Hi Smid!
in this day and age to beleive in a GOD simply because "it" doesn`t make itself known ,doesn`t communicate and expose itself , and simply prove to humanity of it`s existence ?
That is a different subject. The point is that something with dynamics and drive and description must always have existed—so what can we conclude from that?
Regarding empirical evidence of God, I answered that in another one of your threads. I for one can only know something is real not by logic but by measurement by counting the money like the apostles who saw and spoke with Jesus or seeing Lazarus resurrected or speaking with an angel like Zechariah spoke with Gabriel. Proof like that would convince my mind same as I would take a measurement that something is real. What would you conclude from that? Speaking to a Witness would convince me but only if I took a measurement myself could I testify. What would you do with proof from God Smid?