Hello, dearest BBoy... and may you have peace!
Just a couple of FYI's, if you will permit me:
1. "El" is not a name; it is the Hebrew word for "God" (i.e., Beth-El = House of God; Israel = Contender with God; Joel, pronounced Yah-el = JAH is God, etc.) In the event my Father's name has actually been used in these instances, it would have been Beth-JAH, Isra-JAH, JAH-El, etc. God... and JAH... are one and the same, as long as the individual(s) referencing the matter believe it so. "God" COULD be, however, to some, Buddha, Zeus, etc. When the word is "El", however, that is in direct relation to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, MY God, my Father... and the Father of my Lord and my brothers.. JAH... OF ARMIES.
2. The nation of Israel is CALLED 'Israel', after the man Jacob, whose name was CHANGED to "Isra-El" after he wrestled with JAH's angel. Jacob would not LET the angel go until he had been blessed; since the angel was sent by JAH, Jacob was, in essence wrestling with JAH... and it was of JAH that he demanded a blessing. He received the blessing... his 'seed', rather than his brother Esau's (which would have sufficed, too), became the 'nation' blessed by God/JAH due to his promise to Abraham.
3. The reason that it was Jacob's thigh and hip that were affected is because that is the 'pivot' point of a man's physical strength. Yes, upper body strength is good and great, but a man with weak legs... or even perhaps lame... was considered 'afflicted' by God. A man without the use of his arms could fend fairly well for himself; he was at least 'mobile'; however, a man lame in legs was dependent... and unfortunately considered a burden. Jacob, while he indeed received a blessing... also received an affliction, a REMINDER of his weak flesh, although he had presumed to content with God... as his new name and hip/thigh... suggested. He was not inflicted entirely, nor did he need to become dependent, but he was constantly reminded of what my Father COULD have done to him, for his presumptuousness, had He so desired. Jacob was spared... because what he asked for... indeed demanded... is what we should ALL desire: to be blessed by God.
4. In your 'Sumerian' account of creation, where Ra is 'the Sun', in TRUTH, this 'fable' was taken from the truth of my Father being the LIGHT. Since in the physical world the only true 'source' of light is the sun, the account was... bastardized to include the physical features of creation (sun, wind, rain, etc.) due to the decrease and LACK of 'spirituality' among mankind at the time. They KNEW there were 'godlike' beings... but they could no longer explain them SPIRITUALLY... because by now, such beings could only be SEEN spiritually. Since the people had left off 'seeing' that which is spiritual, they combined the spiritual... which they had heard from previous generations... with the physical... which they could see with their own eyes and experience with the other 'senses' of the flesh (sight, touch, taste, smell and sound - that which makes things 'real'... to the physical flesh).
Initially, there was no division between flesh from the dust... and flesh from the spirit realm. Adam and Eve, however, when ejected from Eden, were among the last to see it of their time. Both Cain and Abel could SEE it, but could not enter into it. And over time, as man became MORE physical... and less spiritual... their ability to see it, faded away altogether. However, before this, while Abel continued to have the FAITH born of love, to see it, up until his very death, his brother Cain lacked the LOVE to have the FAITH to see it. This is what caused the division between the two: Abel had faith and love, and so could 'see' and 'hear' what was acceptable to my Father... and do it. Cain, though, because of his LACK of LOVE, could not possess the faith to see it. He could, though, still HEAR.
And unfortunately, MOST of what Cain heard... was discipline... which he 'belittled'. Abel heard praise and acceptance, because his sacrifices WERE acceptable, because WELCOMED discipline... listened and obeyed. Cain... mostly heard were he needed to improve, rather than where he was being pleasing, and so failed to value the discipline, and thus failed to LISTEN to the discipline and ultimately to OBEY it. After awhile, rather than be angry at JAH who GAVE such discipline, Cain grew angry at Abel. And although JAH saw this and tried to WARN Cain... and discipline him... Cain again, failed to obey... which resulted in his sin... killing his brother.
All 'fables' and 'myths' have SOME modicum of resemblance and similarity, because they all 'originated' from the same point, the truth. But, as I said, it is earthling man's inability to any longer 'see' and 'hear' spiritually that has resulted in the truth being bastardized, distorted, misstated, misrendered and misinterpreted. But it does NOT have to be that way. There IS a TRUTH... a 'real' one... and he is 'real' in that he is spiritual and 'lives forever and ever', for he is of the realm that exists 'forever and ever'... rather this physical one, the features of which come and go.
His name is JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH (JAH saves; chosen/anointed of JAH), and he is the Son of the TRUE God, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES... and my Lord. It is he that said, "I am the Way... and the Truth... and the Life." And it is he that also said:
"You are searching the scriptures, because you THINK
that by means of THEM you will have everlasting life.
And these are the very ones that bear witnness about
ME... and yet, you do not want to come to ME... that
you may have life."
So, I promise you, BBoy... you can read all the books you want on any subject you wish, written by anyone who has ever lived on this earth. And yet, you will not find the knowledge of God. For such knowledge exists IN only One... and is only granted to us... THROUGH that One. I promise you. Thus, it is true that 'to the making of many books there is no end and much devotion to them 'is wearisome to the flesh'. Indeed, with all of the writing and literature that has been penned... which as the Truth? I say to you, BBoy... including the "Bible"... none of them. For neither my Lord... what he is, what he did nor what he will yet do... can be bound and contain in volumes of paper and ink... no matter HOW long one writes, even to eternity.
Does that mean stop reading? By no means... there is information to be had. However, it is not the knowledge of God... the KNOWING of God... and being KNOWN by Him. I read; I LOVE to read. But not to 'find' God or be found BY Him. For that, I go to the 'source'... God Himself, by going to the One whom He 'appointed'... His Son... my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. For no matter HOW many books are written, how many 'towers' are built, how many 'roads' are travelled, and how long one searches... NO ONE can come to the Father... except THROUGH that One.
I hope this helps and I again bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,