May you all have peace!
I was asked the following, and by the spirit of my Father that is in me by means of my Lord, the following answers were provided:
what does HE think about what's going on now... what is it that God expects ppl to progress to exactly... why does he
continue to wait... why does he allow all of this stuff to continue to go on...
My Lord's answer was:
My Father is waiting on all those who are His... and we have not all come into THIS world, yet. He knows that no matter how bad the children of Satan get, His children will find their way back home, back to the Ark (of the Covenant), to Him. His allowance of time only seems drawn out to those who either don't know Him and could care less about those that may come after us, or those who are simply 'tired'.
What God is waiting on... and waiting for us to progress to... is transcending the FLESH... and entering into the spirit. Worshipping Him NOT by deeds of the flesh (no adultery, no homosexuality, no smoking, etc.), but by deeds of the SPIRIT (believing He exists, loving Him and His Son, LISTENING to them, loving your neighbor and feeding, clothing, and sheltering such one rather than judging and condemning when yourself are unclean, for ALL have sinned...)
He is TRYING to teach us to benefit ourselves, to stop being so concerned with that which is physical and fleshly, but concerns ourselves with that which is SPIRITUAL... keeping our eyes not on the things seen... but on the things UNSEEN. He is trying to train us NOW... how to 'communicate' in that realm. For you cannot do it through flesh with its blood... for flesh with its blood cannot ENTER that kingdom. You MUST do all things THERE... by spirit.
He does not want ANY to die but all to repent, but that is not going to happen. And do you remember the verse about 'unless those days were cut short'? Well, they will be cut short, at some point, because if not, ALL of us would eventually fall away to a lack of faith. We would all grow apathetic, lose hope... and entirely forget Him. We are, afterall, flesh with its blood, and so subject to the 'nature' of that flesh, part of which is forgetfulness. Indeed, other humans only stay alive in our minds because we canonize them. Those that are not canonized are majorily forgotten.
It is hard to believe in someone you can't see with your physical eyes and hear with your physical ears. But He has tried, through my Lord, to explain to us over and over again, that the things we must develop are SPIRITUAL. "The flesh... is of no use at all." But we are true to our nature: Cain didn't believe in the garden of Eden, because he couldn't SEE it; but Abel could. The people of Noah's days didn't believe it would rain because they had never SEEN it; but Noah did. Pharaoh, et al., would not believe in JAH until they SAW something, and even then did not believe; but Moses and Aaron did. The Israelites, although they SAW and HEARD... still lacked faith. My Lord performed no miracles for his disciples, but when he called them, they immediately put down their nets... and followed him. Yet, many of those who SAW his miracles STILL could not put faith in him. And of those who did have such faith, some would not CONFESS him, because of their fear of man.
People think of God's love as 'unconditional'. That is not true. There ARE conditions on His love... the first being FAITH... one BELIEVING that He even exists. Why in the world would He reveal Himself to folks who aren't even sure He exists? Yes, reveal Himself first, and THEN people will believe. Again, look at the examples given you and ask yourself 'would they really'?
... how big the ark had to be and the amount of work required to grow and store the needed food, not just for the animals, but eight humans.
The word from my Lord is:
How many people were fed with two small fishes and five loaves of barley? How many Israelites traveled... and were fed... for forty years in the wilderness? With no meat, cucumbers, leeks, and at times, water? How much wine was made out of water? And yet, you don't think you lack faith...
I, myself, SJ, have spoken it and shared it with you... just as I have heard it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son of the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES.
I bid you peace.