Min you say they wont prosper, but really its all about definitions, sumantics....
they are a domsday cult that still has about 8 million people believing, in the year 2015, that jesus returned invisibly 101 years ago and that hes goiing to kick the shit out of over 7 billion people because they dont believe tight pants tony and rubber face lett are christs brothers....
to convince 8 million people of this utter nonsense IS success! How big would they have to be to "prosper" by your definition? Their definition of prosper is any small growth that helps like organization coffers and they get that every year. I dont think its die anywhere near what they could have if they wernt so wacky but then if it wasnt wacky if wouldnt be a cult.....
Im not trying to be obtuse, i get your basic point that they arnt growing anywhere near what they could and they are really suffering with retention problems, but i think they are growing just enough to keep themselves blinded to their issues and are contented to throw around the 8 million number as an all time high and fool themselves into thinking its the desert gods blessing. Its prospering enough for them.