Dearest Moridin... may you have peace...
My Lord has granted me to offer you... and your mother (whom I am sure still puts her faith in the law written on stone tablets)... the following:
Luke 3:14 (please notice that John did not CONDEMN those in 'military service')
Matthew 10:34-39 (please notice that my Lord says a sword is what he would put between members of the same household)
Using these verses, then, you may perhaps be able to help your mother (I don't know about the 'elders', though; I mean, CAN they even BE 'reasoned' with?) see that you are doing nothing wrong, nothing condemned, nothing unscriptural, and that if a division occurs, it is the Master who has brought it about... and SHE... who is allowing 'place' for such division?
You can then remind her of her OBLIGATION... supposedly as a 'christian' to:
'Love [one's] enemies'- Matthew 5:43-48
Not 'hide oneself from [one's]] own flesh' (family) - Isaiah 58:6, 7
Not 'put [one's] trust in earthling man (i.e., the GB, et al.) in whom NO salvation belongs' - Psalm 146:3
Not have any other 'leaders' (i.e., GB, et al.) than Christ - Matthew 23:10
Listen ONLY to the 'voice' of that One... and NOT that of 'strangers' and 'hired men' - John 10:1-15, 27
And, in considering all of THAT, NOT GO BEYOND THE THINGS WRITTEN? Would you tell her, please, that following the GB, et al., and listening to THEM... is NOT WRITTEN... and that what IS 'written' is:
"And false prophets and false christs will arise,
and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead,
And then tell her also, please, for me, that as a 'chosen one', I have been compelled to share this information with her, that THEY are in fact imposters... and are misleading many... including her... but it does not HAVE to be that way? And that there is only ONE "Way" to get to my Father, JAH (Psalm 68:4); and there is only ONE "Truth". (John 14:6)? And the WTBTS, with its Pharisaical false prophets and false leaders who 'seat THEMSELVES in the seat of Moses' (Matthew 23:2)... are NOT him?
I would truly appreciate it if you would share this with her, and my Lord will indeed bestow a blessing upon you for not being ashamed of him, but speaking the TRUTH about him and exposing those who falsely mislead in his name. I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard it from my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, through my Lord, His Son, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, by means of holy spirit.
And again, I bid you peace...
A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a TRUE slave of Christ, by means of a TRUE anointing with holy spirit,