What bunch of excrement, if you really want to know the future get hold of me after I have downed four pitchers of Bud.
JoinedPosts by Cheetos
News Flash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by TooBad TooSad inmy wife excitedly told me that she talked to the wife of an elder that just came back from.
the special training for elders in upper state new york and that the elders are being told .
to go back to their congregations and to get them ready for the great tribulation.. i said to her that is great news !!!!
Why a college education is bad
by TooBad TooSad inat our recent butt numbing, mind dulling, sleep inducing district assembly on saturday morning there.
was a talk where the speaker said that we are going to make a list that shows the contrast between.
jehovah's organization and satan's organization.
What a bunch of dopes, is that why their attorneys are so highly educated who most are also witness's, what a bunch of Mallet Heads.
Re- registered to vote
by Quester55 ini can no longer be among the ranks of the whining, complaining and naysayers who do not vote in our national elections.
what individuals choose to do according to free will is their own business.
i heard soeting somewhere that has continued to prick my consciense for a long time.
If stupid old Rutherford says not to vote or have a birthday cake or do anything else, well all I can say is uncle Joe go pound sand. The only thing I can agree with him on is to have one more drink of "Old Crow".
Why JWs avoid sharing in toasts vs. wikipedia
by song19 inso i stubled on the following image on gbletters site.
you have to love how the watchtower uses circular reasoning quoting from older watchtower articles to reinforce their points.
i thought i would have a look myself to see what the toast signifies and its history this was very surprising.
The Witness view of not toasting is the most stupid thing I have ever head of. It is one more example of seeking as much control of peoples everyday freedoms as they can, do I hear the word cult in the distance and can I hear a amen. I am surprised they have not put restrictions on what hand you wipe you rear end with and if you fold it more than three times its considered demonic.
Sitting her forgetting it all.
by Sparkplug intrying to remember what it is i have been supposed to be doing since monday.
don't have a clue.. my daughter ran away and all her stupid ass friends are not giving her up.
the police are looking and nothing.
Your daughters ok, she will call you I have been there and gone through what your going through.
Have you ever caught Elders in compromising situations?
by Cheetos ini ran into two of them at a (r) rated violent movie during a very boring assembly once, i knew them and they knew me i didn't give a dam and they knew it, they seen me go out and i seen them go out of the theate so we were all even and grinning all the way back to events center.
That would be great if we could host a karaoke party at the hall for all the brothers and sisters, and the GB would would send a letter of comendation for such loving activitys.
Name Things JWs Would Do If The GB Told Them To
by minimus inthis could be veryyyyyy interestinggggggg.
They would divorce and get married again or just divorce, if the GB said that if someone threw rice at them it would NOT be aceptable to god.
Do JWs Shun You?
by minimus inrecently, i've heard from various jw family members that either i am viewed as "close to being an apostate" because i had made some comments suggesting that the fds is clearly wrong on many issues over the years or that i "have left jehovah" and therefor by my new way of life, i must be shunned.
while visiting my dying non jw uncle in the hospital, i was told outrightly that it was wished that i never showed my face and that my mere presence was objectionable and that since i "left jehovah", they could not talk to me any longer.. their viewpoints saddened me because they said all this in front of my uncle who can barely respond to anything.
his reaction: he cried his eyes out!
Not me anymore" because "I Shun Them First" so really, they can't honestly say they Shun me if I Shunned them first.
Name Things JWs Would Do If The GB Told Them To
by minimus inthis could be veryyyyyy interestinggggggg.
This thread makes me think of them cheese danishs they used to sell at the assembleys, remember um yum yum.
Have you ever caught Elders in compromising situations?
by Cheetos ini ran into two of them at a (r) rated violent movie during a very boring assembly once, i knew them and they knew me i didn't give a dam and they knew it, they seen me go out and i seen them go out of the theate so we were all even and grinning all the way back to events center.
I think to top them all off I ran into a Elder and his non witness wife on a fun bus on its way to a Casino in Wendover NV, they were up front and I was way in the back with my feet on the back of the seat in front of me drinking a high ball, we were all playing Bingo.