How about this:
"The mentality in America is different from Europe". What works for Europeans doesn't necessarily work for Americans.
Also, even if you don't like it, it is in the Constitution in America that people has the right to bear arms. Whether you agree with it or not, it is there since 1776. So, people here will bear arms anyways. Since there has been too much proliferation of firearms in America, banning them right now will be a very BAD idea. If you think banning firearms will deter crime, forget it:
- Criminals will get their weapons illegally whether they will steal it from someone else or smuggle them into the country.
- More crimes, such as rapes, burglaries, robberies, any form of assault or mugging, will be committed as criminals will know nobody can carry and own firearms.
- More dependency on the police, increase in police vigilance. That will create a police state. If you've been under the watchful eye of the Watchtower Society, a police state is no different. I don't want to live in a police state. I've been there, done that and it is none of their business what I do with my spare time. A police state will always infringe on individual freedoms and rights.
Those Gun Ban laws affect mainly the law-abiding citizens.
You said that you travelled extensively to America. Have you live there for a long period of time?
Here in America, if you choose not to own a firearm, you have every right to do so. No one is going to force you to own a firearm. I own firearms by choice and I will live with that responsibility and choice. I also own firearms because I am in marksmanship.
The view that all Americans own firearms is a big fallacy: I personally know people and friends that don't own firearms and they are from different backgrounds and creed.
When it comes to (legal) firearms ownership in America, it depends on which state are you living: In the NorthEast (New England, NJ, NY), it is more difficult to own firearms than in the South (Florida, Texas, Georgia, Alabama).