I was getting that message too. I thought it was that Wacky Dave f**#*&g with the *new chick*!
Posts by bisous
What should I do if the Internet goes down ?
by Simon inevery year we grow more and more dependent on the internet.
but would you know what to do if your connection suddenly went down?
no one knows when the internet will fail.
Former JWs in Portland, OR looking for friendship?
by bisous ini'm new to portland and to this forum...would like to correspond, maybe do coffee?
40ish swf
married, any suggestions? I went to profile, edit, updated the birth date and clicked update. Is this how you got yours to work?
(Since Dave is being a snotnose O&C fart)
Former JWs in Portland, OR looking for friendship?
by bisous ini'm new to portland and to this forum...would like to correspond, maybe do coffee?
40ish swf
quit being a brat....fyi, i am not getting any error messages, when i look at my profile, it shows the correct birth date.......so what in hell could it be mr. smartypants (assuming you're not in your sequined gown 2nite)
welcome my eye, you're just being difficult and besides this is precisely the type of thing men were put on earth for....technical shat, killing bugs, lifting heavy stuff, and being the adoring recipient of our feminine wiles
Former JWs in Portland, OR looking for friendship?
by bisous ini'm new to portland and to this forum...would like to correspond, maybe do coffee?
40ish swf
i've done it at least 5 or 6 times ... ( try to set the age counter) for crissakess.......
crap, i'm smarter than this, i think i can i think i can...i guess i can't i guess i can't...i need HELP
and BTW O&C I want it all....brains and bod....besides, you started it... it was your snappy repertoire that caught my interest in the 1st place
Former JWs in Portland, OR looking for friendship?
by bisous ini'm new to portland and to this forum...would like to correspond, maybe do coffee?
40ish swf
ok...ok...wha'eva....don't experience the unmitigated pleasure of being taken advantage of ...
On to the next stage of being shunned
by CruithneLaLuna inif anyone can be said to have "asked for it" by their behavior, i suppose it would be me.
not only did i turn my back on the organization and walk away, but i got involved with "false religion," and wrose yet with neo-paganism and the occult.
(oooh, creepy!
I just realized it was pretty selfish of me to post about my situation without even a reference to Cruith's post and pain.
Be strong and feel lucky that your eyes are opened .... those JW automatons go through their brainwashed motions because that's what cult members do. With that in mind, don't let them get to you....next time don't open the door if you don't feel like dealing with it. You are entitled.
And I'm sorry I was so rude earlier. now that I have pulled my head out of my arse, I should be fine!
Good luck
On to the next stage of being shunned
by CruithneLaLuna inif anyone can be said to have "asked for it" by their behavior, i suppose it would be me.
not only did i turn my back on the organization and walk away, but i got involved with "false religion," and wrose yet with neo-paganism and the occult.
(oooh, creepy!
what do you all think of 'reverse' shunning?? my mother married into this cult-like religion when I was age of 5. Over the course of the next 16 years, in addition to the torment of the teachings, I was molested by the individual she married.
I broke free at age 23, and in the next couple of years she pulled a 'fade'. In the last 2 years she has slowly returned to the JW (secretly at 1st knowing my views). Once I found out, my anger grew to the point that now I am having nothing to do with her. The final straw was her continuing to mail me tracts after I expressly requested that she didn't. She continues to keep a foot on either side of the fence, maintaining contact with her brother and sister (non-JWs) and my 2 kids (19 and 22) proselytizing at every opportunity.
I am racked with guilt because my kids want their mom and grandmother to be friends ... 'like it used to be'... and I know it won't be that way. Eventually there will be weddings, etc. to deal with and I'll cross that bridge when I get to it....
but for now I choose to 'shun' her.
Former JWs in Portland, OR looking for friendship?
by bisous ini'm new to portland and to this forum...would like to correspond, maybe do coffee?
40ish swf
testing the age counter here...........
kinky, old and crotchety .... now there's a winning combination!! LOL.....
Mayhaps he doth protest too much?
I just realized something...
by LuckyNun inif i'd just pretended to have an anxiety disorder and had a few panic attacks while out in service, i could have been spared the horrors of theocratic ministry school and going out in service.
i would've missed out on a lot of field-service trips to edward's apple orchard, but i could have stayed at home and put off getting baptized until i had enough money saved from my paper routes to make a proper break for it!
why didn't i think of this ten years ago?
They didn't have the internet when the lights came on for me (from about age 11 or 12 till 21 when I kissed their arses good-bye)......quite an isolating experience in the 80s. Can't believe I didn't even think to look until now....duuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh....but then the last thing I've spent my time doing is try to think about JWs, WTS, KHs or anything else....until my mother decided to return to the cult.
Just lately it dawned on me to do a search on JWs, and lo and behold here you all were, waiting with your kind words, support and welcome!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((T H A N K Y O U A L L )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Former JWs in Portland, OR looking for friendship?
by bisous ini'm new to portland and to this forum...would like to correspond, maybe do coffee?
40ish swf
thanks! not trying to be 19days anymore, i've fought for and earned every year, trust me!!