The main thing that kept me from suicide while an active JW and fading was the realization that I would be hurting family and friends.
In my head, I reversed the situation, and knew that I would be hurt/angry/pissed if one of my friends had commited suicide.
So what kept me alive was my own personal axiom: Death is not an option.
Skipping ahead a few years, I realized if I was going to get better, I had to want to get better. I had to choose to be better. Happiness can not be given to you. You have to find and define it yourself. Even as I write this I am not "Happy", but I am "content".
I then set about being honest with myself. Am I a good person? Generally yes. Am I likeable (by my own standards)? Yes.
Am I loveable? This one is tricky. Yes, but I didn't (don't?) understand (or feel) why. "Why?" is a big question in my mind for many things.
These issues are too complex to boil down to a simple fix. To get past suicide/negative emotions, onw has to change ones thinking pattern.
A side question that fascinates me is this: If your brain chemistry can affect how you think and feel, can changing how you think and feel affect your brain chemistry?
If for the sake of argument we assume that is true, how does one go about changing their thoughts to change their chemistry?
Sorry to have wandered afield here.