"In order to know truly understand the meaning of Sunday Meeting Preparation, one must undertake to study the very nature of the action that involves the taking of one Watchtower and one highlighter pen, and combining them to praise Jehovah God; this is done by a process known as underlining"
- This function, known as 'underlining' is taken from the Greek word "a'ga'unda'linae'pe" meaning quite literally, 'to underline' is a process of marking pre-prepared answers in a set text, as is the case in a word search or crossword puzzle.
Please Note: The Greek is the more ancient form of the word, which came into being prior to the invention of highlighter pens, at a time when one was not able to highlight and had to simply mark the answers by placing crudely drawn lines under the appropriate text.
- After around 1980 CE, the literal meaning of the "a'ga'unda'linae'pe" ceased to be a literal representation of the Greek when translated into English; which as we've seen, was due largely to the invention of the highlighter pen.
The english word to 'underline' is still in common use thoughout the world, even though true meaning is far out dated it remains deeply embedded into the psyche of organisation members.