It was great! I loved all the gamorous dresses! And it was funny when all four "Hobbits" were standing up on the stage. They were all the SAME height......and so cute!!
who watched?
who was the prettiest actress?.
i thought catherine zeta jones and liv tyler were so beautiful!
It was great! I loved all the gamorous dresses! And it was funny when all four "Hobbits" were standing up on the stage. They were all the SAME height......and so cute!!
argus leader, sioux falls, south dakota, tuesday, jan. 23, 1996. page 1. .
by carson walker.
argus leader staff.
You are a true "light" in the darkness. It would be wonderful if more ex-jws would do what you're doing......spreading the word about this insidious cult. The flip-flop belief of their organ transplant doctrine is so horrendous (and transplants should have been allowed in the first place!). I can't even imagine the sorrow and grief the family members must feel when their loved one was refused a transplant......and then......"Oh, we've changed our's okay to have one NOW". The WTS is responsible for so many deaths due to this evil doctrine (organ & blood)! And I'm sure they've NEVER apologized (as if that would help) or made restitution to the families of these victims! Many good Jehovah Witnesses have died needlessly. That is too sad for words.......
God BLESS you, Gary!
do you still believe in death's unconsciousness?
do you think we must live on somewhere, somehow?
The Bible talks many times about "Eternal Life" or "Everlasting Life", so that means even though our earthly shell (body) dies, our spirit will go on living. Your spirit is the REAL YOU, just housed in a fleshly body on this earth. Where you will spend eternity depends on you and the choices you make. Death is just a "cross-over" and not to be feared IF you know where you're going. God did not create each and every one of us just to become worm food when we die, and nothing more. Each person's life is God-given and it is ETERNAL. Our earthy life is just a FRACTION of it. Each person's life has a PURPOSE, and each person is born for a reason.
i was talking with my daughter-in-law (who is a jw) the other day and mentioned how much i was looking forward to watching the olympics this summer.
i could tell by her demeanor that she didn't share my enthusiasm for it.
do jws have something against the olympics?......or maybe it was just that she, personally, doesn't care for it.
I was talking with my daughter-in-law (who is a JW) the other day and mentioned how much I was looking forward to watching the Olympics this summer. I could tell by her demeanor that she didn't share my enthusiasm for it. Do JWs have something against the Olympics?......or maybe it was just that she, personally, doesn't care for it. Anyway, I was curious.....
Th anks,
you know the drill...... knock at the door...... i was expecting the engineer from hoover who was coming to fix my washing machine today, instead the second i opened the door, i somehow knew it wasn't him.
a young couple, pleasent looking and genuinely nice began the spill i have done so many times, and yet rather than say something, i just sort of froze, and went into the interested householder role.
i felt like i was in the tms again on the stage doing a presentation.
Opps! Sorry about the double post!
Scooby, I agree with Carmel. You are in a great position to help JWs see the falsehoods of the WTS. You have BEEN THERE and know it inside and out. What a thrill it would be to help someone out of the clutches of this cult! Start thinking of a strategy for the next time they come knockin'.
you know the drill...... knock at the door...... i was expecting the engineer from hoover who was coming to fix my washing machine today, instead the second i opened the door, i somehow knew it wasn't him.
a young couple, pleasent looking and genuinely nice began the spill i have done so many times, and yet rather than say something, i just sort of froze, and went into the interested householder role.
i felt like i was in the tms again on the stage doing a presentation.
if you do what kind do you have ?do you take them to shows?
we have a 1968 dodge charger,1969 roadrunner and a 1970 dodge challenger.
there is nothing like the old cars with the big motors and loud exhaust.
We used to have a '69 Camaro Z-28.....candy apple red with black stripes. What an awesome car that was!! But my husband sold it years ago...before they really took off price-wise (naturally!).
i am having one of those really down days.
things aren't going right.
i can't concentrate on my work, and i don't feel well.
Boa, I know you mean well and thank you, but right now I don't believe in Jehovah, since it's connected with the word Jehovah's witnesses. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth
I can understand how you feel, but the God that JWs THINK they are worshipping & serving IS NOT the true God of the Bible. Remember in the Bible how we are warned about people preaching "another Jesus" and "another gospel". The WTS is nothing but a counterfeit. They have some truth, yes. That's what a good counterfeiter does.....makes his "product" appear AS CLOSE TO the real thing as possible. Well, I'm sure you know that already. Please don't turn your back on the Lord......reach out and He WILL help you through this low valley you're in right now. Be encouraged, Nut.
will it be suggested at the khs that jws not see the passion of the christ?
besides not be nailed to a torture stake, what other things do you think they will disagree with regarding this movie?.
Yeah, Nos, THAT'S probably the kicker! hehehe
reading a number of posts here it seems like a fair amount of posters are still into and pushing the christian philosophy.
i would like to start a discussion here that objectively examines the evidence and not base a belief on "blind faith".
after leaving the jdubs, i have read a number of books over the past few years.
Of course everyone has the right to believe.....or not believe in God. It's called free will. But I've noticed some people "throw out the baby with the bath water", and turn away from God altogether. I understand the bitterness some people must feel after being "spiritually raped" by the WTS. But, didn't Jesus WARN us that there would be deceptive false prophets walking this earth? It's not His fault you chose the wrong path. You were deceived. Please think about this...... and don't let this cult come between you and a rich relationship with the Lord.