Awesome letter!!!! I hope it gives her something to think about it and she doesn't just expunge the letter from her mind as "apostacy."
Posts by amac
A Letter from A Witness
by cruzanheart inone of my witness friends in england told a friend of hers out in service about how i'm not going to meetings anymore, what a shame, etc., etc., so this well-meaning little person decided she wanted to write me a letter.
i asked why, and she told me the story of this young man.
remember how i was able to leave the matter of my husband?s relationship with jehovah in his hands?
My friends's son is being held from her within the borg
by Jez ini am posting this for my friend.
she left her husband and the organization, is not df'ed, yet.
she was extremely close to her son, now 13, up until she left.
Unfortunately this is not exclusive to JW's...custody battles are a huge part of seperations and divorce. With out more details its hard to understand if there is a valid reason why her children are kept from her.
some JW's are craaaaazaaaay!
by jwbot inhere is an im conversation i had: <a href="">clickity</a>.
possibly the weirdest conversation i have had as her brain is totally flooded with hyper-doctrine and there is no room for anything else.
i tried to be real nice as i have a feeling of who that was.
Wow! A JW and conspiracy theorist! Poor guy sounds like a nut job...but then again it's easy to sound like a nut job through IM. At least he is willing to talk to an ex-JW...
Rutherford's wife, why the info blackout?
by VM44 inrutherford ruled the watchtower organization from 1916 to 1942, traveled extensively, had several residences, most notably, beth sarim.
but absent always was his wife, mary, not to mention his son, malcolm as well.. ok, rutherford was so well known, why did no one inquire about his son and wife?.
when rutherford resided at beth sarim in san diego, why was his wife not there with him?
VM44 -
Later, Rutherford filled in for a judge total of four (4) days. Some days he filled in there wasn't even any cases. From that little experience he took on the title "Judge" which he used the rest of his life. (Does the word "Pompose" come to mind?)
Can you say where you got this information from? I would love to be able to show this to JW's...but as we all know, anything posted on a JW apostate board is all lies...
Question... Do JWs shun Family?
by Sassy ini had a disagreement with xq in chat today, because he was trying to say that jws for the most part disobey the wts and still treat family like family even if they are dfd or quit being witnesses.. i don't feel that is true.
i think that the majority of us on here who no longer are jws have family members who no longer have anything to do with us and shun us.... so i said it would be interesting to take a poll and see how many here are treated just like all the rest of your 'loving family' who is a jw still.......are you treated the same?.
does family shun you for being df'd, da'd or no longer participating?or do they hide and talk to you but only when other active jws can't see?
Does family shun you for being DF'd, DA'd or no longer participating?
I am not DFed or DAed, just inactive. My family still associates with me. BUT, my sibling is DFed and was shunned by all of us (including me) at first. My parents have let up since then and now do things with her, even in public.
Celebrating Birthdays--Disfellowshipping Offense--Where stated in WT pubs?
by blondie inblondis is asking for help.
where does it state that if a jw celebrates a brithday that it is a disfellowshipping offense.
i have searched and searched.
I recently let our children go to a b-day party and one JW found out. The news spread like wildfire and that JW actually said that they would no longer associate with us (although they have since then.) We got lots of tearful phone calls (everyone knows we are inactive but this was sort of icing on the cake.) Not long afterwards we had an elder's visit. That was one of the first questions they asked...but oddly enough they moved onto other things and never really reprimanded us for the b-day. I think a lot of it will depend on how hardline your local elders are.
I never realized that about the Job account. Is there anything that definitely indicates it is referring to b-days?
Local Elder Comes By My Work & He Left Looking Discouraged!
by minimus inan elder that lives in the same area as my work came by and noticed i was waiting on customers.
he left and waited for them to leave.
then he came back in.
the best part is while you have then in your house and excuse your self for a few minutes. the call to 911 is free.
Except that 911 is for life threatening emergencies, unfortunately it gets flooded with calls that are not emergencies all the time...better to call the police station directly...
Please help! ( I have a question?)
by bsylva inmy question is this,.
and she loves me as well.
however i was baptised as a catholic as a child.
You would be surprised how many people come to this board in your situation. I think you will find that the most general response will be "RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!"
Seriously though, the Jehovah's Witnesses religion teaches that it is wrong to marry outside of the faith. The religion WILL be a division in your marriage unless your mate is determined to go against what she has been taught and put you and her marriage first.
Ghosts and Haunted Places
by desib77 ini'm really curious about this subject.
i guess i still tend to think anything strange that happens is demons.
now that i'm trying to be open about other possibilities i'm curious.. have you had any experiences with ghosts or haunted places?
I just read Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan. He's a bit of a killjoy, but an interesting read nonetheless...if you're looking for both sides of the argument.
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
Jared -
This is the first post of yours that I have read. Let me start by saying welcome and let me finish by saying WHAT A GREAT LETTER! And great responses from your father. It sounds like they truly do love you and want to do whatever they can to keep you part of their life. It seems like they are so close to seeing "the truth" really offers hope to people like me that maybe love CAN shine through the WTS bull$h%t teachings.
I look forward to reading more and using your letter for myself.