: Joining Mr. Shishlov at the briefing
"Briefing." That's correct as I've noted before. Part of his Public Relations job.
Now finished, Kaput.
The suggestion was given before to check this out by a simple telephone call.
i pulled this out of the "berry case evaluated" thread so my questions would not be overlooked:.
i just want to make sure i fully understand, as stated here as fact, that judah schroeder was never, is or ever will be, in any way, shape or form, a "representative" or "director" for any part of the wtbts; no matter what corporate name you call them.. what has he done and/ or what were his "duties"?.
please, a history of the man, if you will.. in appreciation, skally
: Joining Mr. Shishlov at the briefing
"Briefing." That's correct as I've noted before. Part of his Public Relations job.
Now finished, Kaput.
The suggestion was given before to check this out by a simple telephone call.
just wondering if anybody knows when the dateline program will air.
any set date yet?
GodRules, have a physician ready to attend to you when you see Dateline.
Rather than bring up the thread, here is information I know to be still authentic.
From Maximus on the Tally thread:
The producer of NBC's Dateline and I had a conversation this morning and this very issue was discussed. Everyone involved hopes speculation will cool, but human nature suggests it may not. A few authoritative points:
The program is rock solid, it will air; the date has not yet been determined. It is not yet in final form but shortly will be. You may reasonably conclude that the presentation will be adequate in length to cover very complex issues.
There is nothing any outside influence can do to change this, nor can it be shaped from without. A highly skilled professional, the producer frankly states some may be disappointed if they are expecting merely a vehicle for cult-bashing or dissidence per se.
It will be a very honest and careful presentation that will in my opinion have "legs," especially in view of the issues now capturing the attention of the American public; e.g., ecclesiastical privilege, judicial processes, some of the things discussed on this board. It may very well be an enormous catalyst for significant change.
To lighten up a bit, someone said it's been like grass: eventually it becomes milk. For some, this has been an intense labor of love for many, many years. You will be most captivated by the Dateline story's very human aspects. It is not the end, but a beginning.
My warmest, Tally,
Hope this helps.
i pulled this out of the "berry case evaluated" thread so my questions would not be overlooked:.
i just want to make sure i fully understand, as stated here as fact, that judah schroeder was never, is or ever will be, in any way, shape or form, a "representative" or "director" for any part of the wtbts; no matter what corporate name you call them.. what has he done and/ or what were his "duties"?.
please, a history of the man, if you will.. in appreciation, skally
Hi sKally,
I hope some idiot does not now claim Judah Ben Schroeder is gay. He has a lovely wife, but since when would that prevent some scoundrel like Mishna from making a slur against his fine reputation.
Judah Ben is the son of Albert D. Schroeder, who was the registrar of Gilead School for a very long time and is today a very aged and frail member of the Governing Body. There are many on this board who know Bert Schroeder including AlanF, Maximus, myself and at least a few others. As Alan said, there are many of us who know MANY at Bethel, which means absolutely nothing.
Judah Ben was in the former Public Affairs office (public relations) and his name appeared on some press releases relating to Public Affairs director Gillies of the British branch and other international press releases. His name and phone number (Public Affairs office) was given to the press. The department was then headed by James Pellechia. He was never over the international work, as was claimed. This Schroeder was never a director, not a director today, nor a likely future director of any of the many corporate bodies out there.
Both Pellechia and Schroeder were moved to other departments, and J. R. Brown was brought in. Schroeder has not held any position such as was claimed on the thread you mention. Alan and Max have given correct information.
It was rumored that Bert Schroeder was called on the carpet by other GB members for saying in a talk that "the grandchildren of some of you" in the audience could see the new earth. Please note, that is just rumor, but would be indicative that Schroeder has no special clout.
since dunsscot claims he's leaving this board, and in answer to my specific request for a committment to answer all replies i might give to his latest replies to my previous dissections of his nonsense he said that he would not, i won't be giving a detailed reply to him.. however, dunsscot's posts contain a number of statements that prove how easily the watchtower society fools the jw community by lying to it, either outright or in so many words.. in this post we will examine a fiction that the society has managed to get poor people like dunsscot to believe with respect to c. t. russell, namely, that russell never claimed that he was "the faithful and wise servant" of matthew 24:45. the simple truth is that russell did indeed believe it.
the fact that he did was printed in the watch tower, and the society itself taught it until about 1927.. let's first look at the context of dunsscot's denial of this important bible student teaching.
in the set of exchanges below, the reader can see that dunsscot is attempting to deny that jw leaders claim to be god's exclusive earthy spokesmen.
: The magazines have never claimed to be infallible.
That's the biggest laugh you've given us so far. Of course they have not so claimed. Neither does the Governing Body. Yet they expect and demand to be treated that way.
Try deviating from their teaching publicly ever so slightly. You will be disfellowshipped in the blink of an eye, or if you manage a spirited defense they will declare you have disassociated yourself by your profession of beliefs. I suspect you know that all too well.
May you never find yourself in the back of a darkened Kingdom Hall facing illiterate but nonetheless appointed-by-Jehovah's-spirit elders, who ask you if you truly believe the men on the Governing Body are God's instrument, his Channel of truth.
This whole QED thing clearly started as a posit that there should NOT be quibbling over words, rather Maximus asked you to provide the substance of what YOU believe, not the quotations of others. The way you have gone about beating and stamping this silly whose-point-of-view into the ground just shows you want to obfuscate, not to arrive at truth.
Not different from the Society whom you embrace and for whom you apologize so ineffectually.
the xjw mafia's attack on myself has progressed from underhanded insinuations of "trollism", to alanf's and farkel's failed attempts last week to label me a "wts troll", to yesterday's fullblown attack conducted by kent, tina, and even some of their buddies posing as new posters.
e.h. even accused me of being the same person as "utilitarian reformist".
This is not a thread to be buried. I picked up on some points in Maximus' last comments that rang chimes.
I do not want to judge Mad Apostate like a look at the cover of the book either.
:: he didn't merely suspend it -- he substituted another for it.
in our case here, therefore, god's telling abraham to kill isaac was by definition not murder.
: first, i am not sure what i believe in this case.
It's much more efficient nowadays.
Where does that $25 go today? Directly to the Society. Pioneer gets nothing. He didn't get rich before, that's true.
Do the math. Who gets rich today? Who gets double the money they used to, considerably more than they got from the pioneer??
yesterday, in this thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=9805&site=3 i spouted these words: happened to drag rays book, isocf from its hidding place in my car....at lunch time today.. i opened to any page, i needed to brighten my day like no other j-dub borg book, could ever do.. .
i found a deception for the many newbies, trolls and plants that have been visiting us here in spiritual paradise, aka:simons board .
i cant post it till tommorow, because i cant bring that book into the house while the j-dub wife is trolling around.
First rate, Zev! Well done.
If anyoe deals with any of their lawyers, you will find they not only deceive, they flat out lie on a regular basis - any time - with ease. Perhaps someone has a story of how they buy their way out of custody cases or otherwise just throw their weight around.
Later they wonder why our kids lead "double" lives, the Kingdom Hall life and then the normal one - secretive - not necessarily doing anything wrong, just normal.
We close our eyes to this war strategy at the risk of harming our conscience.
i would like to preface my discussion of the recently filed berry lawsuit with several remarks.
first, i am not an attorney, and my only connection with the legal profession is that which occasionally arises out of my personal or business affairs.
second, i have no access to court records, opinions, etc., other than what is available via internet search engines.
Don't want anyone to miss the information above.
:: he didn't merely suspend it -- he substituted another for it.
in our case here, therefore, god's telling abraham to kill isaac was by definition not murder.
: first, i am not sure what i believe in this case.
: Anchor, you thinking mechanism shut down. [SIC]
: His documented mental problems
It is not my thinking mechanism that has shut down, it is your Christianity and your moral compass. Have you no shame? At long last, have you no shame?
Supply the documentation or stand before us as the liar you are.
Edit: On second thought, I have no further interest in watching Mishnah/Duns preen any more. I'm out of here.
1. jane doe reports her suspicion to elders that her jw husband is sexually molesting their two daughters.
2. jw elders initiate an investigation.. 3. suspect husband denies the crime.. 4. children do not corroborate the accusation.
5. medical examiners do not offer any corroboration of the accusation.
I hope any lurking elders and traveling men read this very carefully. Bringing to the top.