He is one lucky boy to have gotten away
I lived in alaska and there is alot of wildlife lots of bears.I noticed more animals there than any other place i have lived
if only those kids who pissed off elijah had been this lucky.... http://www.cnn.com/2004/us/west/04/27/bear.mauling.ap/index.html
He is one lucky boy to have gotten away
I lived in alaska and there is alot of wildlife lots of bears.I noticed more animals there than any other place i have lived
i fianlly have a copy and i'm going to stat reading it tonite.i'm excited and i need this knowledge from an insider..
I ordered it from the library yesterday I hope it doesnt take long to come.
if the librarian was a witness would she be allowed to order the book?
here is a picture of my wife i took a few days ago when we went up to the va mountains, about an hours drive from here.
the lighting wasn't very good but she still looks good, especially for a 62 year old.
most people thinks she is in her early 50s.. i'm one lucky man..
Very young looking.Whats her secret??
it seems that light skinned ex-ws speak out more against watchtower than people of a darker skin color.
what is your ethnic origin?
half welsh
half ukranian
oppression can never defeat a cult religion... all it does is create martyrs and cause others to dig in with even more conviction.. the only way to defeat a cult like the wts is through education... publicly show people the results of the wts's actions.
moscow to ban witnesses.
They love it. Now they can say how much they are hated and how that proves we are in the time of the end.
I agree education is the way to go.Send every JW a free copy of crisis of conscience
since jesus spoke about the "doing of good" towards (our) fellow man, it seems only reasnable that these humane good works would be pleasing as what might be termed as "christian-related" actions.
they would most certainly "build up" one another and promote the faith of christianity.
it's basically simple.
they feed everyone spiritually with their watchtowers of many flavours
do you have a favorite scripture?
mine is ecc 7:3 "better is vexation than laughter, for by the crossness of the face the heart becomes better.
ever realize you are a certain way and it just makes your face cringe?
Do not forget to entertain strangers for by doing so some have entertained angels unaware
what is really the most disturbing thing to me is that i really do feel that i was brainwashed in those 20 + years in the org--i mean seriously brainwashed.
i am not an idiot, but there were times that i look back on now where i was a radical jw, though this is not really my personality to be such.
i remember after assemblies (while greatly relieved it was over with aching back and all) i would feel different--sometimes i would start donating more money to the wt and at one point i seriously thought of puttingthe wt in my will.
I agree with Lady Lee
people make lots of sounds but it takes something special to make you go mmmmmm... what does it for you?
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is the sound you make when you are smoking your last cigarette before you quit
I mentioned that book Crisis of Conscience to the people I study with.You should have seen the looks on their faces,It was like I had said the most disgusting thing.
I have never read the book but I have a question.. Most witnesses have never read it.How do they know about it?? Has ther been a society acticle specificaly mentioning that book by Franz? I find it interesting that these ladies would even know this book existed