actually no idea because I never celebrated it until like two years ago....
me........................johnny depp and michael j. fox.. what about you????????????
actually no idea because I never celebrated it until like two years ago....
we think you will like to hear of some recent happenings around bethel..
max larson:.
at 6:10 pm on april 29, 2004 a small group of workers met in max.
Ah, those poor Bethelites have to move. Well, at least they probably don't have much to move since they are totally poor, a box maybe two at the most. I hope they start pulling the plug on everthing, shut it down.
i was thinking about this yesterday and i was thinking that my state pennsylvania must have one of the highest concentration of dubs either in real numbers or per capital.
i'm just basing this on a hunch, no data to back it up.
also, this is where russel did get his start, kinda scary.
I was thinking about this yesterday and I was thinking that my state Pennsylvania must have one of the highest concentration of dubs either in real numbers or per capital. I'm just basing this on a hunch, no data to back it up. Also, this is where Russel did get his start, kinda scary. I'm curious if anyone does officially know what U.S. state has the highest dub count. I don't really ever remember the WT giving such figures in the year book or any other publication for that matter.
It just seems like every where I go, I run into some dub that I used to know, I think I may have to leave the state. So, if I move, maybe I could move to a state or other country for that matter that has the lowest dub count. I have heard that the Scandinavian countries are rapidly declining in numbers. Any thoughts?
well friends, i have some great news.
i have landed a job on maui, hi.
puternut is moving on......... as most of you know, i have been in wa, state for too long.
Maui is just amazing. That's where I got married and I hope to go back some day soon. Hopefully in about two years when i graduate and get my teaching degree I will be able to live there a few years. I know that they are desperate for teachers there and offer many incentives. I want to live in a quiet place like Hana on the one side of the island with black sand, somewhere of the beaten track. I wouldn't mind living there for a few years but I'm not sure if I would want to live there forever. Hey, even in paradise you can feel like you are stuck on an island.
you be the judge.
note: the preceding study article also shows an african man in ethnic dress reading the bible; this article concludes with a photo of the same african studying the publications.
an appeal to the sons of ham?.
The WT's crapy printing press that the Brothers don't know how to run was probably just off that day, end of story.
sorry if this is old news; but in case it is new, uh, news.... .
i just got off the phone with my mum.
she said that a 2nd cousin, who works in new york bethel, is coming to canada bethel for about three months, as part of the move of their largest print press to bethel canada.
I do find a Walkhill closing to be unrealistic for they did just spend so much money remodeling and adding on. Also, I'm not sure who would buy such a thing. A weird mix of factory type buildings, farms, and apartments. It would have to be some crazy cult like the Branch Davidians, oh wait a cult already owns it. I do think that that Walkhill must be losing it's advantages. Even when I was there in 2000, they were already starting to downsize some of the farming they did there. They have to be losing money on the whole farming thing, especially when you consider how cheaply you can buy food instead of taking care and housing hundreds and hundreds of Bethelites so they can make milk. Does that make sense?
i happen to bartend at one of those chain resturants, it's an ok job and is one of the few jobs that also allows me to go to school at the same time.
as with an service job, the workforce is very transient, including even the managers.
a few months ago we got a new manager that looked very familiar to me, like i had seen him before in my old jw circuit.
I happen to bartend at one of those chain resturants, it's an ok job and is one of the few jobs that also allows me to go to school at the same time. As with an service job, the workforce is very transient, including even the managers. A few months ago we got a new manager that looked very familiar to me, like I had seen him before in my old JW circuit. At the time I just shrugged it off thinking I was going crazy. The one night I did casually drop the JW issue in conversation with him in a group discussion of employees, in fact I think we were just discussing religion in general and maybe someone else brought up JW's.
Anyways, his response to JW's was one of disgust, in fact he made a joke about them saying something like he would shoot at them if they came to his door. This made feel more at ease. However, just last night I found at that he is a JW because the other bartender overheard him requesting of Tue. and Thur. night and the reason he gave was religions reasons, and then more specifically that he is a JW. The other bartender knows that I used to be a JW and that they can be damaging to your life so he asked the manager about it. The manager said he had been out for awhile but he was trying to make an effort to get back in.
So, one of my managers is a JW and he knows that I was a JW, what to do? I will tread lightly, but I'm sure it will come up in conversation. For one thing, as a manager he probably works 60+ hours a week, so I'm not sure how serious he is about getting back in and it is very hard to set your schedule. Plus, from previous conversations that we had, I would never have figured him to be a JW from the things he has said. Well, I think I see some informal witnessing in my near future
did you ever get into just doing random underlines and notes and all that on your study wt or books just to look like you?d studied it without ever having even looked at it before?
Actually, I found that when I was a WT reader, this was the best time not to have studied my WT. In our KH, the WT reader was on stage but to the side of the speaker with their own chair, (you had to stand up to read) and no one could see that you hadn't underlined. Maybe those in the front row could have noticed but no one ever sat in the first two or even three rows for that matter, so no worries. So, many times did I read the WT without a drop of preparation or underlining.
i'll start this post off by saying i love my wife, she has beautiful qualities and a sweet personality.
however i realize (and i think she does too, though she may not admit it) that since i left the org behind our goals and viewpoints are no longer unified.
as a couple we rarely fight or argue, we still have many of the same values but yet we have some issues that i know will never be fully resolved.
From your post it seems like you truly love your wife. However, you are a guy and curious about what lays on the other side, i.e. other women. For most of your life this feeling has been subdued by the WT and you are now just realizing that it is ok to think about other women other than your wife. It sounds as if you were raised a dub from an early age and never really got to experiment with other women, so naturally you are curious.
So, I guess the best case scenario would be if you could convince your wife that being a JW is wrong and that you don't want to get divorced but that both of you should take some time off. In other words, you should see some other women and maybe she should see some other guys, it needs to be equal. Then, in maybe a year if you both still love each other and are both free from the religion, you could both reconcile and live happily ever after. However, I don't see this happening so you should be prepared for the worst especially with children involved. Good luck!
well, in the effort to catch up to where i should be in life, i'm taking some extra classes during the summer.
i normaly love college but this has to be the worst summer of my life.
i'm taking a statistics class that is from may 26 to july 2, meets at 8:00 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. and is m through th every day.
Well, in the effort to catch up to where I should be in life, I'm taking some extra classes during the summer. I normaly love college but this has to be the worst summer of my life. I'm taking a statistics class that is from May 26 to July 2, meets at 8:00 A.M. to 9:40 A.M. and is M through Th every day. I'm also taking a Video MicroEconomics course that seems easier, and only has 3 tests and is nice because you can go at your own pace. The good thing about these summer courses is that they are at a Junior College and they will transfer in to my regular college without affecting my G.P.A. as long as I pass them. I haven't decided if I'm going to take classes during July and August, I might need a little break before Fall semester starts.
Anyways, cursed is my life right now because I probably would be enjoying my summer had I not been raised a Witness. Oh well, it could be worse I guess, I could still be pioneering, trying to get in my hours. Anyone else having a great summer or sucky summer for that matter?