JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Why are extraterrestrials pictured in ugly form in movies?
by abiather inhumans have produced many movies on extraterrestrials.
yet all of them are shown in ugly form.
why cant we depict an et more beautiful/handsome than humans.
Lol spelling is not my strong suit doc, i had to look it up for my first post :P -
Why are extraterrestrials pictured in ugly form in movies?
by abiather inhumans have produced many movies on extraterrestrials.
yet all of them are shown in ugly form.
why cant we depict an et more beautiful/handsome than humans.
This is why i called your argument fallacious... You are confusing beauty with sexual desirablity.
adj.1. Containing or based on a fallacy: a fallacious assumption.2. Tending to mislead; deceptive: fallacious argumentBut lets take your example and use it....here is the 2014 ms universe:Although i would say she is "pretty", that is having a relative degree of physical beauty, i do not find her particularly sexually appealing.here is well known depiction (in the USA) of an alienI find that very pretty, very sleek , yes even beautiful. However i do not find it sexually appealing or "beautiful" in the context you are citing.Again, your argument/OP is fallacious. -
Constructive hobbies
by zeb inhm have a hobby?
im not asking what.. hm have taken up a constructive hobby since leaving?.
Ive picked up several with my new found time amd energy, although technically im still 'in'...
i rediscovered a love of flying RC planes and helicopters.
ive started keeping bees and other insects as a hobbiest.
i watched a ton of movies that missed out on.. Technically not a "hobby" but i do take my cinema seriously...
ive read a few novels
ive taken two classes to classes to begin learning and expanding my skill set professionally
ive trained for and ran my first 5k.
Thats a pretty darn good list for me :)
Why are extraterrestrials pictured in ugly form in movies?
by abiather inhumans have produced many movies on extraterrestrials.
yet all of them are shown in ugly form.
why cant we depict an et more beautiful/handsome than humans.
Oh what the hell, i will play along with the OP....
beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I dont see depictions of ET's as ugly at all. Nor do i think sharks are ugly. Or snakes. Or scorpions. Or (fill in name of animal/plant).
what i do think is ugly is fallacious reasoning posing as science or logic
Wallkill and Farm receive Green Globe Awards
by Giordano inhttp://jehovahswitnessreport.com/blog/wallkill-and-farm-receive-green-globe-awards.
a statement by the watchtower society released this week, is highlighting the achievement of two major awards for sustainable development actions.. the green building initiative (gbi) has awarded certificates for two new buildings at the united states branch facilities.
the awards are achievements for the watchtower farms f residence, completed in late 2012, and the watchtower wallkill office building, completed in 2014.. ....................these awards may indicate that sustainable management techniques are being applied to ensure the cost effectiveness of the buildings.
My first thought was chemical dumping -
Just woke up
by Doctor Who innew to the site.
currently i am a ministerial servant and was told i was appointed to be an elder.
i told the brothers i was not ready for that assignment.
Have you ever had a dream, Doctor who, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
Welcome to the real world ;) -
A Question for Underground Apostates, How Many Are There?
by Village Idiot inwhen i first came to this forum i was of the belief that those of us who were still in due to family reasons were few in numbers perhaps one in a thousand in the jws.
soon i came to the realization that there were many more.
we have dozens of posters here who are mentally out but still in.
We are legion because there are many of us ;)
seriously, i agree with phizzys assesment. Many have a gut feeling something isnt right but are not yet awake. To quote myself:
" Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?"
Circuit Overseer's Cars - Anybody got the answers?
by The Searcher inatlantis provided a uk branch letter regarding a 3 levy per publisher to pay for the britain branch c.o.s 85 new cars.
with approximately 120,000 publishers in the uk, that will rake in 360,000. .
Has anyone noticed that the written review on here on jwn is usually only question and often has the same answer....? -
Circuit Overseer's Cars - Anybody got the answers?
by The Searcher inatlantis provided a uk branch letter regarding a 3 levy per publisher to pay for the britain branch c.o.s 85 new cars.
with approximately 120,000 publishers in the uk, that will rake in 360,000. .
In addition here in the usa the care are sold when the branch is done with them. There was a screen shot posted a few years ago of the advertisment on the elders side of jw borg -
Is homosexuality ever justifiable? I say YES!!!
by TimothyT inin the january 2012 awake, pages 28-29 there is another article about homosexuality.. .
the writers argue that genetics, the environment, and sexual abuse do not justify homosexuality.
the bible clearly states that homosexuality is wrong and is an abhorrent sin.
While i understand fundamentalists feel differently, this whole thread, including the tittle, make me say...... "meh"
why does homosexuality have to be "justified"? If two consenting adults of the same gender consent to a platonic, semi sexual or full sexual relationship why does that need anyone else's "justification"? Its feels like a struggle against people on this board who by and large arnt arguing against it in the first place. Again, i grant that the world has plenty of fundies to fight with on this topic but jwn just dosent seem to need convincing, by and large. Im sorry some felt repressed by the org, but then i was represed by the org as a heterosexual. I hope we all find fullfilling relationships and never again feel the need to justify it