Self-defense can be violent, but that doesn’t legally make me an assailant for not being the victim
Sadly, it does in the US. Or rather it can be be construed that way. In other countries they may give you a medal of honor, maybe but not in the US. Like I stated previously, have fun defending a civil lawsuit or criminal charges against a prosecutor who has zero interest in justice and just wants to win. You have zero idea what you are up against. Wises thing to do is to surrender your money when being robbed and to use the least force when being attacked even if someone breaks into your home. If your actions are not based on fear but on anger as you post appears to show, that will be used against you. because you will definitely be sued if you hurt someone and the DA will also evaluate the force you used.
One example is Bernie Getz who was definitely being mugged. At first he was hailed a hero but then look what happened to him. He was being robbed by many assailants and used deadly force —but he was angry. So he got himself into a legal mess.
Another recent example is a father who saw his child being segsually assaulted and killed the guy. Now he is wearing an orange jumpsuit. There are tons of others. At the very least it will cost you tons of money. Obviously, if you truly are in fear of your life and can’t get away, then using force to defend yourself may be your only choice even if costs you all your money to defend legal proceedings and even if you wind up in jail. In the US criminals have rights too. Let’s say you set up a device to trap someone breaking into your property and someone with criminal intention breaks into your property and is injured by your trap, you may be held civilly and criminally liable. Lets say someone breaks into your home at night with you inside and you unalive that person, you may also be legally liable. Lets say you have a sign saying beware of dog and someone is bit by your violent dog, you may be legally liable. If you don’t like US laws, that’s the way they cut the cookie. Don’t call me fishy face because you don’t like good information.