I could never really wrap my head around the idea that only JW's would survive Armageddon
I wonder if this is the same question I should ask my son? Maybe that would get him thinking................Or do they have an answer for that?
hello to all.
i've been on this site for a couple of weeks now posting here and there but have not had the opportunity to read about many of the regular members and what led up to their leaving the wt.. i understand that some of you (i'm part of this club) may not be able to disclose many details and i can appreciate that.. i'd love to hear what was it that finally made you renounce what is and hopefully soon to be "was" the wt.. i truly look forward to having good discussions.. thank you to all for your kind participation.. .
I could never really wrap my head around the idea that only JW's would survive Armageddon
I wonder if this is the same question I should ask my son? Maybe that would get him thinking................Or do they have an answer for that?
i'd just like to tell everyone in the us (and world), "happy thanksgiving!".
in many ways, the posters here understand me better than anyone else on this planet.
you all have helped me tremendously.
Yes a HUGE Happy Thanksgiving Day to all the USA people.........Eat lots of turkey and dressing.
Drop off the bones and scraps to KingDumb Hole.
The wife and I sure miss having our son over for meals on special holidays.
Do the J-Dubs hide under their bed when the holidays come around??
i recently purchased "combatting cult mind control" the book by steve hassen and found it very enlightening.
upon the conclusion of that book i did realise once and for all that i was indeed a victim of mind control and that the organisation of jehovahs witnesses certainly qualifies as a "destructive cult" the book was of special interest to me, beacuse it was not written by an ex jw , but by an ex moonie, thus the information is not biased, being particularly written for ex jws.
the similarities of the dubs and the moonies are quite eerie, although there are some differences.
Has anyone gotten a dub to read any cult book at all, and what was the result of that?
Yes I'm curious too.
I'm going to get;
Freedom of Mind
Combatting Cult Mind Control
Releasing The Bonds
I know I'm going to be doing a lot of reading but is there any benefit and any way to have the infected J-Dub read any of these? Would it do harm? Or would they just push them away and think it's an act of Satan or something like that effect?
i certainly wouldn't.
and if the elders wanted to have a meeting with me, i would respectfully decline.
if the elders wanted to deal with you, would you talk with them?.
They seem to act as though they are "Above the Law".
Like a bunch of "Gangsta's"
The more I study posts on this Forum, I just can't stand the J-Dub Club even more. How they stole our son from us is like a direct insult to our family. Karma is a Bitch.................Their day will come.
One day someone is going to show them, behind KingDumb Hall, the proper way to swing a Louiseville Slugger..............
yes i wonder if our son thinks about us or any of his non j-dub club aquaintances.
let's say when he's laying in bed going to sleep and his devil woman j-dub wife is passed out(not influencing him);.
does he wonder how we're doing?does he wonder why we do what we do?does he remember things we did together as he grew up?
Yes I wonder if our son thinks about us or any of his Non J-Dub Club aquaintances. Let's say when he's laying in bed going to sleep and his Devil Woman J-Dub wife is passed out(not influencing him);
Does he wonder how we're doing? Does he wonder why we do what we do?
Does he remember things we did together as he grew up?
Does he get headaches and feel mixed up? (We sure do)
Or does he just think we're fucked up and raised him wrong? Maybe just dreams up ways he can pull us into the J-Dub Club.
i noticed this during the wt study on sunday.. 1 cor 15:23: "but each one in his own proper order: christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the christ during his presence.
"the greek word for presence is "parousia", which needs no explanation here as to how wtbts views this word versus the rest of the world.. what i noticed was the striking contradiction made just a few verses later.. 1 cor 15:51,52: "look!
i tell you a sacred secret: we will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.
I'm a bit confused...............I thought this Forum was all about Ex J-Dubs?
Why do you still go to the J-Dub Club?
can a witness get in trouble for attending an inactive family members wedding?
just wondering because i am getting married this summer and my mom tried to blackmail me by saying she and other family members would attend but only if i returned to the meeting.
i told her i am not going back to the meetings.
When one of my nieces got married our son and his J-Dub bride didn't come to the church. However they both showed up for the "Free" supper and drinks at the hall after the church ceremony. Real funny when the speaker gets up at the mic. to say Grace before the meal. I thought the bitch was going to hide under the table. Usually her eyes start rolling in the back of her head and all you see is "white".
Strange......Very strange.
dear non-jw:.
do you have a friend or family member who is studying?
there are definitely valid reasons to be concerned, be it shunning, the many failed doomsday predictions, the risks of refusing blood transfusions, the organizations unrepentant mishandling of child abuse, the stance of higher education, holidays, and everyone outside the organization.. however, how you express your concern to them could make all the difference.
It is always said they will have no where to go if they are DF'd. Freinds and family will shun then. Well yes maybe J-Dub family and J-Dub freinds(they were never freinds anyway) will do the shunning.
We are the "Real" family(non J-Dubs) which are not going to be doing the "Shunning". Not to mention ALL of their Non J-Dub freinds they used to have...They won't be doin' the "Shunning".
What a mixed up bunch of pricks. It's amazing with all the astranged shooters and serial killers there are always running around, like shooting innocent kids in schools, or opening fire in malls, etc. ........That someone doesn't say that's enough and just go ballistic in one of those J-Dub Clubs.
They are a waste of skin and really continue fucking up good families. Yet they have the balls to go door to door and act so innocent and "Loving".
dear non-jw:.
do you have a friend or family member who is studying?
there are definitely valid reasons to be concerned, be it shunning, the many failed doomsday predictions, the risks of refusing blood transfusions, the organizations unrepentant mishandling of child abuse, the stance of higher education, holidays, and everyone outside the organization.. however, how you express your concern to them could make all the difference.
Thanks for posting that........
However after watching it, it now seems hopeless to get our son back to "Real" life.