are told to 'Come, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world' (the throwing down of the 'seed' of my mother, New Jersualem, TO the earth)... and are granted entry. They are the ‘Rahabs’, the ‘sheep’ that are NOT Israel, but by their faith in the GOD of Israel… and ‘good’ shown toward the brothers of Christ… save themselves… AND their households.
Israel, those who are Abraham’s seed and thus accept Christ as messiah, the 144,000… as well as those who ‘go with’ Israel, the ‘great crowd’… are made to be a nation of kings and priests. This is in fulfillment of the FACT that it was Israel… AND THE VAST MIXED COMPANY who left Egypt with them who:
1. Celebrated the Passover by eating the lamb with bitter greens;
2. Were circumcised in the flesh
3. Cross the Red Sea
4. Ate the manna
5. Drank from the rock-mass
6. Entered into the Law Covenant at Mt. Sinai
The Society, however, would have you believe that only the Israelites did all of these things, again, in opposition to my Lord’s words that “ANYONE may eat of” his flesh and drink his blood. Because unlike the Old Covenant, which was given to Israel and those who became by means of the things in items 1-6 above, the NEW Covenant is opened to ANY… who ‘wish’ it. Thus, the false prophets and christs (‘anointed’) of the Society teaches that you will live forever; however, the word of my Lord is that “UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood… YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOURSELVES.”
1 Corinthians 10:3-5
John 6:48, 51, 53
Revelation 22:17
Matthew 24:24
If everybody serving Jehovah God is resurrected to heavenly life after death and everybody not serving Jehovah is supposed to die in Armageddon - who wil be left to live on earth.
First, you must understand that there are TWO resurrections:
1. The ‘first’ resurrection, in which those, who ‘belong to Christ… during his presence…’ which is from the time he revealed himself as the Son of God until his return (for he is STILL present, albeit invisible – “Look! I am WITH you… all the days until the conclusion of the age…”); and
2. The ‘general’ resurrection, which occurs AFTER the 1,000 years have ended.
1 Corinthians 15:20-24
Revelation 20:4-6
Revelation 20:7, 11-15
The first resurrection occurs when my Lord returns from having gone to ‘prepare a place’ for us. At that time, those who belonged to my Lord during his presence are raised up spirits AT THE SAME TIME as those who did NOT die… are ‘changed’… in a twinkling.
1 Corinthians 15:51, 52
1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
This is the resurrection of the ‘righteous’ and is fulfilled in my Lord words that “he who believes in me and has died will come back to life and he that has not died… will never die.” The first part of that group is ‘resurrected’, which means raised up from the dead. The second part, however, are those who are changed… and thus, NEVER die.
The ‘general’ resurrection, however, includes ALL those that have died… in the flesh… but did not take part in the first resurrection. It would include Adam, Eve and Judas. Why? Because although such ones died… in the flesh… they have not yet been JUDGED… for eternal destruction. They must still stand before the throne of God.
Those taking part in the first resurrection are resurrected to heaven, for their marriage to the Lamb. Thus, just as a man and woman become ‘one flesh’, such ones become one SPIRIT… with Christ Once that marriage is complete, their dwelling place, New Jerusalem is brought BACK to the earth, where God once placed it (Eden; Paradise). At that time, such ones sit down on their thrones, with Christ… and the separation of the sheep and goats commences. Those deemed sheep, by means of their treatment of Christ’s brothers… are granted entry to the marriage feast, which takes place INSIDE the city. Those that are deemed goats, are ‘cut off’ from entry into that city.
This is in fulfillment of ancient tradition where a man is married in his father’s house, and after the ceremony, invites all his friends to share in a feast. Today, we call it a ‘reception’.
The reason the goats are ‘cut off’ is because inside that city exists my Lord, the TRUE VINE, the Tree of Life, who from which if they ‘eat’…they will live forever. And it is Satan who convinces such goats, Magog, along with the angels that were cast out, Gog, to come against that city in order to ‘conquer’ it and gain access to that Tree. He thus ‘gathers them to the place, that in Hebrew is called ‘Har-Mageddon’. But my Father intervenes. He conducts HIS war, by breathing fire from heaven, which devours such interlopers. Thus, by destroying Gog, wicked spirits, and Magog, wicked humans, the heavens and earth ‘that have been stored up for fire’… are cleansed… and there are NEW heavens and a NEW earth… free of both spiritual AND physical wickedness.
Thus, ONLY the ‘righteous’ are left… and they dwell in my Father’s ‘holy mountain’, Zion, on which sits the ‘city having REAL foundations’… NEW Jerusalem.
Who could the heavenly brothers of Jesus Christ help as priests and kings, if nobody was left on earth?...)
The ‘sheep’, who inherit the kingdom PREPARED for them.
Will both the 144.000 AND the great crowd CONTINUE to have heavenly life - even after their work as priests and kings is done after a period of 1000 years?
They don’t have a ‘heavenly’ life, so much as they have a SPIRITUAL life. All that is heavenly… is spiritual. But the city is not in heaven, at least, not in the Holy… or MOST Holy… which is where my Father resides.
Will they become superior angels (as taught by the WT today) or are they going to return to live on earth afterwards (that could be a completely new point of view) - maybe given the possibility to choose to get their human lifes back...?
EXCELLENT question! First, they are not angels but become ‘like’ angels, in the sense that they become spirits. Angels are spirits, but angels are not ‘sons’. These, however, ARE sons, by means of holy spirit. They WILL live on the earth, for they are to do what Adam and Eve were supposed to do… spread that ‘city’s boundaries throughout the entire earth. New Jerusalem will be the ‘capital’… or central ‘seat’ of this, but eventually the entire earth will be encompassed by this ‘righteousness’.
As for getting their human lives back, funny you should ask that. The words of my Lord was, “The flesh… is of NO use at all.” However, early on, there were some angels who thought differently… and CHOSE the physical flesh in order to have relations with human women. Thus, once the citizens of this righteousness put on incorruption, they would have to CHOOSE to put on ‘corruption’ once again. Indeed, while we can go in and out of the city (which is why it has gates), corruption will NOT be allowed back inside, just as Adam and Eve were not allowed back into Eden. Why? Because that which is corrupt can only become INCORRUPT again, if it eats of the Tree of Life. Thus, there are angels positioned at the ‘gates’ of this city, to prevent such corruption from reentering.
Genesis 6:2
Jude 6
Revelation 21:12
Genesis 3:22-24
A lot of questions - answers appreciated...
Hopefully, I have done just that, by means of my Lord, through holy spirit.
Again, I bid you all peace… to time indefinite… you… AND your entire households.
A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those that ‘go with’ them, and a TRUE slave of Christ,