Replacing mouse balls ...
... er, is this connected to silentlamb's challenge to
"those in HIGH PLACES"?
an e-mail my brother sent me.
please note i do not have balls.
>replacement of mouse balls.
Replacing mouse balls ...
... er, is this connected to silentlamb's challenge to
"those in HIGH PLACES"?
you seem like a smart fellow but you have jw rationalism imbedded in your brain.
you asked for an explanation and here it is:.
Hippikon makes some good points. I wonder what RexB meant when he spoke of Maximus' "well lubricated throat." Intimating something?
Not exactly an endearing comment. He says to Max, "you have JW rationalism imbedded in your brain." I thought he was joking, then I realized he obviously has not read Maximus posts.
Trilobite has it right.
has anyone ever written to the society,with evidence of misquotes, and asked them for an explanation of this?
or has anyone ever written and asked them why they quote and don't give the source of the quote?
if i did this, do you think i would get into trouble in the congregation, etc.?
For a very, very long time. Hanging on by fingernails, trying to keep sane.
Trying to avoid the bludgeon of shunning by friends and family, just for withdrawing, so I cannot say more.
has anyone ever written to the society,with evidence of misquotes, and asked them for an explanation of this?
or has anyone ever written and asked them why they quote and don't give the source of the quote?
if i did this, do you think i would get into trouble in the congregation, etc.?
Frankly the Writing Correspondence department handles a ton of mail like this. You are not writing "the Society," some kindly GB member or wisened elder. Letters are scanned, digitized and processed, with template-like replies that are generic and rarely specific. It may be suggested that you spend more time in prayer and personal study, that perhaps your faith is beginning to wane in Jehovah's organization. If a matter is unclear and they cannot explain it, there is a line the word processor will invariably drop in: "Adopt a waiting attitude like that of Micah."
Depending on the level of your comments, a letter may go to your body of elders from "the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses," formerly the Service Department, to help "readjust" you, humble tone or not. Of course it should not be wrong to ask questions, but by the new baptism vows you have joined an organization and should fully embrace its beliefs--all of them. That's their position.
The position is this: "If it is in print, it has the authority of the faithful slave and therefore is truth." They are the sole arbiters of truth. The President of the Society N. H. Knorr was fond of saying: "Once it leaves the sixth floor [press room], it is truth."
The distorted quotations are nothing new, they have existed for many, many decades. It's a shock to recognize them for oneself.
This is not to dissuade you, but to let you hear the voice of experience.
please read the following brief paragraph carefully: .
"once again, the ruling ecclesiastical class suppressed efforts to make gods word available to their flock.
they violently silenced a voice that pointed to some of the errors of their non-biblical beliefs.
Too bad they didn't make this article into a drama. "Kill Those Who Deviate from Truth."
questions and answers.
should dissidence exist among dedicated jehovahs witnesses?
Sure would like to see more discussion on this one.
questions and answers.
should dissidence exist among dedicated jehovahs witnesses?
Really thoughtful post, voltaire.
Gives you new insight into the days when the Aid to Bible Understanding book was being developed and WHY the need was seen to mould real Christians, by nourishing them.
Rules are for children, principles are for adults.
We are being treated like children. When truth is not one's own, but merely a reflection of another's conclusions, watch out. Not a very stable springboard for the organization.
Can't wait to get the marvelous new tool that is sure to be a dumbed-down TM School--several years down the road.
questions and answers.
should dissidence exist among dedicated jehovahs witnesses?
The dilemma I have faced for a very long time is simple but has painful ramifications to me personally.
Horn One: I go to the DC, hear it plainly stated that the top end of the hierarchy is made up of imperfect men. When "errors are made" and later pointed out--happens over and over--we are quick to say, "Well, just goes to show you, they are imperfect men. Jehovah has always used imperfect men, you know."
Horn Two: On pain of the ground swallowing up to kill me, I am expected to behave as though these men are infallible. There is no SEPARATE "faithful slave" that is perfect. It is these same imperfect men!
Now just who can I talk to? I may have some good persons in my congregation with whom I can let down my hair, but even that is hazardous. I have not seen for a very long time a circuit or district overseer with whom I would dare talk, although friends may pinpoint a particular person as being more "understanding." Who would you dare tell that you do not believe the Bible prohibits saving a pregnant mother's life when she is bleeding to death and TWO lives are at stake? Happened. Blood was secretly given.
This stifling attitude of squelching all personal thought is killing the organization and does nothing to form a mature Christian man or woman.
"The Medieval Church would have loved this." That's pretty good.
What next? Loyalty oaths? Another Inquisition? The Iron Maiden?
Any way you cut it, the JW attempting to be loyal is TORTURED.
those of us who used to be jws, i have a question for you: why would any of us think revelation has anything to say about the 21st century, or that we are in the last days period?.
when we left the jws, we did so because of their false teachings.
we saw through their faulty reasoning about why we are in the last days.
<The most recent dating due to new technology is that it was written PRIOR to 70CE.>
I'm sincerely interested in the new TECHNOLOGY you mention, because life-time experts current in this field have not come to this conclusion. One man's opinion is one thing, technology is another.
Gantry is the next step beyond Dispensationalism for Evangelicals, and if his arguments are correct, that leaves LaHaye and company in their current books out on a limb. This would be revolutionary.
My problem is with groups or individuals who get very narrow and exclusive, saying only they have found truth. Gives me the shivvers because of my background with the Watchtower society.
those of us who used to be jws, i have a question for you: why would any of us think revelation has anything to say about the 21st century, or that we are in the last days period?.
when we left the jws, we did so because of their false teachings.
we saw through their faulty reasoning about why we are in the last days.
:: Revalation was written in the mid 60's of the 1st Century. It was written in apocolptic language, and was fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem.
This is not the case at all, has nothing to do with Jerusalem's demise. Please check any standard textbook. The Revelation was completed A.D. 96-102, depending on which one you pick. A very different set of circumstances obtained AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem.