"Shut up, Shelby". (There, I said it FOR you...)
daniel 8 for dummies - part 2: "the watchtower strikes back" .
i've posted this one before, but it's been updated and is especially geared for you true believing dubbies out there.
what i'm going to discus is important even though you may not have the attention span to digest it, because this is your religion and what it still teaches.
"Shut up, Shelby". (There, I said it FOR you...)
daniel 8 for dummies - part 2: "the watchtower strikes back" .
i've posted this one before, but it's been updated and is especially geared for you true believing dubbies out there.
what i'm going to discus is important even though you may not have the attention span to digest it, because this is your religion and what it still teaches.
Hey, Daddy-O... peace to you!
May I 'interject'? I think that both the WTBTS explanation... and perhaps yours, too, are incorrect. You said:
if you read the context around the Proverb about the "light getting brighter" you will clearly see it is human progress towards goodness and has nothing to do with "Jehovah" revealing dick about anything to anyone.Now, I am only commenting because I know your love for TRUTH... and accuracy (you are a pendantic as I, dear one...), and wish to point out that the Proverb (4:18) isn't actually talking about ANY 'light' getting brighter. Rather, it is speaking about the PATH... of the righteous... which is LIKE the 'bright light'... that is getting LIGHTER... and LIGHTER... until the day is firmly established.
And if we read 'around' this, we can discern that it is speaking of the discipline of God, by means of Christ, which 'leads' us... and keeps us out of a 'dark' place, that of the wicked. What 'dark' place is that? Is it error of the flesh? Nope. It is the 'error' of the HEART... born out in 'crookedness of speech' and the 'deviousness of lips'. THESE things... hypocrisy (leaven)... and as a result 'hatred'... originate from 'dark' hearts.
With the Christ as the TRUE 'light', however, the closer we get HIM... and the more we listen to HIM... the more we SEE... ourselves... and correct the 'darkness'. By means of that 'light'.
That's it; that's all.
Peace to you, my dear one...
Your 'friend' and a slave of Christ,
of interest to me is if i move back 70 years from 1914 i am getting the year 1844 which was a known date for the end of the world.. times .... 1844 + 70 years + 70 years + 7 years + 7 years.
so we have the year 1998 ad finally.
but what happens if we split the 70 weeks as daniel 9.25 shows we may extend time !!!.
Okay, DBear... and Unk... I 'hear' you.
Peace to you both!
SJ (a slave of Christ, 'cause that is what I am... sorry.)
of interest to me is if i move back 70 years from 1914 i am getting the year 1844 which was a known date for the end of the world.. times .... 1844 + 70 years + 70 years + 7 years + 7 years.
so we have the year 1998 ad finally.
but what happens if we split the 70 weeks as daniel 9.25 shows we may extend time !!!.
And on a more 'serious' note (yeah, here I am, big and bold as... and throwing a 'damper' on the New Year's 'festivities'... sorry...)
SIGH! Gee, Unk (and peace to you!)... this is starting to 'hurt' just a tad. I know you are just 'funnin' to some degree, you and the others here, but, golly, when you make fun of me... and do it in serious ERROR... I kinda feel like I hafta speak up:
The above is from OBVES but could just as well come from the keyboard of... Shallby... or any number of self made internut fundy bible scholars... Well the clock has just ticked us over into 2002 and again the predicted end of the world hasn't come, the horses aren't wading through rivers of blood, the birds aren't out feasting on the flesh of kings and I ain't here earnestly rump humping the nearest female with the Angels bashing at the door and threatening to send me down if I don't show 'em my mark in the foreheadskin.Please... PLEASE... Rev... and all you others who would... don't 'lump' me in with those who think they know 'the date and hour' and go preaching gloom and doom. That is NOT my 'message'; you have not heard such from me, and I dare say NEVER will. My 'commission' is not to try and scare the hell out of people to get them to 'serve' God... but to tell them that what God WANTS is for those who CLAIM to serve Him... to learn love. Genuinely. The when and where of what is to come... has NOT been 'given' to me to speak. And the God and Christ that I serve do not wish ANY to die. Truly. Yes, perhaps some... even many... WILL... but that is NOT my 'business'... or my 'message'. THAT... is between such ones... and God/Christ.
I have not preached an 'end' to you, Unk... you or anyone else here. Please... do not lump me as you for some reason keep doing. My commission is not to preach death and destruction... but life... everlasting. GOOD news. And I have endeavored to the best of MY ability, to fulfill that commission. Your statement, then, is in error... and unfair. And yes, I did take it personally... for, in truth, it 'hurt'. Sorry, but I am just being honest.
Peace to you... all... and 'happy New Year'. May it bring you all that you 'wish'.
A slave of Christ,
perhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
The wonderful thing about the flesh, is that it CAN 'hide' what is in the heart. For example, a man can say something like:
I have never harmed my enemies. I don't even harbor any ill will against any of you personally.... and folks may never know whether this is really true or not.
In contrast, the wonderful thing about the Word of God... is that, by means of holy spirit, he is:
"ALIVE... and exerts POWER... and is SHARPER than ANY two-edged sword and PIERCES... even to the dividing of the SOUL.. AND SPIRIT... and is able to discern THOUGHTS... and... INTENTIONS OF THE HEART. And there is not a CREATION that is not manifest to HIS sight... but ALL things are NAKED... and OPENLY EXPOSED... to the eyes of him... WITH WHOM WE HAVE AN ACCOUNTING."So, now, dear You Know... if most of the folks HERE can 'see' what you really are, although you think your flesh is obscuring what is truly in your heart, do you REALLY think you can fool holy spirit by making such a statement?
My brother, my brother... please... THINK! Scrutinize yourself and see if what is 'showing'... your lack of love... is not indeed what is in your heart.
YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,
PS, with regard to your statement, that:
I just ain't gonna be your chat buddy and tell you sweet things.Is anyone truly asking you to? Or are they just trying to get you to 'wake up' and 'see' the truth, about the 'truth' that is the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of the Religious Order of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnessess... and Kingdom Service... Incorporated? Check your heart before you answer, brother.
in 1972 the great irish balladeer don mcclean introduced the song "american pie.
" it was and still is a classic.
the song is full of symbolism and even to this day almost thirty years after the song was first introduced, mcclean will not reveal the real meanings behind much of that symbolism.. in that song, he sings about "the day the music died.
What a 'cool' thread. I love you guys.... yeah, even you, Rex... and most certainly you, Daddy-O, and ALL 1-1/2 minutes of your great 'mind'. Dave, you are a crack up! DannyBearMan... well, you know how I 'feel'.
A slave of Christ,
g'day bible students, .
this is something i raised a while back and recieved little responce.
i have long contended that the "most high" of exodus 4 is non other that jethro the "most high priest of midian".
Dearest, dearest UnkleSkunkle... peace to you... AND
I did not misunderstand you, my dear one. I think perhaps YOU misunderstood me... in that going to Jethro was quite understandable, and that he WAS a high priest... to JAH... and that going to the high priest was just like going to God, yes, because it was THROUGH the high priest that JAH spoke? I mean, that's what I MEANT, even if it doesn't seem like that's what I SAID...
But the real reason Moses WENT to Jethro was respect for a family 'head'... yada, yada, yada...
Cheers back at 'cha, Rev...
As always,
Your 'servant/friend' and a slave of Christ,
g'day bible students, .
this is something i raised a while back and recieved little responce.
i have long contended that the "most high" of exodus 4 is non other that jethro the "most high priest of midian".
Hello, dearest 'Dung... and peace to you, my beloved one!
May I respond to what you have posted? Thank you!
Actually, all of those you spoke of, Jethro, Zipporah, Lot's wife and daughters, Noah's wife and sons, etc., served the True God, JAH. Simply because Aaron and Miriam had a problem with Zipporah did not mean JAH had a problem; in fact, it was Zipporah who had her sons circumcised, when, in fact, Moses SHOULD have done so. And it was Aaron and Miriam who should have told him of it. He didn't, though, due to being raised in the house of Pharaoh and not with the Israelites. But... he learned... and it was Zipporah who taught him the 'right' way. That is why Aaron and Miriam 'erred' in their mutiny against Moses in this... and received JAH's disapproval.
Abraham had only one God, our Father, JAH OF ARMIES. Thus, his 'seed', including Ishmael, Isaac AND Midian... only had one God. Initially. In fact, even today, Muslisms, the descendants of Ishmael (Islam) serve that same God, the God of Abraham. However, they have forgotten His TRUE name, which has been oscured from them, due to THEIR lack of 'love': they serve "Allah", which, in truth, is a misrendering of the phrase "AlleluJah"... Alllelujah.
Because they harbor SO much animosity... as Ishmael (Islam), Esau (Edom), Ammon (Ammonites) and Moab (Moabites) always HAVE... against their brother, Isaac (Israel)... they have not 'embraced' the Christ. Thus, they, as a result, do not 'know'... Christ... in that they do not 'know' love. They have ALWAYS waged war with their enemies, whom they assume to also be enemies of God... rather than do what the God of Abraham TOLD them to do, which is LOVE their enemies.
We do not HAVE to have everything 'written' to us, do we, to know and understand God? Cannot we not just simply do what our Lord has admonished us to do, at John 5:39, 40, where he is recorded to have said:
"You search the scriptures because you think
that by means of them you will have everlasting
life. And these are the very ones that bear
witness to me, and yet, you do not want to come
... TO ME... that you might have life."
Indeed, all the things that our Lord would tell us is written... somewhere. And since all of the 'scriptures' are NOT contained in the Bible, how do we KNOW that there is nothing written to say who the God of the Midianites were? However, not all that is 'written' is what our Lord would tell us. For the 'false stylus' of the scribes, and the 'mind' of men... has decided FOR us... what should and should not be included in the Bible canon.
Therefore, it behooves US... NOT to put our trust in earthling man... but to listen to the One who speaks to US... from the heavens. For as it is recorded in Proverbs... all the sayings of HIS mouth are in righteousness... among them there is NOTHING twisted or crooked. ALL of them are straight to the DISCERNING one, and upright to those finding knowledge.
Proverbs 8:8, 10
1 Corinthians 12:10
So, just because a detail is NOT 'written' does not mean we cannot know the TRUTH of the matter, right? For God has given us One to speak TO us... the TRUTH, who speaks by means of the SPIRIT of the Truth... which will teach us ALL things. Yes?
But you are quite correct in your assessment of the 'value' of unbelieving family. JAH will receive ANY... who are not 'opposed'.
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of our God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Son and Christ, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you, to time indefinite.
YOUR servant, sister and fellow slave of Christ,
g'day bible students, .
this is something i raised a while back and recieved little responce.
i have long contended that the "most high" of exodus 4 is non other that jethro the "most high priest of midian".
Dearest Unk... peace to you!
Although I am not a "Bible student", I WAS intrigued by the fact that YOU had a question. Therefore, may I respond? Thank you...
You see, dear one, the Midianites were direct relatives of the Israelites; thus, the Most High God and Holy One of Israel was also their God. Few recognize this, though. And since Jethro was a 'high priest', much like Aaron was a 'high priest', it would not be unusual for one to inquire of him as to JAH's will.
However, the REAL reason Moses inquired of Jethro was simply that fact that Jethro was his father-in-law, and Moses was gonna be taking his (Jethro's) daughter, Zipporah, and her children... BOYS (and thus progeny)... BACK to the land of his (Moses) enemies. Being the 'patriarch' of the family, a man who was about the risk the life of such progeny would at least want to EXPLAIN the risk... and get some kind of 'blessing', before proceeding... just out of kind consideration, if not familial 'head' respect. Wouldn't you agree?
The 'familial' relationship between the Israelites and Midianites is that the Israelites descended from Jacob (Israel), the son of Isaac... the son of Abraham by his wife, Sarah. The Midianites ALSO descended from Abraham, from his wife, Keturah, who bore him sons Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. Since Sarah had died, Keturah was also a 'free' wife, unlike Ishmael's mother, Hagar, who was a slave. Thus, both the Midianites AND the Israelites worshipped the God of Abraham: my Father, the Holy One of Israel... JAH OF ARMIES.
I hope this helps resolve your confusion, and again, I bid you peace...
YOUR 'servant/friend', and a slave of Christ,
in 1972 the great irish balladeer don mcclean introduced the song "american pie.
" it was and still is a classic.
the song is full of symbolism and even to this day almost thirty years after the song was first introduced, mcclean will not reveal the real meanings behind much of that symbolism.. in that song, he sings about "the day the music died.
Why, hello, there Daddy-O... and peace to you!
May I take a 'crack' at it (no, my Lord is not involved - LOL!) I have always loved this song and been intrigued by its 'symbolism'... but I never got the Buddy Holly thing out of it. I got:
That you are pulling our 'leg'... so....
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,