Lol meditation is the least of my problems. We also talk about chi/energy flow quite a bit. Not sure how much of that I really believe in but it's doing a lot for me so why question it -- the boogeyman won't get me.
JoinedPosts by Mysterious
by Mysterious inobviously a no-no at least when i was a dub.
anyone had any experience with it?
i started doing it once a week with my tae kwon do club and find it not only useful for relaxation but it is a pretty taxing muscle workout and has increased my flexibility tremendously.
Just got my copy of "Crisis of Conscience"
by JimmyPage inafter finishing "combatting cult mind control" i decided to move on to the next logical book.
i've read the first 100 pages of "crisis of conscience" and it's gone by really fast.
now i know why this book is so important.
It was a good book (CoC) but I much preferred Combatting Cult Mind Control as CoC tends to go a bit too much into the technical details where I was more interested in how they ****ed up my socialization and self-esteem. I would still definitely say they are the big two. Psychology books in general are a big help as well though.
by Mysterious inobviously a no-no at least when i was a dub.
anyone had any experience with it?
i started doing it once a week with my tae kwon do club and find it not only useful for relaxation but it is a pretty taxing muscle workout and has increased my flexibility tremendously.
Obviously a no-no at least when I was a dub. Anyone had any experience with it? I started doing it once a week with my tae kwon do club and find it not only useful for relaxation but it is a pretty taxing muscle workout and has increased my flexibility tremendously. I have never had so much respect for an instructor -- she is about 50 years old and a complete pretzel in better shape than I have ever hoped to be.
How do you know if you're in love?
by LouBelle into be honest - i've never loved anyone - i'm talking about the romatic type here.
i have liked & been attracted to people....but love, nope.
i have no idea how to identify it.. looking at people in "so called" love today can be a bit deceptive, as what i have seen and still see to a great extent is 2 people .
Love isn't changing for someone and it isn't changing someone -- it is however constantly changing and improving the relationship for the better through open communication. Love is wanting to involve each other, spend time together and respect one another. Love is just wanting to fold yourself into someone's arms at night and know everything will be alright.
Technically no because that would be supporting gambling. However, who knows what they actually do in practice. Do you have a specific example you are asking about?
You're following the wishy-washy watchtower!
by Tired of the Hypocrisy instreet preaching at the 08 dc.
Of all the things to pick out the cross on a 1916 watchtower wouldn't be the one I would pick to hit home. Many will dismiss it as so long ago, new light etc. So many more modern scandals to raise the hackles on the neck. I applaud his courage and determination though.
New meeting arrangement - just over 5 months to go
by passwordprotected inat the recent dc the new meeting arrangement was mentioned just once, but not to give us further details on how the new meeting will be structured or how the r&f will be cared for.. .
instead the audience was urged not the second guess the gb, being advised to look at how well the spirit has directed the org up until now, so therefore it will do so into the future.. .
but the reality is the congregations are only just over 5 months away from this new meeting arrangement, yet they know little about how it'll actually affect them.. .
Wait, I'm confused. What are they changing?
Afraid of the end of the world?
by LearningMore ini am wondering how much of my anxiety about the end of the world is from the wt experience, and how much is just me.
i just watched wall-e, and while a cute movie, it really made me anxious.
scifi in general makes me nervous.
It's always the talk of peace and security in the middle east that does me in. Not that witnesses have a monopoly on the concept or anything.
I am at death's door...
by Princess Daisy Boo inwell, dot really, but i did have sidus surgery yesterday and i feel a bit lousy - i cant breathe through my dose, and my face is a bit puffy and pale.. flowers, cards all welcome, pm me for my personal address....
Ickies, I hope you don't wear glasses. My poor boss broke her nose in a fall and still hasn't quite recovered a few months later :(
Everyone give a big Welcome to Fern, she is one of our newest members
by StoneWall infern welcome to jwd!!!.
may your stay be a long and eventful one.
i too am a newly associated one so glad to have you on board.
You're among friends..formerly "the friends".