I remember watching years ago russian movie about WWII i think it was transleted as"Run and Look" or something like that and it was from perestroyka time when changes started to happen in Russia,so the movies were less political propaganda. It was very dark and tragic movie about ordinary people suffering from german invasion and in one scene the main character who himself suffered imensly was standing and at his feet in a mud was laying a picture of Hitler in his regular pose - in uniform with his arm outstretched in a salute. now this young man took the rifle and fired at a picture and every time he fired picture would change to a younger and younger Hitler until it was a picture of a baby in mothers arm. At this point young man with bloody and teary face stopped firing- he could not kill a baby.
that scene always made me think because I come from Balkans were my family and ancestors suffered tremendeously during WWI, WWII and also civil war in Yugoslavia that lasted almost 8 years, and when I listened to the stories of survivors, I felt my blood boil and urge for revenge but that revenge was always aimed at addults who actually commited the crime.
evil in one man can flourish only when the rest of us keep silent.