And she's getting a book deal!! Geeeeez, wish I could be a big *itch, lie, scam people, and make oodles of dough off a sob-story novel. grrrr.
didn't she work in the clinton white house?
tells you something about government employees, especially democratic ones!
i wondered if she sabotoged the white house keyboards when the clintonista's departed?
And she's getting a book deal!! Geeeeez, wish I could be a big *itch, lie, scam people, and make oodles of dough off a sob-story novel. grrrr.
what are some of the worst songs you've ever heard?
here's a list of mine: .
the memory remains - metallica.
That stupid song that won all the Grammy's... "Hey Ya" or whatever. Whenever I listen to it, all I can think is, "our generation is in trouble if this is the 'best music'."
To each their own, I know. :)
i recently gave up studying with the witnesses after they told me off for going sailing with my family!
what a crock!
i said it was the easter long weekend and i needed to get away for a few days on the boat.
Welcome! -- and congrats on making a wise choice.
hi everyone, glad to be here.
i've been to and posted at a couple of other ex-jw sites.
thought i'd drop a line to you guys.
Just wanted to give a big ole WELCOME!
ok putting religious reasoning aside what is a rational reason why humans are viewed worth more than higher animals?
why is a human worth more than lets say a chimp, a pig or a cow?.
neurophysiological studies show that animals suffer probably just as much as humans....but similar to little children they cannot understand the pain and express it as human adults can.
I am a vegetarian.
... ehhhh I was going to type a long thing, but now I don't feel like it, so I'll leave it at that. ;)
its time we stop persecuting plant, by george!
plants have feelings too, only unlike dogs and cats, they cannot even growl, moan or whimper!
why for that matter, a poor helpless little plant can't even run away in fear ... they are forced to stand there as wicked humans - probably capitalists - pluck them up from their roots just to eat them - yuck!
Mary ~
LOL - That is funny. I'm glad it says "parody page" at the bottom... otherwise I would be scared.
i am currently dating a jehovas-witness, and have been for a while.
we have talked about marriage, but a lot of what i hear and read is that for her to marry a non-believer is frowned upon by others in the religion.
i am a non-believer of any religion.
It really depends, I think, on if she truly believes in it or if she is going to leave it.
I am a non-believer (like you, of any religion) and I married a Witness. When we met, he was an active Witness -- but in our earliest conversations he told me he did not believe in it and was just going to appease his family. He stopped attending meetings after we started dating seriously. He did not stop going BECAUSE of me, nor did I ever ask him not to go - it was his decision, and I was just there for encouragement. He fortunately was never disfellowshipped, so he is now just inactive and can still have a relationship with his family.
Yet planning our wedding was the most stressful time of my life because of that religion. We were not allowed to have Witness family members in the wedding, and many Witnesses with whom my husband was close refused to come. It was hard -- but in the end, wholly worth it!
So I guess my advice is this: If she is willing to put YOU first, then I wouldn't just run. But the problem is, if she still actively believes, she will not put you first. You should also know (if you don't) that in many cases, if she marries you and stops attending, she could be disfellowshipped and would not be allowed any contact with her family. Now, she is a big girl, so she should know/understand that. But if that happens, people will blame YOU. She might later blame you, and you might feel guilt yourself -- not to mention all the Witnesses who will blame you and cast you as Satan. It is a hard position to be in.
I don't think there's a clear right-or-wrong choice. Running like hell would probably be in the easiest option, especially (I think) if she will not put you first. In a marriage, YOU have to be her priority (and she has to be yours), not that crack-head religion. If she won't do that, then don't marry her... because you will not be treated right. However, if she will put you first, if you two are truly in that life-long love that you just KNOW you cannot leave, and if you are willing to put up with A LOT OF CRAP - then it is certainly your decision, and perhaps love will conquer all.
I know it did for me.
Best of luck, and welcome to the board.
why do you think people choose to join this religion??
I think when new studies are taught about disfellowshipping, it is some abstract concept -- and those imaginary beings who are theoretically disfellowshipped are worshipping Satan, using drugs, kicking puppies, and doing some heinous things -- so it is OKAY in the newcomer's mind that they would be expelled.
That is my purely hypothetical opinion. But it seems reasonable... they don't think of real people, of decent, kind, loving people getting disfellowshipped -- only some invisible, purely evil people.
My two cents, as always...
awhile back, i read one of those pages with questions to ask jws.
one question was something to the effect of: "can someone be saved by just reading the bible?
" -- and the page said the bible says that this is true, but (obviously) witnesses teach the obvious.
Azaria -
I don't think I worded my question very well. What I meant was, if you BELIEVE in the Bible, believe in the God of the Bible, believe Jesus died for your sins, etc -- read and wholly believe the Bible -- but NOT go to Church... then can you be saved.
I'm not religious at all, but I remember someone had written an argument AGAINST Witnesses' works-based salvations, and I wanted to pinpoint their support. Thanks!
awhile back, i read one of those pages with questions to ask jws.
one question was something to the effect of: "can someone be saved by just reading the bible?
" -- and the page said the bible says that this is true, but (obviously) witnesses teach the obvious.
Awhile back, I read one of those pages with questions to ask JWs. One question was something to the effect of: "Can someone be saved by just reading the Bible?" -- and the page said the Bible says that this is true, but (obviously) Witnesses teach the obvious. However, I can't remember what this page was or what Bible verse they cited as supporting Bible-only salvation. I'd like to know the verse and specifics on this ... I think it could be a good one to bring up if things ever get heated with the dubs I know. ;)
Thanks in advance!