i went to the racetrak and spent a quarter
came back
They had been to racetrack and I have spold the one room
it is, of that j'ai with l'origine in the box he who wrote.. j'ai described of this you'd that everything receives totally.
to be burned of the foot of this small site of the web, of that the.
rule, that you write to d'enchainement for many to the diverse.
i went to the racetrak and spent a quarter
came back
They had been to racetrack and I have spold the one room
i have been saying numerous bad things about a "witness" these past few days, it's time to say something "good".. i am an artist and teach at the college level.
one of my favorite "genre" of art is "allegory", the reprentation of religious themes.
the "art work" used in the watchtower is of high quality.
that picture creeps me out
i am alternately enraged that the wts would again lay all responsiblility for their unhappiness back on the congregation, and encouraged that there are enough vocal members for headquarters to notice.
here are some questions back to the wts.the israealites waited 40 years for the promise.
how much longer must the "other sheep" follow you before they realize they are following the wrong shepherd?moses ran a gauntlet of miracles that pharoah could not match.
A humble person will be able to say yes to such questions
Is a humble person another word for brain dead
my wife is a jw.. i've been trying to point out the errors of the wtbts but she just doesnt want to hear it.. i'm wonder if some people could share your turning point in regards to your relationship goes.
with the society.
what made you realize that the society was false.
Nothing you say will make her change her mind unless she is ready
I have noticed when I try to discuss the untruths of the society their eyes literally glaze over and they become robot like.
What I do is prove using the watchtower. Show here the new doctrinal changes by using old watchtowers.
Of course they will use the "NEW LIGHT" tactic. but every little seed planted is a seed that may grow.
Good luck
doodle-v's thread regarding our own ypa questions got me thinking about this.
recall when we were past the "bloom of youth", and we could start the dating process (with only the possibility of marriage in mind, of course).
i was reminded again and again to look for that brother who possessed "spiritual qualities", ie, who could take the lead, had the goal of becoming a pioneer, or already was a pioneeer, etc.
Its nice to hear you have found your perfect mate. Makes life alot more enjoyable doesnt it?
I love him; he loves me. He treats me great. He is a hard-worker. He is honest. He respects me. He's a good kisser; he's a great lover
All the above for me too
We joke about that submissive stuff.He married the wrong girl if he was looking for that.He is a good jdub, but would be a happier xjdub
Thankfully he is open to my search for another better truth. which makes for a perfect marriage
i find that i do it a lot, often to do with politcal threads, i read some of the stuff people write and i want to rip into it so badly, of course because i know i am right all of the time and everyone else just thinks they are, so i write a post, then i read it and don't bother to post it... i figure, why destroy everyone elses illusions that they are right?
that just wouldn't be nice.. sometimes i spend a while writing a long post, then i just hit ctrl+a followed by space bar, and back in my browser... does anyone else do this or is it just me?
i am particularly interested to hear from other people who like myself are right all of the time but would feel guilty about shattering everyone else's illusions.
put yourself back in a dub's kids shoes and make up your own young people ask titles.. here's mine:.
young people ask:.
why do i have to go to these lousy meetings five times a week?.
what is the wt publication you hated the most?
why did you hate it?
for me, it was probably that damn pink great teacher book.
the paradise lost book and the creation book
what is the wt publication you hated the most?
why did you hate it?
for me, it was probably that damn pink great teacher book.
The article that bothered me the most was when they said if you work in a doctors office you must report to the elders
If a brother or sister comes to the doctor with a (questionable) problem.
That really scared me
hi i am new and this is my first post.
i would like to find out from a jw why the watchtower changed the wording in their baptisms.
please read the following and post a comment.
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah?s Witnesses in association with God?s spirit-directed organization?
Does this statement mean the organization is the holy spirit