Wow, what beautiful reminds me of every other assembly hall built in the last five years. Variety is da devil!
JoinedPosts by cypher50
New Puyallup Assembly Hall
by seattleniceguy inhey, look at me, i feel like i'm in the apostate cia.
apparently i'm still on someone's jw mailing list, so i was sent pictures of the newly remodeled puyallup assembly hall.
here ya go:.
Who Is Stafford & Are His Books Worth Reading?
by cypher50 inforgive me if i have the wrong author, but a long time ago when i felt like peaking in an 'apostate' forum .
are his books worth reading?
if so, where can they be obtained?
Forgive me if I have the wrong author, but a long time ago when I felt like peaking in an 'apostate' forum , I saw people mentioning someone by the name of Stafford. They kept calling him an apologist author for Witnesses...
Are his books worth reading? If so, where can they be obtained?
What Depresses You About Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus inmany persons express why they are angry toward the jw religion but what gets you depressed, just thinking about it, regarding the witnesses?
I'm fortunate that at 23 I have been able to find the real truth about the WTS...I don't feel depressed but rather pity for all those Bethel brothers giving away their formidable years because of the incorrect teachings & subtle thought-control techniques employed by the Society. Do I believe they are brainwashed? No, I grew up near Watchtower Farms and most of the brothers there were very thoughtful...but they have been told so many times that the world has nothing for them that they just seem to accept 'what mother tells them' without actually testing their doctrines.
Either way, I just pray that sooner rather then later the organization's teachings will be shown for what they are: BS.
Apostates - some common misconceptions
by truthseeker inas a follow on to my post on the feb 15th wt, guard against deception, i thought it would be interesting to summarize some common misconceptions the society has about apostates.. the society says .
satan has long used apostates in his efforts to seduce god's servantsi can only think of judas, and really, are we assuming that satan is influencing everyone that opens their eyes to this religion?.
apostates claim to worship jehovah, but they reject the visible part of his organizationapostates can worship jehovah.
Hmm....I think this goes to the root of the problem that the Society doesn't understand the true meaning of "apostate". Many of the books & sites labeled as "apostate" aren't espousing that Jesus doesn't exist or anything...they are condemning the actions of the organization itself. But since the regular JW won't even read/visit such books/sites because fear of
Godthe WTS, they will never know that unless they somehow resist all the fake circular doom teachings first... -
SEX talks at the sunday meetings
by wannaexit inthe last little while there have been many talks on sex at the sunday meetings.
it is sickening!
they are very explicit in nature.. don't they realize that there are many children in the audience that are not really ready to hear this particular information?.
I am also one who had to sit through a couple of talks dealing with sexual matters...and they weren't arousing in the least way. Well, I guess you can call the uncomfortable silence after the meeting between men & women as a form of recognition that it worked! :|
Trusting ourselves vs trusting the org
by Lady Lee inin my discussion with estee yesterday the subject of how the wts edits their own literature came up.
it wasn't until after i left that i began to realize the extent of these edits or that they even occurred.. an example i gave is how i could clearly remember having read something in a magazine.
i could recall clearly where it even appeared on the page even if i could not recall what issue it was in.
Somewhere on the board the other day I was reading how people fresh out of the borg have this insatiable need for information and read everything they can. I wonder if that need to learn is in part the need to dispel this lack of trust in our own minds and ability to think clearly.
That is an interesting statement considering that I am nearly done with my reading of Crisis of Conscience...after a single day (technically, I got it from the library yesterday at 3:30pm EST). I have never read a book produced by the WTS that showed so much love for its "enemies"...what really has gotten to me is R. Franz's last comment on how Swingle broke down and cried for him...
Back on topic; one of the biggest reasons for disassociating myself was how references & footnotes were either misconstrued or not noted at all. The Trinity brochure was where I first discovered it and unfortunately it was the case in every publication I could organization professing "the truth" should ever have to resort to such tactics.
Why act ashamed?
by CruithneLaLuna inreading about people's "fades," i was just thinking: what would happen if someone who was still regularly attending meetings took the opportunity, in handling an assigned part (ministry school talk?
), to announce briefly that they had spent several months investigating the wts's claims and had come to the conclusion that their conscience, and a course of personal and spiritual integrity, required them to leave the organization.
"so i am taking this opportunity to say goodbye, and that i hope that many of you will follow my example in undertaking an honest and open-minded re-evaluation of your faith.
The one thing I am glad about is that I found the strength not to fade. For some, family life could be destroyed though (never seeing children, spouses, close relatives) unless they fade...then again, that is what has happened with me. Still, I got a good 3 hour discussion with my brother and was able to put out all my feelings in that discussion...
And yes, I wish I had the opportunity to give a public talk like that one poster did. Awesome way to show your faith & conviction...and much better use of a #2 talk then the regular "oh, let me make up this outline in 20 minutes" variety.
What Makes You Read & Post On This Site?
by minimus inonce again, there's a lot of new people on this board as well as us "oldsters".
what was the original reason for you looking at this site and why did you make your first post?
and why do you stay here?
Curiousity, only place on the net where I didn't feel the posters were just 'bitter apostates' (now that I have looked more, that isn't the case in nearly any site on the net), and the need to talk to people who were going through the same type of situation with the WTS that I am going through.
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inalright i understand that this board is full of non-believers, maybe you believe in evolution(which btw i hate very much) or maybe you are a atheist.
and another thing i notice is that this board is very much against the jw's.
anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
I might not know alot of things in this life, but one day i do know is that you are suppose to love those who have harm you or others
Harm? Are you trying to assert that those who happen to find out all the flaws in the Society's doctrine, those who dare point out the child abuse coverups, those who make known the idiocy of the blood are trying to assert that we would harm you? So many DA'd & DF'd people here would probably love to see their Society friends & family to just say 'hi'...they don't want to discuss religion or spirituality but instead just want to see those who they care for. What kind of 'love' is being shown for those people? None...
Did You Ever Celebrate Birthdays Or Holidays As A Witness?
by minimus ini knew some that secretly celebrated thanksgiving, the 4th of july, christmas (the day after) new year's eve, and birthdays.
my family always had a turkey on thanksgiving and we might invite only close friends that we knew would not get stumbled.
My family always visited my father's side of the family for a reunion on New Year's (up till his death when I was 17) and for Thanksgiving (up till I was 12 and my mom 'made her stand' against it). I do miss seeing the family around New Year' is funny that as a JW you don't celebrate because of pagan origins but when you do celebrate then it doesn't have anything to do with paganism.