I feel looking back that it was all a farce the idea of brotherhood and lovie dovie BS from the Witness's point of view is for zombies who have found some sort of perverted nich. But what makes me real mad is how much time I wasted with my life and the life of my children, they could have found better friends much more loyal than the Witness's.
JoinedPosts by Cheetos
Did You Feel That No One Really Liked You?
by minimus inthe "brotherhood" is supposed to be all about love.
but did you feel loved or even liked?
I've got marriage problems
by mtsgrad inrecently i got married to the woamn of my dreams, mary http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/168824/1.ashx.
it was a whirlwind romance and i love her more each day.
we have spent some quality time together and this morning she gave birth to an ugly child!.
No brother, because when that boy of yours grows up he will look like me.
by Mary ini did some painstaking research and discovered that the christmas spirit is still being practiced at the highest levels in the organization:.
That was great simply bloody great, i sent it along to Witness friends of mine, it will beinteresting to see how they react.
Loseing someone dear to you is so aufull to go through more so when you don't exspect it. I lost my daughter from a doctors prescribing Methadone to her for a back ache, she died in her sleep because of it and there is not a moment that she is not on my mind. At that time I stumbled accross the Bible Students on the internet and read their view of hope for the dead it was a god send for me at that time.
Will I ever be free?
by Newborn ini've only been out since july and i fear i'll never get rid of hearing the wt voice at the back of my head.. for those of you who have been out for many years, do you feel you are totally free from them??.
I hear that bloody voice still and its been 14 years, I just say up your giggy.
This board is full of hot air
by mtsgrad inhi friends.
i have been mentally stimulated many times by reading exciting threads.
my only problem is words are sometimes not enough.. .
Oh god the best place to hook up with a babe is in a chat room like AOL or Yahoo, the women I am married to now I ment on Yahoo. Hootie Hoo
Charles taze russell had an affair
by jacethespace inso what do you think did charles taze russell get a divorce because he was having an affair with the maid ?.
here is a news report from the new york times in 1909 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9d07e6da1031e733a25752c0a9649c946897d6cf.
just click on the free pdf document and read.. it says charles russell was divorced by his wife for kissing the maid.but when russell is asked about it he says he doesnt know why his wife divorced him.. intresting article.. .
Even if it was true, so what, most Witness's and people at large have had some trim heack he was only human.
Merry Christmas from the Watch Tower & Golden Age!
by cabasilas inhere are scans of several pages from the watch tower and golden age magazines (1908-1926) for christmas.
these, of course, are from when the jws celebrated christmas and are very pro-christmas.
the file, about 4.5 mb, can be downloaded from:.
Cawshun you hit the nail on the head good work. this is why I respect the Bible Students of today they have not changed at all and they have not let some drunnk sway them.
Do any of you have Seizures of any type to contend with ?
by Cheetos indo any of you have seizures of any type to contend with?
if so what type do you have and what do take to control them?
after falling from a roof i have a hell of a time with them.
I remember back in 1997 when I was still going too the kingdum Ball :-) in my area I asked if it would be ok if I sat in the second school because of my partial seizures that were trigered at that time by movement of bibles fans and so forth, the elders said no, so that was the end of my going to meetings. So now after I got away from that cult I feel like I can breath a little easyer by not being put under the stress those fools put me under.
Feeling Guilty for "Bad" Thoughts
by snowbird ini remember a circuit assembly where two young ladies who had recently graduated from hs were interviewed.. they went on and on about how they didn't participate in certain aspects of the graduation traditions because they'd done research and found some to originate with paganism.. they claimed that even marching into the auditorium and doing a sharp turn arose from some occultic practice.
i sat there and thought, "i'll bet those school officials were glad to see the last of you two heifers!
i was immediately smitten with guilt that i could think such a thing.. now, i laugh and shake my head at the idiocy of it all.. sylvia.
Trainning up your kids to be a mental pin heads is really not helping them, if I could go back in time to kick my own ass I would do it.