But these guys are pure and true believers. They truly believe that God uses the GB to direct the whole thing. They will not go against their God, like Korah. In their mind it is unthinkable that Jehovah is not in control of all these corporations and is using them as a united organization to get his work done.
True believers? LOL! It continually amazes/amuses me that former JWs persist in laboring under this grand delusion. The Brooklyn boyz believe "God uses the[m] to direct the whole thing..." about as much as Don Vito Corleone thought God was using him to direct the "spiritual interests" of his "family." Different hustle, different "godfathers," but all know they're racketeers, nothing more.
If there is ever a reform group it will come from outside the Bethel/Corp good-old-boy network. And the likelyhood of that is not very good.
On this I agree. And even among those outside HQ--- the racketeers running the satellite offices who know what's up but tell themselves and whoever'll buy it that they continue to "serve" in order to "help mitigate the harm" done their brothers---only some major seismic activity (s) in "Jehovah's holy mountain" that damages their lives personally would galvanize even a few of these "men" to action.