I agree with Shamus. Tell them to fuck off and to Shizzle your Nizzle.
JoinedPosts by Globetrotter
by integ ini confronted my bro.
in law on why the co's assistant would accuse me of being on the "bad" internet web sites.
he has admitted telling the co guy because he wants to help me.
Witness World discussion about Demonic Influences
by DevonMcBride ini just saw this on witness world web site and had a few laughs.
how many of you were this pathetic when you were a witness?
OMG! This would be pathetic if it weren't so hilarious! Walking into walls of ice! Talking TV stands. Breeding illiterate paranoid nutcases is obviously one of the Society's core competencies.
Can they ward off Happy Belated Christmas Wishes I wonder?!
My oldest son's comment: "What is that, a declaration of celibacy?"
That is teh uber funny...
I will take Euphemism's point a step further and suggest to you that "if you had any expectations of having a normal...relationship with your girlfriend (as a wife), you might have to reconsider that."
My advice, though a hard pill to swallow, is to get out of the relationship. Forget it. Unless she totally rejects EVERYTHING about the WTBTS, the odds are overwhelming that you will ultimately be very unhappy. If she is willing to reject it all, then she will need a loving companion to explore the real world with her. In that case, you could be in for an awesome time as you learn to love life and grow together. If not, I predict that you will grow apart on so many issues that you will not be able to grow together as a couple.
Again, a very hard pill to swallow, but I am very sincere and firmly believe what I have written above.
Good luck.
baptisim questions
by Globetrotter inis there somewhere a published list of questions (with answers) that one must answer prior to baptism?
i am sick of my wife saying that only certain people believe certain things.
though she has been raised a witness, she has never been baptised.
Dank U. They seem to have changed the meaning several times. My understanding is that the original text referred to the time in which the sentence was spoken. The end was to have occured in the 1st century.
baptisim questions
by Globetrotter inis there somewhere a published list of questions (with answers) that one must answer prior to baptism?
i am sick of my wife saying that only certain people believe certain things.
though she has been raised a witness, she has never been baptised.
Thank you all. Blondie, your link to the PDF was perfect..
The questions from the Accomplish Ministry book are quite interesting?
To Point:
In the Kingdom of God section, question 6 asks How do we know we are in the endtimes,etc.. In the answer, they apparently still use the Matt 22:32-34 generation stuff as support. I thought they abandon that.
In the Christian Law section, question 2 asks whether Christians are under Mosaic law, etc. Col 2:16, 17 are quoted saying ?Let no man judge you in the eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the NEW MOON(!) or of a Sabbath?? etc.
Shouldn?t this negate their stance on blood, celebrations of birthdays, Christmas and the like??? Weird to me.
Having just scanned the questions, I have to say that I am mildly disappointed in that I did not find what I expected. While their choice of questions in some cases is interesting, every answer ?hint? was a quote from scripture.
What I was specifically hoping to find was something on the order of the questions I encountered when reading CoC? questions that Ray Franz RF had to answer regarding the ORGANIZATION, not so much the JW version of the bible story. I?m looking specifically for the watchtower references to the 1914 return, etc?. the stuff that must be believed.
Elsewhere..the quotes you have come up with are brilliant, proving that independent thought is not allowed, which implies that you must believe the "food at the proper time" excrement that is then handed out. I was just hoping more organizational doctrine was included in the baptism questions.
BTW, I have seen on the net that the JWs have baptized ?in the name of the father and of the son and of Jehovah?s spirit led organization.? Can anyone here substantiate that claim? Do they still do that?
Thank you all for the kind welcome and help,
baptisim questions
by Globetrotter inis there somewhere a published list of questions (with answers) that one must answer prior to baptism?
i am sick of my wife saying that only certain people believe certain things.
though she has been raised a witness, she has never been baptised.
Is there somewhere a published list of questions (with answers) that one must answer prior to baptism? I am sick of my wife saying that only certain people believe certain things. Though she has been raised a witness, she has never been baptised. I am trying to get her to see that you cannot separate the doctrine from the religion. For example, I am trying to tell her that if she is a witness, she must believe the 1914 return of jesus, and his choosing the bible students (whatever), and that the GB talks to jesus, etc. She MUST buy into it. She says that it is not true. She wants the children exposed to God and thinks that she can pick her way through what is right/good/bad etc,. of the watchtower teachings. She thinks the plumber, construction worker careers in lieu of college is a bunch of nonsense, but yet still chooses to believe other stuff. They have done a wonderful job of teaching people how to think, don't you think? In her position, it is wonderful to be able to use the 1975 "some overzealous brothers wanted to believe things that were not true" type of exuse when something doesn't suit her.
My point here is that if anything is wrong, then they cannot be what they claim to be: THE TRUTH. You must believe all of it. If not, then it is only logical that you reject them. I just can't get her to see it. So, I would love to see the list of 100 or 200 or whatever questions that one must answer before being allowed to be baptised. Perhaps that would shed some 'new light'.
Curiousity about current JW Views on going into churches
by Brymichmom ini've been following a thread on another forum where jw's are insisting that it is ok for them to go inside churches for weddings, funerals, etc.
they say it's quite ok to go inside any church just as long as they don't participate in the service by singing, praying, kneeling...etc...some of them say that they have seen "guest speakers" in churches who came as watchtower representatives.
when did this ever change?
Just some anecdotes..
My wife was raised a JW, but never baptized. She regularly attends meetings though. Our wedding was held at my parents house. Her parents did not come to our wedding, though one of her JW brothers (literal) and his wife did. One of the 'brothers' from their congregation came a day early to drop off a gift, but said they could not attend the wedding due to their beliefs.
While we were dating, she would attend Christmas mass (catholic) with my family. She would sit and stand, but nothing else. Oh, she never said any of the prayers at our wedding (I just remembered!). It was fairly 'generic' ceremony performed by the Episcopal minster father of a friend of mine.
Lastly, an acquaintance (the mother of a kid that plays violin where my kids do) asked her to visit her Baptist church one Sunday. She went, and the acquaintance in return attended a KH meeting. When a 'sister' friend of my wife found out that my wife had gone to a Baptist church, she told the elders at the congregation. Because my wife isn't baptized, the elders said they couldn't say anything to her. My daughter (11 yo) thought the whole thing to be ridiculous. Now my wife even denies it took place!
I really dispise these folks, the backstabbing and intellectual dishonesty they foster.
Looking for a link--need help
by Brymichmom ini once saw a website posted that showed a "real time" chart of religious bodies throughout the world.
it showed the numbers of each religious group and it actually would show the growth or decline in real time.
does anyone know what i'm talking about?
Wow! Look at the number of watchtowers near the bottom of the page!! Who can argue they are not a publishing organization?!
What Is God Doing?
by Satanus inwhat can you point to right now, that god is doing?
if he is maintaining the universe, can this be scientifically shown?
if he gives life to the newly firtilised egg cell, can that be scientifically shown?
I?m new here, and in fact this is my first post. I found this site about a week ago. While I will get my story up in the appropriate area soon enough (it?s rather long so it will probably be tomorrow), I felt compelled to respond to the notion that atheism requires one to prove the non-existence of god - that one must submit evidence that atheism is true. This is a misconception, and a fallacy of reason and logic.
Atheism is merely the absence of, the lack of, a theistic belief, with or without a conscious rejection of it. Nothing more. Atheism is not a rival belief system. An atheist does not assert the existence of anything. Proof is applicable only in the case of a positive belief system. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the theist to submit evidence to support his belief in the existence of god ? to demonstrate the truth of this assertion, not the other way around. If he does not succeed, then theism should not be accepted as true.
I?ll stop there. Don?t want to make a bad first impression . There are a lot of other topics I want to discuss.
Nice Hofner.
re: the thread topic - one might ask "The god of the old or of the new testament?"
(neat emoticons here!)