Sounds like somebody has some issues, man.
JoinedPosts by particlesnwaves5
What if men had been in subjection??
by FlyingHighNow inwhat would the wtbts be like if women were the leaders and men were in subjection?
would women treat men better than men have treated them?would the org.
be so controlling?would women be happier?would men and children be happier?would the org.
What if men had been in subjection??
by FlyingHighNow inwhat would the wtbts be like if women were the leaders and men were in subjection?
would women treat men better than men have treated them?would the org.
be so controlling?would women be happier?would men and children be happier?would the org.
There is some island off the coast of ...Africa? where the roles of men and women are reversed. Men tend the children and the households and women take care of property/business and working outside the home. The documentary I was watching showed the men lined up dress up in costume and make up, waiting for the women to chose them. They also showed groups of married folk with the made up men sitting at tables discussing child care and the callousness of their mates while the women were at other tables smoking and talking business. It was like bizarre-o world. It seemed that the point was that men and women can slip easily into each other's roles. It is a matter of enculturation. One point made was that the women could be just as overbearing as the men in other societies. And the men could seem just as passive.
I don't think the wt society would be much better off with roles reversed. It is the foundation that the society rests on, that is the problem. Fundalmentalism and the results of too much power being in the hands of a few. And that the genders are set in opposition to each other--one subservient to another.
I think men and women are much more alike than different. It would be nice if we could all have an appreciation of each other and the power and ability all humans possess and appreciation for the biological differences that make us unique.
Power of the Mind?
by Frannie Banannie ini've been here on jwd since last august (?
)....i've read and posted and begun some threads that addressed beliefs in the paranormal and spirituality and i'm truly wondering seems paranormal or spiritual experiences (even my own) are the products of what we've been led to believe....or been taught to any of yall find this to be true for you?
i can even remember having a pre-borg "out-of-body" experience, simply because i read a book on the subject and consciously decided to do it..... if so, what does the possibility of retraining our minds to actually believe only good things for ourselves and our loved ones hold for the future?.
There is a book you might find interesting called "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. He proposes that the universe is holographic in nature and that physicality is just an illusion. The first part of the book discusses scientific research that would seem to validate his conclusions.
Holographic plates can be broken and yet each pieces contain the whole information of the image. MT proposes that we are like that--we contain the universe in side of us. That would explain things like out of body experiences; people are not really going out, they are going deep inside their subconscious.
He says our thoughts create our reality. This would explain alot of paranormal activity.
I would like to relate one experience I had while being a witness. A woman, that I was making return visits on, gave me an item that I took home. When one of the sisters noticed it, she mentioned that the woman who gave it to me dabbled in the occult. I prayed that night that if the item was demonized for Jehovah to let me know. That night I awoke to some type of tissue in the air like streams of cigarette smoke. I felt paralized and it took some time to be able to utter Jehovah's name. When I did the room cleared. Naturally, I got rid of the item that night.
But later, I began to question what I experienced, feeling that there must be some rational explanation for this event. Then I read that sometimes we awaken only halfway. That causes us to be paralized and this phenomenon lasts an average of eleven seconds. It can seem like an eternity when you're scared. I think this would explain alot of experiences that people have had.
You know, the Bible never explicitly says demons inhabit items--just people and animals. Really how reasonable would it be to think a demon could attach himself to a chair or a book, etc. I think the thought that demons inhabit items is just a religious superstition that preys on our minds. I just wonder how many other events people commonly experience are actually physilogical(sp?) events that are misinterpreted.
I think you do "magnetize" to you the things you are thinking about so it is important to keep a positive hopeful outlook. Expect good and it will come.
What will you say to God in your defense?
by fearnotruth22 in.
suppose god holds us accountable.
what will you say to him in your defense to plead you cause?
"I will not have to say a word. My heart will do my speaking for me." --S. F. Jim
Well said!
God knows we do what we know and what we can at each given moment. I don't believe an accounting is going to be called for.
The idea that everything in life is a pass-fail test is a man-made premise. The less we judge ourselves the less we will feel like judging God.
The concept of Good and Evil, God and Satan.... duality was from Zorastrian influence, trying to find a way to produce a system of ethics and explain suffering. But everything undergoes evolution. Look at the Bible. First the law and an angry jealous God. Then Jesus comes and the message is God is accepting and loving. First we have tents and temples and sacrifice and ceremony... then we have simple meetings in private dwellings. I think it is mistake to assume that we should do everything just exactly as the early christians did. We have evolved, our spirituality should too.
I have this vision that when I die I will go to some other realm and I will see persons there of all sorts communing with the great spirit. I even see Hitler there and other surprising figures. I look in bewilderment at the Great Spirit and the Great Spirit asks me "who are you to judge?" And then I feel a loving warmth and rush of understanding.
When you realize that this life is not all there is and that what we suffer here is a purification for our soul in the hereafter....that there is not good and evil but construction and destruction and that you can choose which way to go and that for every construction almost always something suffers destruction
and that destruction is really an impossibility but actually involves something changing from one form to another...
On the other hand, time is a mental construct. There is always nothing but the present. Flowers wilt and disappear and new ones bloom in their place. Have vision to see the beauty in all things.
The lion that lies down with the lamb is eating it.
When you realize that we are all one and everything in the universe resides in us there is peace to be found there. Until that realization comes and lives in one's heart there is only fragmentation, disconnection, and sorrow.
Why does anything exist at all?
by logansrun ingod or no god, why is there something rather than nothing?
why do elements have properties?
why does consciousness exist?
the short answer: Because it can!
I have been wondering the same sort of things for several years now. Remember when we had the "truth" and didn't have to ponder such things?! Life and philosophy was so much simpler then.
I think now it is cool not to have all the answers. To have things to ponder on. I think your original question is a great one to think about and discuss. It is one of the freedoms of not being stuck in fundalmentalist cultic thinking.
This is a interesting thought: "Sometimes I like to think that we all ARE God. Maybe God got bored one day and turned himself into the universe. He is playing hide and seek with himself. They say if you reach enlightenment through meditation you realize that we are all everyone and everything."--Segg --one of my friends says LSD will get you to that enlightenment alot quicker but I don't recommend it. You remember the hologram theory a few years back? That the whole universe is holographic...that a small fragment contains the whole universe? I feel there could be some truth to that. I was reading a interesting thought in a book about astral travel. The author gave the usual explanations and then said that it could be that a person is having the sensation of astral projection by going deep into his subconscious--that our minds contain the wholeness of the universe.
There is the principle of nonlocality that says two particles in space may actually be different views of the same thing or that there is communication between the two or that cause them to react or coordinate their movements...I hope I got that straight, I just like to physics major here...and that particles change into waves when being observed or vice do they know? Some sort of consciousness in everything. Sometimes I think Asian philosophy is light years ahead of western because of the teaching that everything is related and we are all a part of the whole...Western science seems to be backing this thought but I don't think the answer is to be found in one aspect of knowledge. I think you could find bits and pieces in Science: Cosmology, biology, physics, Philosophy, Sociology, Mythology*, Psychology, Anthropology...
*Mythology--the hero's journey: To the abyss and back with the elixor of truth and compassion. The heroine's journey: to find the strength with in one's self to be whole.
Our thoughts are powerful things. I think we see what we need to see and believe what we need to believe.
My own belief now is that we are in our current form for learning and for experience. We increase in understanding. I think there could be different levels of existence.
by particlesnwaves5 ini know this topic has probably been covered before many times but i .
had an epiphany the other night about it.
i was at a work group meeting and the subject .
"I like your username - is it a reference to the nature of electrons?"
Thank you. Yes, but after I made it up I thought maybe I should have went with "SuperStrings". Ha.The inner critic never sleeps.
by particlesnwaves5 ini know this topic has probably been covered before many times but i .
had an epiphany the other night about it.
i was at a work group meeting and the subject .
I know this topic has probably been covered before many times but I
had an epiphany the other night about it. I was at a work group meeting and the subject
for the night was "Progress--not perfection". I realized how perfectionism is ruining my
life. I think alot of it stems from being raised as a Witness. We were counseled always to be
perfect in love, in speech, in conduct, always to be unselfish, to never
curse, never react in anger, never waste time...and on and on. Personality development always and
to the max.
I have been wondering why so many areas of my life seem to be such a mess
and why I seem scarcely capable of remedying them. I think now it is because I expect
such perfection and precision from myself. Also, I am feeling a backlash from leaving the Witnesses: with
my own mortality in view, I feel the poverty of time to do work on the things that mean
so much to me. I feel the need to get things right the first time which makes me scared to
Persistance is the key to success. And that takes time and enduring many screwups--and learning from
them. I know that intellectually, but the sense of urgency ever present in my head
is hindering my ability to have patience.
But we are all enrolled in the earth school. We are sent here to learn. This develops our character in a
way that instant perfectionism never could. I am going to slow down and learn to enjoy the process.
Anyway, that is my thought for today. (: -
Who is leading this organization?
by Strawberryfieldsforever inwhen i was still a jw, i thought that god was really working through these men at the wts.
i trusted them and i believed everything they printed to us.
now that i am out for so many years and can stand back and look at the organization without a brainwashed mind, i really wonder who runs this.
What if there is no good or bad? What if there is only constructiveness and destructiveness and everything runs in cycles? I think the society is not so much evil as stuck.
They started out with some premises that they thought were right at the time. Time has proven most of these things to be in error. I think the organization is in a fix of its own making. It has set itself to be God's spokesman and now has to face the truth of its delusions.
I don't see how they can win any way they go. If they cling to outdated tradition people resent them and if they make changes people criticize them for see-sawing back and forth.
I guess if you call hurtfulness evil the society is evil. But I don't think many of the people associated with it intend to be evil. I think they sincerely believe in it as I did when I was a witness. Even alot of people at the top must believe or had believed in the past. I think a lot of witnesses are puffed with their own humility. They really believe that by disciplining others they can save them, and also protect the congregation. And by all means, anything negative must be swept under a rug so as not to stumble possible new prospects. Most of us at one time or another felt like protecting the org, was like protecting our own mother. It hurt to hear others question or put it down.
I think it is all too complicated to label it a fabrication of Satan--who is probably just a mythical creature thought up by ancient people to explain things they could not understand about life.
Often the most dreaded things in this world come about when there is intense fear and insecurity.
My dream about dying early.
by UpAndAtom ini had a dream in which i was in a large auditorium - it was crowed with many people... heck it was full.
then god walks onto the stage below and thanks us all for coming.
it was a light-heated meeting of sorts.. but also had the feeling of business-like efficiency.
PS. I am a newbie here of course. Can anyone tell me how to change the color of the text and highlight. I have right clicked and left clicked and cannot get it to change. For some reason it is set on red and yellow. Thanks.