Always a great debate, guitar gods.... How about (in particular order)
Jimmy Hendrix
Stevie Ray
BB (R.I.P.)
buckethead (if you havnt heard him do yourself a favour!)
Eddie fu****in Van Halen
hello ya'll.
was just listening to great guitar music from some of my favorites.
who are your all time favorites?
Always a great debate, guitar gods.... How about (in particular order)
Jimmy Hendrix
Stevie Ray
BB (R.I.P.)
buckethead (if you havnt heard him do yourself a favour!)
Eddie fu****in Van Halen
you think it's the holy spirit that appoints the elders, at least that's what new jw males are told.
the culture within the organization dictates to all young male jehovah's witnesses that unless you are an elder, you will not get the sultry, passionate- brunette, the voluptuous, curvaceous,- blond, or the seductive, erotic, red headed-vamp..
so unaware of the social forces that are shaping your mind, you succumb to the dictum issued by the governing body to conform to the structure already in place- if you want to be successful.
had a conversation with long-serving witness today.
me - during christ's 1000 years reign, would anyone ever be allowed to beat you up and rob you?.
jw - no.. me - are you sure?.
again, thanks to wifibandit and pixel for their work behind the scenes..
at our meeting last night there was a talk about having run out of magazines for the last three months.
it's expected this will continue to happen.
the "branch" has not sent the requested number of magazines.
what would happen if we started dropping fake check or bills inside the donation box of an assembly?
i know, is a crime, but so is pushing someone to not accept blood and die.
would it help skew the numbers enough if enough of us did it?.
are you familiar with the motto "professionals built the titanic amateurs built the ark?".
i find it somewhat annoying.
i've been looking for a good analogy like amelia earhart was a professional pilot dorothy was just a girl from kansas but she got back home..
Thats a rediculous saying because it compares two unalike things. You may as well say "egyptians built the pymarids but the acients built atlantis"
noahs ark wasnt real. comparing it to the titanic is pointless.
i picked up a printed copy of the june 1 2015 public edition wt..... before the end of page 1, the stupidity is already evident.. they quote a dictionary, but don't list which one.. they quote a "world- famous physicist", but don't give his name.
the quote looks like it is edited to fit their reasoning.. they quote "others", but no reference to who they are is provided.. the next page quotes "a popular science writer" who??.
then the classic line "jehovah's witnesses respect each person's right to make a decision on this matter".
i believe that the religion will remain stagnant due to their achilles heel, the kids, the children, that next generation.. most of them really don't wa t to be in the religion.
the parents may have tried everything within their power to make the kids love jehovah but we all know you can't force someone to love you and you can't make a grown person stay in a relationship or situation if they really don't want to be there..
Min you say they wont prosper, but really its all about definitions, sumantics....
they are a domsday cult that still has about 8 million people believing, in the year 2015, that jesus returned invisibly 101 years ago and that hes goiing to kick the shit out of over 7 billion people because they dont believe tight pants tony and rubber face lett are christs brothers....
to convince 8 million people of this utter nonsense IS success! How big would they have to be to "prosper" by your definition? Their definition of prosper is any small growth that helps like organization coffers and they get that every year. I dont think its die anywhere near what they could have if they wernt so wacky but then if it wasnt wacky if wouldnt be a cult.....
Im not trying to be obtuse, i get your basic point that they arnt growing anywhere near what they could and they are really suffering with retention problems, but i think they are growing just enough to keep themselves blinded to their issues and are contented to throw around the 8 million number as an all time high and fool themselves into thinking its the desert gods blessing. Its prospering enough for them.
in 1897, j.j. thomson discovered the electron.
this was the first constituent part of the atom which, for 2,000 years, was thought to be indivisible.
today, we know of 18 elemental particles following the recent discovery of the higgs boson, the so-called god particle.. back in 1897, most people believed in god because there weren't even any theories as to how the universe came into being.