"we must support the arrangement"
what ever arrangement that might be, meetings for field service, going to your assigned bookstudy despite being assigned to a group all the way across town when there was one right around the corner etc..
i'll start.
"at least i know god's name is jehovah!
".......any others?
"we must support the arrangement"
what ever arrangement that might be, meetings for field service, going to your assigned bookstudy despite being assigned to a group all the way across town when there was one right around the corner etc..
everytime you go to an assembly or to a convention or the co pays a visit, there's always a call for people to pioneer.
they always drag out a couple of pioneers on to the stage and "interview" them.
the one question they always ask is if the pioneers have any regrets over pioneering.
I pioneered for one year and that was it for me. I did so horrible on the time that I was asked to discontinue (as I imagine I was bringing the average of the other pioneers down). Well after that I realized that whenever I felt like it, I could spend 90 hours in the ministry (trust me I never felt like it), and yet still be a "regular publisher". Point being, PIONEER is only a title, such lilke Manager or VP is a title in a corporation. Its there to distinguish, and for those with an improper view of themselves, its there to elevate.
TO be honest, so much time was spent driving from one end of the territory to the other looking for return visits who were NEVER home (why would they be, people have JOBS) and in the meantime we were passing people left and right on the street. I thought the point was to TALK TO PEOPLE, but it seemed like the sisters enjoyed talking (gossiping) to each other more. And that is why I question the year totals. How much of this time is really spent PREACHING? Even people who work on projects get to count some time in their hour total. Thats not time spent preaching, so don't present it as such! Misleading!
Did I regret that year? Yes. I did so horrible with the time (the quota was 90 hours, but I was doing about 20) that it led me into a tailspin and a depression that I never really recovered from. I felt like a failure, not good enough, and despite the fact that my 20 hours was TWICE the national average, I was made to feel like a complete failure and I even told the elders that I will never pioneer again.
to all lurkers, doubters, and curious ones.
you must be here for a reason, and that is why this post is dedicated to you.
i have attended a few meetings after being disfellowshipped.
Puternut: What a schedule of "theocratic activity" there!!!! And to think that its never enough. not encouraging at all. As a pioneer I faced the same task. How can I get all of this done, and still work so as not to be an "unnecessary burden"? I realized that I could not so I gave up pioneering, much to the disappointment of family. But it was the same family members that claimed I was doing "nothing to help out around the house" Years of discouragement set in after that.
Dustyb: How could I forget about that! Yes I am dead to them, but they are the spiritual deadbeats, feeding themselves on a very UNbalanced "theocratic" diet.
to all lurkers, doubters, and curious ones.
you must be here for a reason, and that is why this post is dedicated to you.
i have attended a few meetings after being disfellowshipped.
no ambition and no personal goals. only "spiritual goals" which never seem to be attained with the constant "do more do more" bashing. Makes for very unhappy people indeed!!!
did you love it?
were you in awe of it?
were you a true believer?
I had a sense of awe for 3 days out of the year (or 4 when I was younger). And then as soon as the convention was over and back to the routine at the home congregation, I'd just go along with everyone else until I woke up and realized I had a mind of my own.
I was never a true believer. Just good at pretending to be one.
to all lurkers, doubters, and curious ones.
you must be here for a reason, and that is why this post is dedicated to you.
i have attended a few meetings after being disfellowshipped.
To all lurkers, doubters, and curious ones. You must be here for a reason, and that is why this post is dedicated to you. (And everyone else too)
I have attended a few meetings after being disfellowshipped. Yes, although the act of df?ing was taken, I am not ?the disfellowshipped girl?, the plague, a loathsome disease that can be caught if I dare touch the microphone and pass it to someone sitting in the back row with me. I am a human being, a person, I am who I am. The onus is on you to figure that out for yourselves instead of letting a group of men influence your view of me. Yes, I am asking you to think for yourselves, something of course that the elders will not appreciate, but nonetheless you will be happier for it.
In my somewhat ?birds eye view? from the back of the kingdom hall, the row of banishment, I have come to notice things that I did not notice from the other side. You are the ones that are in, the ones who claim to have the ?spiritual paradise?, the ones who would never do anything to squander that precious privilege and end up in the back row with ?people like me?. So my question: Why don?t you look like it? According to the platform speakers, I am the one that?s supposed to be unhappy, long faced and downtrodden. However I look around and see some of the unhappiest looking people I have ever encountered. It makes me wonder, is this what you really want?
You may be wondering what does a d?fed person do now that they have ?cut themselves off from gods congregation?? Simply, I still get up in the morning, shower and go to work just like I did before. However the time freed up from not going in field service, and maintaining ?friendships? with people whom I had not much in common with in the first place, is spent on improving myself. I read more of what you would call ?secular? books, exercise more, and challenge myself to a greater degree. I am teaching myself another language, and I will be going to college (finally!). I am less critical and judgmental of others and because of that I have met some fantastic people, people that I would not have known otherwise if I continued to submit to the jw practice of labeling. Oh but according to the org, I should be doing all the things that ?worldly people? do. Perhaps that is what you expect when you pass me on the street, afraid to look me in the eye. I thought I was the one who is supposed to ?hang my head in shame?? Why are you doing that? Perhaps it is because you have searched for yourselves and could not find any scriptural basis for your actions?
It is now to the point of intrigue that I attend meetings. I observe and take notes of what I see and hear. I may very well put my observations completely in writing one day.
hey folks, i havent posted in a while, but this experience was worth telling.
last wednesday while at work (a family retail shoe store),.
an older sister from my last congregation came in to make a purchase.
One of the worst parts about being DF'd is to have the minor unbaptized children shun you because their parents tell them that is the right thing to do. You can tell that as children it is so against their nature, but they want to "please" their parents and jehovah. It is totally sending the wrong message to children (adults as well, but as was said, more and more are starting to lighten up on their stance) who in the next breath would be told to mind their manners and respect their elders by speaking to them. No wonder so many JW "wonder children" self destruct in their teenage years.
I did have a nice encounter however, a sister who owns a business that I frequent still treats me as the valued and loyal customer that I am. As long as we don't talk about the KH or "da troof". Fine by me as I didn't talk about such things before getting d'fed anyhow.
from our readers
awake august 22, 2003
faith under trail
LoverofTruth - right on the money with that one!!!!
" The most beautiful part of the article was his recollection of the vivid mental picture of paradise described..."
recollection? Vivid mental picture? what?!?!?!
comments you will not hear at the 2-8-04 wt study
wt quotes
?psalm 96:7,8.
I find it rather interesting that the WTS quotes various 'secular' sources to back their 'reasoning', however individual witnesses are not encouraged to do the same. They even went as far as to quote a professor of theology. As much as they tell us to be "students of the bible", what that really means is become students of WTS publications ONLY.
On the same token, if we were to use secular sources to make counterpoints to the WTS reasoning, we would be told that such writers, professors etc. do not have Jehovah's spirit and thus we should not be consulting them! Hypocrisy abounds in the WTS!
one rule that i never could understand is that if you were studying with an unbelieving husband, you could associate with him, even as couples, but if a person was considered a "weak" witness, it was best to avoid any association until that person changed......what dumb rule or belief comes to your mind??
oooh I just thought of another one...brother giving a talk must wear a white shirt...oh and the brothers handling the emblems at the memorial have to wear DARK (preferably black or navy blue) suit. one year a brother wore a dark plum color suit and was "spoken to"