JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Oh my..... I would suggest joining any group or religion simply for a romantic relationship is a bad idea. It sets the wrong tone and should clue you in on the shallow nature of your relationship but it is an especially bad idea in the case of jehovahs witnesses. Take some time and read over the site and the information posted here and decide for yourself but my view and my view only is that it would be a very very bad idea -
What happens when an elder bullys witnesses, both young and old
by fulltimestudent inmental and physical intimidation (bullying) while young increases the probability of mental illness as an adult.
that's the conclusion of a recent study.. "bullying may be more scarring than child maltreatment because while society recognizes child abuse as a serious problem, and supports its victims, people just don't see bullying the same way, wolke said.
"there're still people out there who think that bullying is a normal rite of passage you go through and toughen up, etc.," he said.but bullying leaves people with poor self-esteem and a lasting sense of distrust of other people, he told live science.
edited. Not worth it -
Golden Rule: Pure Garbage?
by willmarite inon another thread a poster made the comment that the golden rule was garbage.
she said it was arrogant and made assumptions.. i didn't want to derail that thread so i started another wondering if this is a common thought about this belief on this forum.
i guess i naively thought the value of doing to others as you want them to do to you was generally accepted as positive.. i understand people have different opinions of jesus as a person but i don't want to get into that here.
No you should find someone who will enjoy tying you up and spanking you -
just wondering, how many wives of elders had influence?
by sowhatnow inid wonder how many wives of servants had the upper hand so to speak, on issues, that of course, were supposed to be private, yet gee lets be honest, husbands and wives talk.
its nature.
so if you were a wife of a servant how much did you get involved?
As an elder i never discussed congregation buissness with my wife -
So who's going to the meeting in Baltimore tonght?
by ShirleyW ini'm sure some kind of arrangement was made, some of the uber dubs in a panic as to what they would do if the couldn't get to their meeting tonight.
probably bumped it up a few hours so they wouldn't be out at night for those that live in the middle of what's going on..
I have a 'friend' (wt style of course) who meets on mulberry st ( a double kh in the heart of the city). He said they cancelled because of curfew but it was up toocal bodies if they wanted to meet earlier, lots of "time of the end" blah blah.... They expect sunday meetings to be held for the benefit of the community blah blah blah -
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
While i largely agree with the point, i dont know anyone in prision for smoking weed. I know plenty who were in possesion of quantities large enough to be viewed as selling or distributing. I dont view marijuana as a hard drug or one that needs intense regulation bit as long as it's illegal people will go to jail. Dont break the law, change it. -
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
"They're demoralized. They turned up in large numbers and voted for Obama. Now what do they have to show for it?"
thus the futility of valuing people, politicians or not, on race.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
The irony here, villiage, is that freddie gray (the man the violence started over) is the catagory of the 99% percent cappy is citing.
He was a drug dealer, tried and convicted multiple times. He was in an open air drug market when the police started chasing him.
is it a true stat that 99% percent of people killed by police are guilty of something.. No way. Police can be corrupt and and they can and do abuse authority. But the case in ferguson and the one in my back yard most certainly are examples of cappys point. These are no Rosa Parks cases. These are bad people doing bad things and getting harmed in the process of police enforcement. I would NEVER suggest the police were innocent in his death or that he deserved to die, but he started the chain of events.
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
I agree with every word you wrote simon. -
Why are people burning their city to the ground in Baltimore? How doe Looting and Mob Violence Help?
by PokerPlayerPhil init's hard enough for businesses to enter these areas the government once had to offer up tax breaks to service them.
in watts, california it took decades for city residents to get a grocery store after the thugs burned their businesses to the ground.
you can see the insanity taking place, when you allow mobs and fools to burn building down nothing good comes from it.
I have a unique perspective in this case living so near baltimore. I have worked in baltimore, we go to dinner in baltimore all the time, hang out at the harbor etc etc...
Its foolish to look at riots that people presume involve white people (like the sporting events cited) and claim a double standard locally. the college kids at UMD riot all the time when the basketball team wins.... Amd you see and hear the the EXACT same calls for police presence. The hoodliums are most definatly called rioters, because thats what they are. They are arrested and prosecuted as they damn well should be. I live it every damn time they do it. I litterally clean up and repair the damage as a local utility worker. I will be in baltimore next week helping there....
it is definatly local kids doimg the majority of the damage but it is most certainly outsode agitators fanning the flames and inciting them to riot. Various groups (like the black panthers) were holding rallies a few days ago, the rumours of last night were brewing for a day or two in advance. It was so prevalent local police, emts and utility compaines were put on alert.
One noteworthy differance though, between fools rioting after a sports win and this civil unrest is the type of damage. The riots after sports wins involve damage to cars , they are know to set utility poles on fire and generally cause damage to property.... These riots, while causing damage to property also are causeing physical harm to people. Not acidentally or in an ancillary way. They are assulting people and looting buissness, something unheard of when local sports teams win. Also after ansporting event buissnes are never looted, at least not locally. It jist dosent happen like that....
This is ludicrous, it's embarrassing for me to say i live here and i hate the fact that im going to listen the locally dubbies cry about how this shows the end is near, as if the riots in the 1960's never happened.