Welcome. Wow...what a story.
I am sorry about what happened to you as a young man. That is so sad.
You sound like you are literally stuck in this cult.
My spouse and I are both born ins and decided to leave about 3 years ago (along with our children). We too saw through the hypocrisy and knew this was not Jehovahs organization.
One of the first things that really bothered me was how they were verbally bashing education. My spouse and I have watched and heard countless stories from older family members who are now in their 60's and 70's. These ones gave up dreams and talents they could have pursued but instead were told that they would never graduate from high school. These ones pioneered, went to Bethel, etc. and now they are struggling financially and some are even working hard menial jobs in their late 60's. Do they harbor resentment? You bet they do. We here them talk about it all the time. I think you are feeling that resentment yourself.
I guess you have to ask yourself the question, is this "act" of serving Jah worth it. We all have to make our own decisions based on our own circumstances. Myself personally, I can not put on the "act". It's just not part of my personality. I'm a all or nothing type. I have asked myself the question, can I walk away from everything and everyone that I have know all my life. My answer is...yes. In my opinion, I would rather be true to myself and have that freedom. The freedom is wonderful. But my circumstances are different than others. I have a supportive spouse who left with me. The sad part is that we shouldn't have to make that decision. No one should! This is a captive organization that holds people hostage. It infuriates me.
Keep posting on here, it does help to read and hear other peoples experiences. It's kinda like a therapy.
Keep us posted on your progress or if you just want to chat. There are some terrific people here who feel exactly the way you do. Hugs to you!