I know what you mean about conditional love. I had a friend in one congregation I attended that I would do things with, email, go out to eat or the movies or just hang out and help her with yard work. As I started to fade she got more distant. When I stopped attending altogether, the social activity naturally ended, but I would still email and then her responses stopped. I point blank asked her about it once and her excuse was that friends are people with things in common and that since I no longer attended the meetings that she didn't feel we had anything in common anymore.
The ironic thing is that when we did do things together, we did not endlessly gush things about the Bible or the Society or "the Truth". We DID have things in common outside of religion, but to a JW, that is the only thing in common that is needed in order to have a friendship. That is so sad. Looking at it now, they cut themselves out from some meaningful relationships. I have some childhood friends that still will talk with me when they see me, ask my mom about me and my family, email periodically, and one even sent me a card when I was in the hospital a few months ago. But, gone are the invites to cookouts, movies, or whatever, because I don't have that one thing in common anymore. The thing is, I respect others' believes and I would not try to influence them (unless they wanted it) in any way, shape or form. But, in their eyes, I am evil and that evil would corrupt them. It is so, so sad.
I had a long talk with one old friend about unconditional love vs. the JW conditional love (because he wanted to talk about things, as he has been out and in the Borg....currently in) and he said he wouldn't cut me off, blah blah blah, as he was like my brother. But, we don't have the Borg in common anymore, so it's only a rare email or contact at funerals.
Sorry for babbling on and on, but this is a topic that really gets me going......the conditional love and friendship.