JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Circuit Overseer's Cars - Anybody got the answers?
by The Searcher inatlantis provided a uk branch letter regarding a 3 levy per publisher to pay for the britain branch c.o.s 85 new cars.
with approximately 120,000 publishers in the uk, that will rake in 360,000. .
Has anyone noticed that the written review on here on jwn is usually only question and often has the same answer....? -
Circuit Overseer's Cars - Anybody got the answers?
by The Searcher inatlantis provided a uk branch letter regarding a 3 levy per publisher to pay for the britain branch c.o.s 85 new cars.
with approximately 120,000 publishers in the uk, that will rake in 360,000. .
In addition here in the usa the care are sold when the branch is done with them. There was a screen shot posted a few years ago of the advertisment on the elders side of jw borg -
Is homosexuality ever justifiable? I say YES!!!
by TimothyT inin the january 2012 awake, pages 28-29 there is another article about homosexuality.. .
the writers argue that genetics, the environment, and sexual abuse do not justify homosexuality.
the bible clearly states that homosexuality is wrong and is an abhorrent sin.
While i understand fundamentalists feel differently, this whole thread, including the tittle, make me say...... "meh"
why does homosexuality have to be "justified"? If two consenting adults of the same gender consent to a platonic, semi sexual or full sexual relationship why does that need anyone else's "justification"? Its feels like a struggle against people on this board who by and large arnt arguing against it in the first place. Again, i grant that the world has plenty of fundies to fight with on this topic but jwn just dosent seem to need convincing, by and large. Im sorry some felt repressed by the org, but then i was represed by the org as a heterosexual. I hope we all find fullfilling relationships and never again feel the need to justify it
this week's bible reading leviticus chap 19 - 21 - my opening remarks
by user100 inso.. some asshole visits another asshole but a mob erupts and wants to rape the visiting asshole.. the host asshole offers his daughter and the visiting asshole's concubine to appease the mob.. sure enough.. the concubine ends up gang raped and murdered.
in the morning the visiting asshole loads her up on his donkey, takes her home, dismembers her body into 12 pieces and sends it to all the tribes to incite war.. so an army of 22,000 is formed, some prick goes and asks jehovah if they should go and destroy the gang raping mob.. and jehovah says 'yes.. do it.
they go to fight and loose all 22,000 die.
Its incredible to me that i never before noticed just how calious and evil the man was... He forces the concubine outside and it basically appears he went to bed. He then wakes up in the morning and finds her slumped on the floor outside and is like "hey i know half the city spent the night raping you but its time to go!" When he see shes dead he dosent mourn her and bury her, he rides home and cuts her up.
She wasnt a person, she was property.
New "donation" arrangement begins to FAIL
by Tech49 inso here we are, almost a year into the "new" congregation donation arrangement.
and its beginning, as was predicted, to fail miserably, and to have direct negative consequences on the poor sheep.. let me give you a little experience, directly from our congregation of about 80 publishers.
back in may, after reading the letter about the "new" arrangement, the elder body decided to "donate" the extra funds on hand to wt, as directed.
Ive never heard of scanning the receipts and sending them off to the branch! I know locally (washington dc) thats not being done -
Governing Body Member Stephan Lett Lies On JW.TV
by Finkelstein ini thought it would be important to clearly point in the recent talk by governing body member stephan lett, that he did in fact deliberately lie concerning what he described as lies and false information by apostates, concerning the organization being permissive toward people in the organization who had been involved in pedophilia.
the truth of the matter is thats exactly what the organization has been doing and perhaps for a long time.
the recent candace conti law suit where she was awarded 28 million dollars was levied against the wts for its irresponsible behavior by the elders who gave no notification of the accused jonathan kendrick that he had been charged with pedophilia and spent months in jail for his actions .
And sir, i whole heartedly agree and said as much. i also concluded by stating that the common sense principle is in regard to action the CHURCH feels is nessary. Clearly the glaring flaw in this mess is that they feel the church preempts the law which wrong on every level. The two should be forever seperate and i said in my post and will say again parents are obligated to report abuse to the police before any local cult considerations, although they damn well should tell the local cult officials as well on the chance they will do something responsible. -
Governing Body Member Stephan Lett Lies On JW.TV
by Finkelstein ini thought it would be important to clearly point in the recent talk by governing body member stephan lett, that he did in fact deliberately lie concerning what he described as lies and false information by apostates, concerning the organization being permissive toward people in the organization who had been involved in pedophilia.
the truth of the matter is thats exactly what the organization has been doing and perhaps for a long time.
the recent candace conti law suit where she was awarded 28 million dollars was levied against the wts for its irresponsible behavior by the elders who gave no notification of the accused jonathan kendrick that he had been charged with pedophilia and spent months in jail for his actions .
Before i post this, i want to be clear one critical point: the policy regarding child abuse is abhorrent and dead wrong. Im not making any excuses for it...
now i will make an excuse .... The one aspect that is rational, IMHO, is the statment that there is a differance between a predator and someone who is technically a pedophile.
Case in point: locally there is a growing spanish population. Its not uncommon for an 18 year old to be involved with a 16-17 year old, usally an older boy, younger girl (but not always). Technically the older party is a pedophile... But is (s)he a predator...? I dont see it that way. There may be a matter of 6 months age differance, maybe a year. Its happened and that person, legally, was a pedo. The parents of the girl called the police and the elders had to report him to legal. Legal didnt classify him as a predator although he was delt with judicially as was the girl... My point is i actually agree with the distinction between two kids doing what horny teenagers do (even though one crossed the imaginary 18year old line) and a 50 year old guy preying on an 8 year old.
There needs to be some mechanism to distinguish, some common sense grounds to differentiate between the two cases and i support that common sense standard, which is what that church principle addresses. I also think every parent has the right and the responsiblity to call the police long before the local cult gets involved which is where i differ greatly from the church on this, but as to any action the church feels is nessary, a common sense differentiation between a predator and two hormonal teenagers is only logical.
Tight Pants Tony's wife wore a Sophia & Caleb Badge out Witnessing
by Listener inin the february jw broadcasting they show anthony morris the iii out witnessing with his wife during a convention.
she is wearing the convention badge and also a badge with sophia & caleb on it.
i find it very amusing and she is not even a grandmother even though they like to portray am as a grandfather.. here's what their 1990 w 12/1 says about movie stars.
Bull. Stuff. I would need to see that first hand to believe it... A gb member wife working in the laundry..... Maybe answering the phone
Tight Pants Tony's wife wore a Sophia & Caleb Badge out Witnessing
by Listener inin the february jw broadcasting they show anthony morris the iii out witnessing with his wife during a convention.
she is wearing the convention badge and also a badge with sophia & caleb on it.
i find it very amusing and she is not even a grandmother even though they like to portray am as a grandfather.. here's what their 1990 w 12/1 says about movie stars.
WC, while im not comfortable critizing someone on their appearance (beyond choices of clothing or hair style) i would point out that in my years of working in the laundry no GB members wife ever set foot in the place, let alone worked there. In fact, no heavy's wife worked there. The laundry was for newbies and the unimportant. Gb members wifes got very cushy "jobs". Jobs in the sense that they showed up but not much was expected and they were office type jobs where they essentially did next to nothing