So the $* is starting to hit the fan as far as our fading away goes. A friend approached my spouse and confronted her on our kids going to a birthday party. It turned into a long discussion and at one point the UN scandal came up and my spouse compared it to the brothers in Malawi who died rather than get a political card. Our "friend" said that those brothers were told they had to renounce Jehovah or their belief in Jehovah. Does anyone have any proof either way regarding this? I don't have my CoC book nearby to check it, so thought I would try here...
Posts by amac
Malawi vs UN scandal and the #$&* hits the fan
by amac inso the $*&# is starting to hit the fan as far as our fading away goes.
a friend approached my spouse and confronted her on our kids going to a birthday party.
it turned into a long discussion and at one point the un scandal came up and my spouse compared it to the brothers in malawi who died rather than get a political card.
Firpo Carr is now Michael Jackson's best friend
by Jerry Bergman inyou've got a friend in me it's billed as the most sensational trial since oj simpson's, but even if convicted of child abuse, one man will stand by michael jackson - dr firpo carr.
in la, the jackson family's 'spiritual advisor' explains how the star is the victim of a racist plot by robert chalmers
11 july 2004 .
This thread was already started at
How did you like being called a low life?
Charles T Russell -a freemason and the connection to the illuminati...
by dolphman inok, i'm not one for conspiracy theories but lately i've uncovered some interesting facts that i think warrant some attention.. first of all, russell was a freemason.
all the early watchtower and books he authored have freemason symbology and art throughout them.
not a big deal i thought, until i read more about freemasons and the so-called "illuminati", a group of 13 families that supposedly control the world.. supposedly these 13 families, such as the duponts, mcdonalds, kennedys, .
Here's a slant to the argument...even if he was a Freemason...who cares. First off the initial post was completely flawed in the history of the Freemasons, and second off, what is wrong with being a freemason? The Illuminati was seperate from the Freemasons in its formation, so most people who think that Freemasons are out to rule the world are way off.
by new light ini just saw on the local news that a jw i have personally met and whose family i know was arrested for child pornography.
he is only about 30 years old.
this is the second case in 2 months involving an arrest for a child sex crime within the same congregation (the man on the news actually moved away a few years ago).
I disagree... Ultimately the WBTS are responsible for those persons they decide to appoint to the position of Elder. If these people do not follow the WBTS directives then they could 'fire' the 'rogue' Elders if they wanted to.
That would still be after the fact. My point was, there is not a whole lot you can do to stop people breaking the rules AHEAD OF TIME. You can punish them afterwards and have the threat of punishment, but that is about it. In addition, how do you know that elders who disregard this policy are NOT removed or "fired?"
Nothing that happens in a local congregation is hidden from the WBTS.
Do you have anything to support this statement. It seems rather far fetched to me. The fact that they have to fill out "a lot of forms" certainly doesn't support it. -
by new light ini just saw on the local news that a jw i have personally met and whose family i know was arrested for child pornography.
he is only about 30 years old.
this is the second case in 2 months involving an arrest for a child sex crime within the same congregation (the man on the news actually moved away a few years ago).
Either way the entire "two witness" rule is so subjective it can easily be misused, even with the new additions.
Actually the society has made it quite clear that seperate incidents can be used for DFing. If it is misused it would have to be out of an elder's ignorance or willful deviance. Not a whole lot can be done about that.
As far as calling the police, I agree, but unfortunately the society only requires elders in states that legally require reporting to notify the authorities. In all the other states, they leave it up to the parents.
by new light ini just saw on the local news that a jw i have personally met and whose family i know was arrested for child pornography.
he is only about 30 years old.
this is the second case in 2 months involving an arrest for a child sex crime within the same congregation (the man on the news actually moved away a few years ago).
at this point there is no reason to believe JWs have more child abusers than any other group. But there is absolutely no reason to believe they have less either.
I totally agree...Actually that's not true. I did research on this and according to the Quotes website and the Elder Handbook the two witness rule only works on the SAME offense.
Stephoness -
Actually, they have changed that policy and now consider 2 seperate witnesses from seperate offenses as being 2 witnesses. I don't have any pubs at my fingertips, but do a search on the forum and I'm sure you will find it as others have posted it in the past I believe.
by new light ini just saw on the local news that a jw i have personally met and whose family i know was arrested for child pornography.
he is only about 30 years old.
this is the second case in 2 months involving an arrest for a child sex crime within the same congregation (the man on the news actually moved away a few years ago).
That is just sickening if he is guilty....
I don't understand the following comment though...
I've learned to expect anything from within the JWs. They have such a disproportionately large number of pedophiles.
How do you come to such a conclusion? -
23 yr old female teacher arrested for sex with 14 yr. old boys
by wednesday in
that is a link to the smoking gun.
the entire story is there.i read the arrest report.
Lady Lee - everything you posted earlier could be applied as opinion to ALL teenage sex. I agree that teenage sex should be discouraged for some of the reasons you stated. But I don't think it makes this crime any worse than, at best, statutory rape.
Here's an interesting point to discuss...
Statutory Rape is any carnal knowledge of a female under the age of consent, whether or not the female was a willing participant. HOWEVER, only some states include males under the age of consent in their definition of statutory rape. So in many states, what this lady did was legal.
23 yr old female teacher arrested for sex with 14 yr. old boys
by wednesday in
that is a link to the smoking gun.
the entire story is there.i read the arrest report.
well, we would call it abuse if the victim was a 14 yr old girl so why is the boy not abused?
I wouldn't! Not if the 14 yr old girl willingly was having sex! That's would be absolutely wrong but I wouldn't call it abuse.
23 yr old female teacher arrested for sex with 14 yr. old boys
by wednesday in
that is a link to the smoking gun.
the entire story is there.i read the arrest report.
Hey, we agree posts were in response to those who made it seem as this boy was victimized and was "abused."