"it is now up to us me to make our my lives life the kind of lives life we I want to live"
My vote goes for personal responsibility. รพ
the current discussion of an ex-gb member has prompted me to ponder this question:.
just how much of our personal circumstances can/do we take responsibility for, and how much do we blame the wts?
you may have grown up as a jw, coerced into leaving early to pioneer, not go to university, have no kids, even stay single for the pursuit of singleness in the kingdom work to pioneer or go to bethel.
"it is now up to us me to make our my lives life the kind of lives life we I want to live"
My vote goes for personal responsibility. รพ
just wondering.
how many of you have kept any active jw friends?
i have a few i've known for years.
I keep my heart open to a few of them.
I never imagined that I would be on the outside looking in.
One day it might be them too.
If that happens, I'll be here.
i'm sitting at work today, listening to all the different "cliques" around me, typing here on these boards a bit (don't tell), and it occurred to me again that i just don't fit.. .
it seems like i don't "fit" anywhere.
i'm always on the outskirts of alot of "groups", always on the fringe, but never inside.
PG - :) It's okay dear.
I'm one of those kind of people too. On the fringe, always having a birdseye view.
I don't allow myself to get pulled into the drama - I got too much I want to do! But I enjoy absorbing what I can from (the lessons of) others. They teach me so well.
We do fit in .... Just in places other people often overlook.
It's okay... to be you. Celebrate your unique perspective. Not fitting in has its advantages. :)
wondering if some old friends might be lurking around these parts.
jws to get a meetup together?
i've tried voting for the "official" meetup, but they always get cancelled.. if yer out there, give a shout!
Thanks for the PM, Tina. I hope mine to you went through. :)
Reborn, too bad you moved away! We probably went to the same assemblies and such (Hawthorne, Romeoville, and old Ashland Avenue (a looong time ago)!
Logan, glad to know you're not too far away. I know of some others in the Arlington Heights area. I'm around the Algonquin/Crystal Lake/Dundee/Elgin area and would love to make some new friends close to home!
wondering if some old friends might be lurking around these parts.
jws to get a meetup together?
i've tried voting for the "official" meetup, but they always get cancelled.. if yer out there, give a shout!
Okay, how about Northern IL?
wondering if some old friends might be lurking around these parts.
jws to get a meetup together?
i've tried voting for the "official" meetup, but they always get cancelled.. if yer out there, give a shout!
Wondering if some old friends might be lurking around these parts. :) Or enough former/inactive/etc. JWs to get a meetup together? I've tried voting for the "official" meetup, but they always get cancelled.
If yer out there, give a shout!
i know more persons that are depressed than i know that are not.
whether a person was a witness or not, so many are affected with depression.
i've read here that many jw's were on either regular medication or silently accepted their depression with much prayer and tears.
I was diagnosed with clinical depression in my early 20s, a few years away from fading out.
The depression didn't disappear when I stopped being involved with the faith. However, the decreased demands of my time and energy from being a JW helped me to better manage the depression and take care of myself.
The biological imbalances weren't caused by the religion, but the anxiety and mental exhaustion that came with the JW schedule and expectations added to the heap.
a mouse whispered in my ear today that the may km was around... sincerely,.
district overbeer of the "faithless and indiscrete slave" class
I'm interested... thank you!
nope, not to to the board but to stuff i've needed to let go!
anyone who has dealt with depression and the internal effects of sustained negative emotions will understand this, i think.
its been a rough year, for many reasons, and i apologize to those whom ive not had the energy and emotional wherewithal to support.
I read the Celestine Prophecy a few years ago and the couple of books that followed.
I agree with your thoughts very much.
Sometimes we come across things that change our perspective on the bigger picture and make it easier for us... even if just for a little while.
in a recent topic someone mentioned how much they have drifted from god since they "left the jw's.".
as someone brought up in the org (inactive for several years)i have found this to be similiar in my case.
i don't know how much i believe the fan/plug analogy (remember that in the live forever book?
Thank you for the thought and effort you put into your response. I appreciated your thoughts very much.