o you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization as his only approved channel of communication?
To be marked but not DF'd you'd have to answer the question "Yes,but..." then elaborate on the issues that clearly show the errors of the GB/WTS and remind them that being God's channel is no guaranty of correctness. Remind them of the errors of Moses and the Kings of God's ancient people. They will try to control the discussion and the language used. Be on the lookout for 'leading' and 'yes' answer questions and don't give them the answers their guiding you to (unless you agree with them). They will try to keep you on the defensive. Put them on defence by answering a question with a question. Don't let them get off topic or deflect it back to you to make you or your postion the issue. The Elders are trained to follow a script and use playbook strategies. They don't do well when they have to think on their own (they're not allowed to) Keep your cool but stand your ground.
Also are there other loyalty questions they might ask I should be prepared for?
Yes, but they are many and varied. Remember, Elders are trained apollogists. The GB/WTS is always right the dissenter is always wrong. They will not be having an intellectualy honest discussion with you, they will be parroting what they are told to say and acting the way they were told to act. Keep alert, keep calm, don't let them rattle you. Don't let them talk about 'feelings,' keep it intellectual based on FACTS. Delay the meeting until your prepared for it, don't let them pressure you to have the meeting sooner than you want to. Remember you have authority over yourself to tell them when you will sit down and talk...You pick the date.