I wonder if the Bro. Chin mentioned twice is the same Kin Suen (pronounced Ken Shen, he told me) who "served" our congregation in California in the early 80's - I found him somewhat unlikeable. Seemed to look down on some people, was actually rude sometimes to sisters who had prepared lunch for him - no patience for ordinary, imperfect people. But! His wife was the best C.O.'s wife I've ever met - Mary Jo from Laguna Beach. She would go on your return visits w/ you, and if she felt moved, would actually offer the householder money for this or that! What a likeable doll she was. So outgoing. I hope she is OUT and very happy. (Or in, and very happy - if that's possible!)
Sam Roberson and his wife seem to be universally liked, ever since he was a rather poor (financially) new, young C.O. He dresses much more smartly nowadays, and is just as loved.
Bro. Huckaby was great - and a good speaker, too. Always enjoyed his talks. Kind of spellbinding, in a manner of speaking.
Floyd Kite was really cool, but everyone knows that. Remember the earthquake talk....
I didn't care at all for D.O. Malaspina's talks. He was bombastic. Too high level of energy for too long a time on the platform. Very draining. And all about the Armageddon that never seems to come when they say it will....
Bro. Razor is an enigma to me - blasts and embarasses people publicly - from the stage during his ridiculously controlling and time wasting meetings for service at the K.H. - but then his talks were outstanding and humorous and vibrant and actually kind. Never could understand him. High energy in the Hall whenever he was there. Go figure.